2019학년도 9월 모의고사 고3 전체분석자료
♕ Ving
1. Feeling frustrated, she began to think about giving up on the race.
2. Over and over, Emma imagined herself running smoothly and breathing easily.
3. About thirty minutes later, she found herself crossing the finish line with a big smile on her face.
4. [명-주어] Leaving little to no time for ourselves or for the things that are important to us can lead to unmanaged stress, frustration, fatigue, resentment, or worse, health issues.
5. [명-주어] Building in regular "you time," however, can provide numerous benefits, all of which help to make life a little bit sweeter and a little bit more manageable.
6. Unfortunately, many individuals struggle with reaching goals due to an inability to prioritize their own needs.
7. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi suggests that the common idea of a creative individual coming up with great insights, discoveries, works, or inventions in isolation is wrong.
8. Csikszentmihalyi's point is that we should devote as much attention to the development of a domain as we do to the people working within it, as only this can properly explain how advances are made.
9. In 2008, American food and wine critics teamed up with a statistician from Yale and a couple of Swedish economists to study the results of thousands of blind tastings of wines ranging from $1.65 to $150 a bottle.
10. 1950s critics separated themselves from the masses by [명-전명] rejecting the 'natural' enjoyment afforded by products of mass culture through judgments based on a refined sense of realism.
11. For example, in most critics championing Douglas Sirk's films' social critique, self-reflexivity, and, in particular, distancing effects, there is still a refusal of the 'vulgar' enjoyments suspected of soap operas.
12. But reprocessing has proved expensive and can exacerbate the problem of disposal rather than [명-전명] assisting it.
13. Learning English by watching movies, he soon managed to translate his jokes for the American audience.
14. Starvation helps filter out those less fit to survive, those less resourceful in finding food for themselves and their young.
15. The motor vehicle industry initially denied that cars caused air pollution, then claimed that no technology existed to reduce pollution from vehicles, and later argued that installing devices to reduce air pollution would make cars extremely expensive.
16. Among the most fascinating natural temperature-regulating behaviors are those of social insects such as bees and ants.
17. In other words, each issue calls forth somewhat different identities that help explain the political preferences people have [전] regarding those issues.
18. Modern psychological theory states that the process of [명-전명] understanding is a matter of construction, not reproduction, which means that the process of [명-전명] understanding takes the form of the interpretation of data coming from the outside and generated by our mind.
19. For example, the perception of a moving object as a car is based on an interpretation of [명-전명] incoming data within the framework of our knowledge of the world.
20. The development and improvement of transportation was one of the most important factors in allowing modern tourism to develop on a large scale and become a regular part of the lives of billions of people around the world.
21. Many people who struggle with difficult emotions also struggle with eating problems.
22. Emotional eating is a popular term used to describe eating that is influenced by emotions, both positive and negative.
23. People of any size may try to escape an emotional experience by preoccupying themselves with eating or by [명-전명] obsessing over their shape and weight.
24. The huge recent federal deficits have pushed the federal debt to levels not seen since the years immediately following World War II.
25. The rapid growth of baby-boomer retirees in the decade immediately ahead will mean higher spending levels and larger and larger deficits for both Social Security and Medicare.
26. All of these factors [동] are going to make it extremely difficult to slow the growth of federal spending and keep the debt from [명-전명] ballooning out of control.
27. We become aware of this desire when the event of being physically capable of [명-전명] reproducing is joined with the events of [명-전명] participating in a committed relationship, the establishment of an adult pattern of [명-전명] living, and the assumption of job responsibilities.
28. These differences in attitudes and values lie at the root of [명-전명] conflicting management strategies and stimulate protest groups such as the Chipko movement.
29. Compensation in the form of [명-전명] planting on terrace edges occurs to make up for the clearance.
30. In turn it is likely that as they tell each other their already edited stories, there is a second process of [명-전명] editing whereby what they both hear from each other is again interpreted within their respective family of origin's construct systems.
31. The two sets of memories ― the person talking about his or her family and the partner's edited version of this story ― go into the 'cooking-pot' of the couple's new construct system.
32. She may protest or attempt to rewrite this version of her story, thereby possibly adding further material that Harry could use in this way.
♕ Ved/PP
1. There are two locations [분사구-수동] designated for donations: Adams Children's Library and Aileen Community Center.
2. Our days [동] are filled with so many of the "have tos" that we feel there's no time [분사구-수동] left for the "want tos.
3. Leaving little to no time for ourselves or for the things that are important to us can lead to [형=분-수동] unmanaged stress, frustration, fatigue, resentment, or worse, health issues.
4. Belief that the wine is more expensive turns on the neurons in the medial orbitofrontal cortex, an area of the brain [분사구-수동] associated with pleasure feelings.
5. In 2008, American food and wine critics teamed up with a statistician from Yale and a couple of Swedish economists to study the results of thousands of blind tastings of wines ranging from $1.65 to $150 a bottle.
6. 1950s critics separated themselves from the masses by rejecting the 'natural' enjoyment afforded by products of mass culture through judgments [분사구-수동] based on a [형=분-수동] refined sense of realism.
7. The process of taste-making operated, then, to create hierarchical differences between the aesthete and the masses through the construction of aesthetic positions contrary to the [형=분-수동] perceived tasteless pleasures of the crowd.
8. This is now causing its own problems as storage ponds designed to store a few years' waste become filled or overflowing.
9. One avenue that [동] has been explored is the reprocessing of [형=분-수동] spent fuel to remove the active ingredients.
10. Some of the [형=분-수동] recovered material can [동] be recycled as fuel.
11. Although its share was less than 50% in each of the three years, the group of university graduates aged 22 to 24 accounted for the largest single share in those respective years.
12. In 1996, the share of the group of university graduates aged 18 to 21 was 7.7%, and the share of the same age group was 6% in 2001.
13. In 2007, the [형=분-수동] combined share of those who were 25 to 29years old and those who were 30 years old and over [형=분-수동] accounted for less than 50% of that year's university graduates.
14. Initially a concert musician, Victor Borge soon developed a performance style that combined comedy with classical music.
15. When the Nazis invaded Denmark in 1940, he was performing in Sweden, and a short time later managed to escape to America.
16. Learning English by watching movies, he soon managed to translate his jokes for the American audience.
17. At the age of 90, he still performed 60 times a year.
18. Not all organisms are able to find sufficient food to survive, so starvation is a kind of disvalue often found in nature.
19. The chemical industry denied that there were practical alternatives to ozone-depleting chemicals, predicting not only economic disaster but numerous deaths because food and vaccines would spoil without refrigeration.
20. The motor vehicle industry initially [형=분-수동] denied that cars caused air pollution, then claimed that no technology existed to reduce pollution from vehicles, and later argued that installing devices to reduce air pollution would make cars extremely expensive.
21. Similarly, when famine and civil war threaten people in sub-Saharan Africa, many African-Americans [동] are reminded of their kinship with the continent in which their ancestors originated centuries earlier, and they lobby their leaders to provide humanitarian relief.
22. Modern psychological theory states that the process of understanding is a matter of construction, not reproduction, which means that the process of understanding takes the form of the interpretation of data coming from the outside and generated by our mind.
23. While the interpretation of simple objects is usually an [형=분-수동] uncontrolled process, the interpretation of more complex phenomena, such as interpersonal situations, usually requires active attention and thought.
24. Technological advances provided the basis for the explosive expansion of local, regional, and global transportation networks and made travel faster, easier, and cheaper.
25. This not only [형=분-수동] created new tourist-generating and tourist-receiving regions but also prompted a host of other changes in the tourism infrastructure, such as accommodations.
26. Emotional eating is a popular term used to describe eating that [동] is influenced by emotions, both positive and negative.
27. Ever since the first scientific opinion polls revealed that most Americans are at best poorly [형=분-수동] informed about politics, analysts [동] have asked whether citizens [동] are equipped to play the role democracy assigns them.
28. However, there is something worse than an inadequately [형=분-수동] informed public, and that's a [형=분-수동] misinformed public.
29. We become aware of this desire when the event of being physically capable of reproducing [동] is joined with the events of participating in a [형=분-수동] committed relationship, the establishment of an adult pattern of living, and the assumption of job responsibilities.
30. That is, under increasing population pressure and growing demands for cultivable land, the conversion of forest into cultivated terraces means a much higher productivity can [동] be extracted from the same area.
31. What each of them will remember is selective and coloured by their family's constructs system.
32. In turn it is likely that as they tell each other their already edited stories, there is a second process of editing whereby what they both hear from each other [동] is again interpreted within their respective family of origin's construct systems.
♕ To
1. Thank you for your question about [의+투=명] how to donate children's books for our book drive.
2. She started 명[to] feel better.
3. "Further, spending all our time with others doesn't give us the ability [형] to hit the reset button and relax.
4. Leaving little to no time for ourselves or for the things that are important [전명] to us can lead [전명] to unmanaged stress, frustration, fatigue, resentment, or worse, health issues.
5. Unfortunately, many individuals struggle with reaching goals due [전명] to an inability to prioritize their own needs.
6. Alone time, however, forces you to take a break from everyday responsibilities and the requirements of others so you can dedicate time to move forward with your own goals, meet your own personal needs, and further explore your personal dreams.
7. For instance, if the great Renaissance artists like Ghiberti or Michelangelo had been born only 50 years before they were, the culture of artistic patronage would not have been in place to fund or shape their great achievements.
8. In 2008, American food and wine critics teamed up with a statistician from Yale and a couple of Swedish economists to study the results of thousands of blind tastings of wines ranging from $1.65 to $150 a bottle.
9. They found that when they can't see the price tag, people prefer cheaper wine to pricier bottles.
10. This refusal again functions to divorce the critic from an image of a mindless, pleasure-seeking crowd he or she has actually manufactured in order [부] to definitively secure the righteous logic of 'good' taste.
11. Critiques of mass culture seem always to bring to mind a disrespectful image of the feminine to represent the depths of the corruption of the people.
12. This is now causing its own problems as storage ponds designed to store a few years' waste become filled or overflowing.
13. One avenue that has been explored is the reprocessing of spent fuel to remove the active ingredients.
14. Although its share was less than 50% in each of the three years, the group of university graduates aged 22 to 24 accounted for the largest single share in those respective years.
15. The second largest single share of university graduates in each of the three years was held by those who were 25 to 29 years old.
16. In 1996, the share of the group of university graduates aged 18 to 21 was 7.7%, and the share of the same age group was 6% in 2001.
17. In 2007, the combined share of those who were 25 to 29years old and those who were 30 years old and over accounted for less than 50% of that year's university graduates.
18. When the Nazis invaded Denmark in 1940, he was performing in Sweden, and a short time later managed to escape [전명] to America.
19. Learning English by watching movies, he soon managed to translate his jokes for the American audience.
20. In some circumstances, it may pave the way for genetic variants [진주=명] to take hold in the population of a species and eventually allow the emergence of a new species in place of the old one.
21. For every toxic substance, process, or product in use today, there is a safer alternative ― either already in existence, or waiting to be discovered through the application of human intellect, ingenuity, and effort.
22. The motor vehicle industry initially denied that cars caused air pollution, then claimed that no technology existed [전명] to reduce pollution from vehicles, and later argued that installing devices [전명] to reduce air pollution would make cars extremely expensive.
23. The pesticide industry argues that synthetic pesticides are absolutely necessary to grow food.
24. In fact, many animals decrease their activity in the heat and increase it in the cold, and people who are allowed [수동+5V보] to choose levels of physical activity in hot or cold environments adjust their workload precisely to body temperature.
25. For instance, when issues arise that touch on women's rights, women start 명[to] think of gender as their principal identity.
26. Similarly, when famine and civil war threaten people in sub-Saharan Africa, many African-Americans are reminded of their kinship with the continent in which their ancestors originated centuries earlier, and they lobby their leaders [전] toprovide humanitarian relief.
27. The development and improvement of transportation was one of the most important factors in allowing modern tourism [5V보] to develop on a large scale and become a regular part of the lives of billions of people around the world.
28. Most of us have a general, rational sense of [의+투=명] what to eat and when ― there is no shortage of information on the subject.
29. Emotional eating is a popular term used [수동+5V보] to describe eating that is influenced by emotions, both positive and negative.
30. Individuals who struggle with obesity tend to eat in response to emotions.
31. Ever since the first scientific opinion polls revealed that most Americans are at best poorly informed about politics, analysts have asked whether citizens are equipped [수동+5V보] to play the role democracy assigns them.
32. Our misinformation owes partly to psychological factors, including our tendency to see the world in ways that suit our desires.
33. The huge recent federal deficits have pushed the federal debt to levels not seen since the years immediately following World War II.
34. All of these factors are going to make it extremely difficult [진목=명] to slow the growth of federal spending and keep the debt from ballooning out of control.
35. Projections indicate that the net federal debt will rise to 90 percent of GDP by 2019, and many believe it will be even higher unless constructive action is taken soon.
36. A central component of this attitude is the desire 명[to] care for others.
37. For the majority of people, parenthood is perhaps the most obvious and convenient opportunity to fulfill this desire.
38. We become entrusted to teach culturally appropriate behaviors, values, attitudes, skills, and information about the world.
39. Perceptions of forest use and the value of forests as standing timber vary considerably from indigenous peoples to national governments and Western scientists.
40. Compensation in the form of planting on terrace edges occurs to make up for the clearance.
41. This contrasts with the national view of the value of forests as a renewable resource, with the need or desire 명[to] keep a forest cover over the land for soil conservation, and with a global view of protection for biodiversity and climate change purposes, irrespective of the local people's needs.
42. As a couple start 명[to] form a relationship, they can be seen to develop a set of constructs about their own relationship and, in particular, how it is similar or different [전명] to their parents' relationship.
43. She may protest or attempt [형] to rewrite this version of her story, thereby possibly adding further material that Harry could use in this way.
♕ Being/Been
1. She couldn't remember ever being so exhausted.
2. For instance, if the great Renaissance artists like Ghiberti or Michelangelo [긴동-완수] had been born only 50 years before they were, the culture of artistic patronage would not have been in place to fund or shape their great achievements.
3. Radioactive waste disposal has become one of the key environmental battlegrounds over which the future of nuclear power [긴동-완수] has been fought.
4. But in countries where popular opinion is taken into consideration, no mutually acceptable solution [긴동-완수] has been found.
5. As a result, most spent fuel [긴동-완수] has been stored in the nuclear power plants where it was produced.
6. One avenue that [긴동-완수] has been explored is the reprocessing of spent fuel to remove the active ingredients.
7. As a result, the availability of transportation infrastructure and services [긴동-완수] has been considered a fundamental precondition for tourism.
8. It's one thing when citizens don't know something, and realize it, which has always been a problem.
9. Such factors, however, can explain only the misinformation that has always been with us.
10. We become aware of this desire when the event of being physically capable of reproducing is joined with the events of participating in a committed relationship, the establishment of an adult pattern of living, and the assumption of job responsibilities.
11. By assuming the responsibilities of being primary caregivers to children through their long years of physical and social growth, we concretely express what Erikson believes to be an inborn desire to teach.
12. For example, Harry may say to Doris that she is being 'bossy ― just like her mother'.
♕ Conj
1. Thank you for your question about how to donate children's books for our book drive.
2. Our days are filled with so many of the "have tos" [부사] that we feel there's no time left for the "want tos.
3. Leaving little to no time for ourselves or for the things [관] that are important to us can lead to unmanaged stress, frustration, fatigue, resentment, or worse, health issues.
4. Building in regular "you time," however, can provide numerous benefits, all of which help to make life a little bit sweeter and a little bit more manageable.
5. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi suggests that the common idea of a creative individual coming up with great insights, discoveries, works, or inventions in isolation is wrong.
6. Csikszentmihalyi's point is [접] that we should devote as much attention to the development of a domain as we do to the people working within it, as only this can properly explain how advances are made.
7. Belief [동격] that the wine is more expensive turns on the neurons in the medial orbitofrontal cortex, an area of the brain associated with pleasure feelings.
8. They found [접] that when they can't see the price tag, people prefer cheaper wine to pricier bottles.
9. A wine that cost ten times more than another was ranked by experts only seven points higher on a scale of one to one hundred.
10. Environmentalists argue that no system of waste disposal can be absolutely safe, either now or in the future.
11. But in countries where popular opinion is taken into consideration, no mutually acceptable solution has been found.
12. As a result, most spent fuel has been stored in the nuclear power plants where it was produced.
13. One avenue [관] that has been explored is the reprocessing of spent fuel to remove the active ingredients.
14. In 2007, the combined share of those who were 25 to 29years old and those who were 30 years old and over accounted for less than 50% of that year's university graduates.
15. Initially a concert musician, Victor Borge soon developed a performance style [관] that combined comedy with classical music.
16. It also is part of the process of selection by which biological evolution functions.
17. Thus starvation is a disvalue [관] that can help make possible the good of greater diversity.
18. The statement remains implacably true, even though starvation also may sometimes subserve ends [관] that are good.
19. The chemical industry denied [접] that there were practical alternatives to ozone-depleting chemicals, predicting not only economic disaster but numerous deaths because food and vaccines would spoil without refrigeration.
20. The motor vehicle industry initially denied [접] that cars caused air pollution, then claimed [접] that no technology existed to reduce pollution from vehicles, and later argued [접] that installing devices to reduce air pollution would make cars extremely expensive.
21. The pesticide industry argues that synthetic pesticides are absolutely necessary to grow food.
22. It is only when a political issue affects the welfare of those in a particular group that identity assumes importance.
23. For instance, when issues arise that touch on women's rights, women start to think of gender as their principal identity.
24. Whether such women are American or Iranian or whether they are Catholic or Protestant matters less than the fact [동격] that they are women.
25. Similarly, when famine and civil war threaten people in sub-Saharan Africa, many African-Americans are reminded of their kinship with the continent in which their ancestors originated centuries earlier, and they lobby their leaders to provide humanitarian relief.
26. In other words, each issue calls forth somewhat different identities [관] that help explain the political preferences people have regarding those issues.
27. Food unites as well as distinguishes eaters because what and how one eats forms much of one's emotional tie to a group identity, be it a nation or an ethnicity.
28. "Such keen connection between food and national or ethnic identification clearly indicates the truth that cuisine and table narrative occupy a significant place in the training grounds of a community and its civilization, and thus, eating, cooking, and talking about one's cuisine are vital to a community's wholeness and continuation.
29. In other words, the destiny of a community depends on how well it nourishes its members.
30. Modern psychological theory states that the process of understanding is a matter of construction, not reproduction, which means that the process of understanding takes the form of the interpretation of data coming from the outside and generated by our mind.
31. Psychological studies indicate [접] that it is knowledge possessed by the individual that determines which stimuli become the focus of that individual's attention, what significance he or she assigns to these stimuli, and how they are combined into a larger whole.
32. While the transportation infrastructure may shape where we travel today, in the early eras of travel, it determined whether people could travel at all.
33. Most of us have a general, rational sense of what to eat and when ― there is no shortage of information on the subject.
34. Yet there is often a disconnect between what we know and what we do.
35. Emotional eating is a popular term used to describe eating [관] that is influenced by emotions, both positive and negative.
36. Feelings may affect various aspects of your eating, including your motivation to eat, your food choices, where and with whom you eat, and the speed at which you eat.
37. Ever since the first scientific opinion polls revealed [접] that most Americans are at best poorly informed about politics, analysts have asked whether citizens are equipped to play the role democracy assigns them.
38. Whatever else one might conclude about self-government, it's at risk when citizens don't know what they're talking about.
39. Our misinformation owes partly to psychological factors, including our tendency to see the world in ways that suit our desires.
40. Such factors, however, can explain only the misinformation [관] that has always been with us.
41. Projections indicate [접] that the net federal debt will rise to 90 percent of GDP by 2019, and many believe it will be even higher unless constructive action is taken soon.
42. Erikson believes [접] that when we reach the adult years, several physical, social, and psychological stimuli trigger a sense of generativity.
43. Erikson believes [접] that another distinguishing feature of adulthood is the emergence of an inborn desire to teach.
44. According to Erikson, by becoming parents we learn that we have the need to be needed by others who depend on our knowledge, protection, and guidance.
45. By assuming the responsibilities of being primary caregivers to children through their long years of physical and social growth, we concretely express what Erikson believes to be an inborn desire to teach.
46. As a couple start to form a relationship, they can be seen to develop a set of constructs about their own relationship and, in particular, how it is similar or different to their parents' relationship.
47. The couple's initial disclosures involve them forming constructs about how much similarity there is between them and each other's families.
48. In turn it is likely that as they tell each other their already edited stories, there is a second process of editing whereby what they both hear from each other is again interpreted within their respective family of origin's construct systems.
49. For example, Harry may say to Doris that she is being 'bossy ― just like her mother'.
50. Since this is probably based on what Doris has told Harry, this is likely to be a very powerful tactic.
51. She may protest or attempt to rewrite this version of her story, thereby possibly adding further material that Harry could use in this way.
52. These reconstructed memories can become very powerful, to a point where each partner may become confused even about the simple factual details of what actually did happen in their past.
♕ It
1. She knew she would regret it later, but it seemed like there was nothing she could do.
2. It was working!
3. Consumers like a bottle of wine more if they are told it cost ninety dollars a bottle than if they are told it cost ten.
4. It also pushes negative notions of female taste and subjectivity.
5. As a result, most spent fuel has been stored in the nuclear power plants where it was produced.
6. The remainder must be stored safely until [대명] it has become inactive.
7. As a result, it too appears publicly unacceptable.
8. It also is part of the process of selection by which biological evolution functions.
9. In some circumstances, it may pave the way for genetic variants to take hold in the population of a species and eventually allow the emergence of a new species in place of the old one.
10. Starvation can be of practical or instrumental value, even as [대명] it is an intrinsic disvalue.
11. In fact, many animals decrease their activity in the heat and increase [대명] it in the cold, and people who are allowed to choose levels of physical activity in hot or cold environments adjust their workload precisely to body temperature.
12. It is only when a political issue affects the welfare of those in a particular group that identity assumes importance.
13. Food unites as well as distinguishes eaters because what and how one eats forms much of one's emotional tie to a group identity, be it a nation or an ethnicity.
14. In other words, the destiny of a community depends on how well it nourishes its members.
15. Psychological studies indicate that [강조] it is knowledge possessed by the individual [강조] that determines which stimuli become the focus of that individual's attention, what significance he or she assigns to these stimuli, and how they are combined into a larger whole.
16. While the transportation infrastructure may shape where we travel today, in the early eras of travel, it determined whether people could travel at all.
17. All of these factors are going to make [가목] it extremely difficult [진목] to slow the growth of federal spending and keep the debt from ballooning out of control.
18. Projections indicate that the net federal debt will rise to 90 percent of GDP by 2019, and many believe it will be even higher unless constructive action is taken soon.
19. As a couple start to form a relationship, they can be seen to develop a set of constructs about their own relationship and, in particular, how it is similar or different to their parents' relationship.
20. In turn [강조] it is likely [강조] that as they tell each other their already edited stories, there is a second process of editing whereby what they both hear from each other is again interpreted within their respective family of origin's construct systems.
♕ If
1. For instance, if the great Renaissance artists like Ghiberti or Michelangelo had been born only 50 years before they [가정법] were, the culture of artistic patronage [가정법] would not have been in place to fund or shape their great achievements.
♕ 부접
1. For instance, if the great Renaissance artists like Ghiberti or Michelangelo had been born only 50 years before they were, the culture of artistic patronage would not have been in place to fund or shape their great achievements.
2. Their discoveries could not have happened unless centuries of technological development of the telescope and evolving knowledge of the universe had come before them.
3. They found that when they can't see the price tag, people prefer cheaper wine to pricier bottles.
4. Although its share was less than 50% in each of the three years, the group of university graduates aged 22 to 24 accounted for the largest single share in those respective years.
5. When the Nazis invaded Denmark in 1940, he was performing in Sweden, and a short time later managed to escape to America.
6. When he arrived in the US, he didn't speak a word of English.
7. The statement remains implacably true, even though starvation also may sometimes subserve ends that are good.
8. The chemical industry denied that there were practical alternatives to ozone-depleting chemicals, predicting not only economic disaster but numerous deaths because food and vaccines would spoil without refrigeration.
9. When the surrounding temperature increases, the activity in the hive decreases, which decreases the amount of heat generated by insect metabolism.
10. Although most people, including Europe's Muslims, have numerous identities, few of these are politically salient at any moment.
11. It is only when a political issue affects the welfare of those in a particular group that identity assumes importance.
12. For instance, when issues arise that touch on women's rights, women start to think of gender as their principal identity.
13. Similarly, when famine and civil war threaten people in sub-Saharan Africa, many African-Americans are reminded of their kinship with the continent in which their ancestors originated centuries earlier, and they lobby their leaders to provide humanitarian relief.
14. Food unites as well as distinguishes eaters because what and how one eats forms much of one's emotional tie to a group identity, be it a nation or an ethnicity.
15. While the interpretation of simple objects is usually an uncontrolled process, the interpretation of more complex phenomena, such as interpersonal situations, usually requires active attention and thought.
16. While the transportation infrastructure may shape where we travel today, in the early eras of travel, it determined whether people could travel at all.
17. Ever since the first scientific opinion polls revealed that most Americans are at best poorly informed about politics, analysts have asked whether citizens are equipped to play the role democracy assigns them.
18. It's one thing when citizens don't know something, and realize it, which has always been a problem.
19. It's another thing when citizens don't know something, but think they know it, which is the new problem.
20. Whatever else one might conclude about self-government, it's at risk when citizens don't know what they're talking about.
21. When fact bends to fiction, the predictable result is political distrust and polarization.
22. The huge recent federal deficits have pushed the federal debt to levels not seen since the years immediately following World War II.
23. Moreover, more than half of Americans age 18 and older derive benefits from various transfer programs, while paying little or no personal income tax.
24. Projections indicate that the net federal debt will rise to 90 percent of GDP by 2019, and many believe it will be even higher unless constructive action is taken soon.
25. Erikson believes that when we reach the adult years, several physical, social, and psychological stimuli trigger a sense of generativity.
26. We become aware of this desire when the event of being physically capable of reproducing is joined with the events of participating in a committed relationship, the establishment of an adult pattern of living, and the assumption of job responsibilities.
27. For indigenous peoples forests serve as a source of transformable resources, while national and global perspectives prioritize the preservation of forests, despite the local needs.
28. Since this is probably based on what Doris has told Harry, this is likely to be a very powerful tactic.
♕ as/than
1. Csikszentmihalyi's point is that we should devote as much attention to the development of a domain as we do to the people working within it, as only this can properly explain how advances are made.
2. Consumers like a bottle of wine more if they are told it cost ninety dollars a bottle than if they are told it cost ten.
3. A wine that cost ten times more than another was ranked by experts only seven points higher on a scale of one to one hundred.
4. But reprocessing has proved expensive and can exacerbate the problem of disposal rather than assisting it.
5. Although its share was less than 50% in each of the three years, the group of university graduates aged 22 to 24 accounted for the largest single share in those respective years.
6. The share of university graduates who were 30 years old and over was higher than 20% in each of the three years.
7. In 2007, the combined share of those who were 25 to 29years old and those who were 30 years old and over accounted for less than 50% of that year's university graduates.
8. Whether such women are American or Iranian or whether they are Catholic or Protestant matters less than the fact that they are women.
9. Food unites as well as distinguishes eaters because what and how one eats forms much of one's emotional tie to a group identity, be it a nation or an ethnicity.
10. This subjective world, interpreted in a particular way, is for us the "objective" world; we cannot know any world other than the one we know as a result of our own interpretations.
11. Most overeating is prompted by feelings rather than physical hunger.
12. However, there is something worse than an inadequately informed public, and that's a misinformed public.
13. Moreover, more than half of Americans age 18 and older derive benefits from various transfer programs, while paying little or no personal income tax.
♕ 접접
1. They found that when they can't see the price tag, people prefer cheaper wine to pricier bottles.
2. Food unites as well as distinguishes eaters because what and how one eats forms much of one's emotional tie to a group identity, be it a nation or an ethnicity.
3. Erikson believes that when we reach the adult years, several physical, social, and psychological stimuli trigger a sense of generativity.
4. In turn it is likely that as they tell each other their already edited stories, there is a second process of editing whereby what they both hear from each other is again interpreted within their respective family of origin's construct systems.
1. Thank you for your question about how to donate children's books for our book drive.
저희의 도서 기부 운동을 위해 아동 도서를 기부하는 방법에 대한 귀하의 질문에 감사드립니다.
2. The event will take place for one week from September 10th to 16th.
이 행사는 9월 10일부터 16일까지 일주일간 열립니다.
3. Books can be dropped off 24 hours a day during this period.
이 기간 동안 하루 24시간 도서를 가져다 주실 수 있습니다.
4. There are two locations designated for donations: Adams Children's Library and Aileen Community Center.
기부를 위해 지정된 장소로는 Adams 어린이 도서관과 Aileen 커뮤니티 센터 등 두 군데가 있습니다.
5. At each location, there are blue donation boxes at the main entrance.
각 장소마다 정문에 파란색 기부 상자가 있습니다.
6. If you are unable to visit these locations, books can be mailed directly to our organization.
귀하께서 이곳을 방문하실 수 없다면, 도서를 저희 기관에 우편으로 직접 보내실 수 있습니다.
7. Your donations will help support children in our community who may not be able to afford books.
귀하의 기부는 도서를 살 여유가 없을지도 모르는 저희 지역 사회의 어린이를 지원하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.
8. We hope this information makes your donation easier.
저희는 이 정보가 귀하의 기부를 더 용이하게 하기를 바랍니다.
9. We appreciate your support.
귀하의 성원에 감사드립니다.
10. 'How much farther to the finish line?
'결승선까지 얼마나 더 남았지?
11. Can I make it?
내가 해낼 수 있을까?
12. 'Emma felt pain in her legs and was breathing heavily.
'Emma는 다리에 통증을 느꼈고 숨을 가쁘게 쉬고 있었다.
13. She couldn't remember ever being so exhausted.
그녀는 한 번이라도 그렇게 지쳤던 것을 생각해 낼 수 없었다.
14. Feeling frustrated, she began to think about giving up on the race.
좌절감을 느끼면서 그녀는 경주를 포기하는 것에 대해 생각하기 시작했다.
15. She knew she would regret it later, but it seemed like there was nothing she could do.
그녀는 그러면 나중에 후회하리라는 것을 알았지만 자신이 할 수 있는 일이라곤 아무것도 없는 것 같았다.
16. Then, she remembered a strategy she had learned.
그때 그녀는 자신이 배웠던 전략이 기억났다.
17. By having strong imagery control, she could help herself achieve her goal.
강력한 이미지 제어를 통해 그녀는 자신의 목표를 달성하는 데 스스로 도움을 줄 수 있었다.
18. Over and over, Emma imagined herself running smoothly and breathing easily.
몇 번이고 반복해서 Emma는 자신이 순조롭게 달리고 있고 숨을 쉽게 쉬고 있는 것을 상상했다.
19. It was working!
그것은 효과가 있었다!
20. She started to feel better.
그녀는 기분이 좋아지기 시작했다.
21. About thirty minutes later, she found herself crossing the finish line with a big smile on her face.
약 30분 후 그녀는 얼굴에 환한 미소를 띠고 자신이 결승선을 통과하는 것을 발견했다.
22. Surrounded by cheering friends, she enjoyed her victory full of joy.
환호하는 친구들에게 둘러싸여 그녀는 기쁨으로 가득 찬 승리를 즐겼다.
23. Life is hectic.
삶은 매우 바쁘다.
24. Our days are filled with so many of the "have tos" that we feel there's no time left for the "want tos.
우리의 하루는 너무 많은 '해야 하는 것들'로 가득 차서 우리는 '하고 싶어 하는 것들'을 할 시간이 없다고 느낀다.
25. "Further, spending all our time with others doesn't give us the ability to hit the reset button and relax.
게다가, 다른 사람들과 함께 우리의 모든 시간을 보내는 것은 우리에게 리셋 버튼을 누르고 쉴 수 있는 능력을 주지 않는다.
26. Leaving little to no time for ourselves or for the things that are important to us can lead to unmanaged stress, frustration, fatigue, resentment, or worse, health issues.
우리 자신이나 우리에게 중요한 것들을 위해 시간을 거의 또는 전혀 남겨놓지 않는 것은 관리되지 않는 스트레스, 좌절감, 피로, 분노, 또는 더 나쁜 것은, 건강 문제로 이어질 수 있다.
27. Building in regular "you time," however, can provide numerous benefits, all of which help to make life a little bit sweeter and a little bit more manageable.
그러나 규칙적인 '여러분의 시간'을 구축하는 것은 많은 이득을 제공할 수 있는데, 이 모든 것들이 삶을 좀 더 달콤하고 좀 더 관리하기 쉽게 하는데 도움을 준다.
28. Unfortunately, many individuals struggle with reaching goals due to an inability to prioritize their own needs.
안타깝게도, 많은 사람은 자신만의 필요한 사항에 우선순위를 매기지 못해 목표에 도달하는 일로 고심하고 있다.
29. Alone time, however, forces you to take a break from everyday responsibilities and the requirements of others so you can dedicate time to move forward with your own goals, meet your own personal needs, and further explore your personal dreams.
하지만, 혼자만의 시간은 여러분이 자신만의 목표를 향해 나아가고, 자신만의 개인적인 필요 사항들을 충족시키며, 더 나아가 자신의 개인적인 꿈을 탐험하기 위해 시간을 바칠 수 있도록 일상적인 책임과 다른 사람들의 요구 사항으로부터 강제로라도 잠시 휴식을 취할 수 있게 한다.
30. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi suggests that the common idea of a creative individual coming up with great insights, discoveries, works, or inventions in isolation is wrong.
심리학자 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi는 창의적인 개인이 혼자서 위대한 통찰력, 발견 물, 작품 또는 발명품을 생각해낸다는 일반적인 생각이 잘못된 것이라고 말한다.
31. Creativity results from a complex interaction between a person and his or her environment or culture, and also depends on timing.
창의성은 어떤 사람과 그의 환경 또는 문화 사이의 복잡한 상호 작용에서 비롯되며, 그것은 또한 시기에 따라 달라진다.
32. For instance, if the great Renaissance artists like Ghiberti or Michelangelo had been born only 50 years before they were, the culture of artistic patronage would not have been in place to fund or shape their great achievements.
예를 들어, Ghiberti나 Michelangelo와 같은 르네상스 시대의 위대한 예술가들이 그들이 태어난 시기보다 단지 50년 전에 태어났다면, 그들의 위대한 업적에 자금을 제공하거나 구체화해 줄 예술 후원의 문화는 자리를 잡지 않았을 것이다.
33. Consider also individual astronomers.
또한 개별적인 천문학자들을 생각해 보라.
34. Their discoveries could not have happened unless centuries of technological development of the telescope and evolving knowledge of the universe had come before them.
여러 세기에 걸친 망원경의 기술적인 발전과 우주에 관한 진화하는 지식이 그들 이전에 생기지 않았다면 그들의 발견은 일어날 수 없었을 것이다.
35. Csikszentmihalyi's point is that we should devote as much attention to the development of a domain as we do to the people working within it, as only this can properly explain how advances are made.
Csikszentmihalyi의 요점은 우리가 어떤 분야에서 일하는 사람들에게 주의를 기울이는 것처럼 그 분야의 발전에 많은 주의를 기울여야 한다는 것인데, 이는 단지 이것만이 진보가 어떻게 만들어지는지를 적절히 설명할 수 있기 때문이다.
36. Individuals are only "a link in a chain, a phase in a process," he notes.
개인은 단지 '사슬의 한 연결 고리, 과정의 한 단계'일 뿐이라고 그는 언급한다.
37. Consumers like a bottle of wine more if they are told it cost ninety dollars a bottle than if they are told it cost ten.
소비자들은 와인 한 병이 병당 90달러라는 말을 들으면 병당 10달러라는 말을 듣는 경우보다 그것을 더 좋아한다.
38. Belief that the wine is more expensive turns on the neurons in the medial orbitofrontal cortex, an area of the brain associated with pleasure feelings.
그 와인이 더 비싸다는 믿음은 쾌락 감각과 관련된 뇌의 영역인 내측 안와 전두 피질의 신경 세포를 작동시킨다.
39. Wine without a price tag doesn't have this effect.
가격표가 없는 와인은 이런 효과가 없다.
40. In 2008, American food and wine critics teamed up with a statistician from Yale and a couple of Swedish economists to study the results of thousands of blind tastings of wines ranging from $1.65 to $150 a bottle.
2008년에 미국의 음식과 와인 비평가들은 예일 대학교의 통계학자 한 명 및 스웨덴 경제학자 두 명과 한 팀을 이루어 병당 1.65달러에서 150달러에 이르는 와인에 대한 수천 가지의 블라인드 시음의 결과를 연구했다.
41. They found that when they can't see the price tag, people prefer cheaper wine to pricier bottles.
그들은 사람들이 가격표를 볼 수 없을 때 더 값비싼 병보다 더 싼 와인을 선호한다는 것을 발견했다.
42. Experts' tastes did move in the proper direction: they favored finer, more expensive wines.
전문가들의 미각은 적절한 방향으로 움직였는데, 그들은 더 고급스럽고 더 비싼 와인을 선호했다.
43. But the bias was almost imperceptible.
그러나 선입관은 거의 감지할 수 없었다.
44. A wine that cost ten times more than another was ranked by experts only seven points higher on a scale of one to one hundred.
다른 와인보다 10배 넘게 더 비싼 와인이 1점에서 100점까지 있는 척도에서 전문가들에 의해 단지 7점 더 높게 평가되었다.
45. 1950s critics separated themselves from the masses by rejecting the 'natural' enjoyment afforded by products of mass culture through judgments based on a refined sense of realism.
1950년대 비평가들은 사실주의의 고상한 의식에 기초한 판단을 통해 대중문화의 산물들이 제공하는 '자연적인' 즐거움을 거부함으로써 스스로를 대중들과 분리시켰다.
46. For example, in most critics championing Douglas Sirk's films' social critique, self-reflexivity, and, in particular, distancing effects, there is still a refusal of the 'vulgar' enjoyments suspected of soap operas.
예를 들어, Douglas Sirk가 만든 영화의 사회 비평, 자기 반영성, 그리고 특히 거리두기 효과를 옹호하는 대부분의 비평가들에게는, 연속극에 있지 않을까 하고 생각되는 '저속한' 즐거움에 대한 거부가 여전히 있다.
47. This refusal again functions to divorce the critic from an image of a mindless, pleasure-seeking crowd he or she has actually manufactured in order to definitively secure the righteous logic of 'good' taste.
이런 거부는 다시, '훌륭한' 취향의 정당한 논리를 분명히 확보하기 위해 실제로는 비평가가 만들어낸 아무 생각 없고 즐거움만 추구하는 군중의 이미지로부터 그를 분리하는 기능을 한다.
48. It also pushes negative notions of female taste and subjectivity.
그것은 또한 여성 취향과 주관성이라는 부정적인 개념을 강요한다.
49. Critiques of mass culture seem always to bring to mind a disrespectful image of the feminine to represent the depths of the corruption of the people.
대중문화의 비평들은 항상 사람들의 타락의 깊이를 나타내기 위해 여성성의 경멸적 이미지를 상기시키는 것 같다.
50. The process of taste-making operated, then, to create hierarchical differences between the aesthete and the masses through the construction of aesthetic positions contrary to the perceived tasteless pleasures of the crowd.
그런 다음 취향 만들기의 과정이 작용하여, 군중의 인지된 무취향적 즐거움과는 상반되는 미학적 입장의 구축을 통해서, 심미주의자들과 대중 사이에 위계상의 차이를 만들어 냈다.
51. Radioactive waste disposal has become one of the key environmental battlegrounds over which the future of nuclear power has been fought.
방사능 폐기물 처리는 원자력의 미래에 맞서 싸워 온 핵심적인 환경 문제의 전쟁터 (논쟁거리) 중의 하나가 되었다.
52. Environmentalists argue that no system of waste disposal can be absolutely safe, either now or in the future.
환경운동가들은 지금이든 미래에서든 어떤 폐기물 처리 체제도 절대적으로 안전할 수는 없다고 주장한다.
53. Governments and the nuclear industry have tried to find acceptable solutions.
정부와 원자력 산업은 수용될 수 있는 해결책을 찾으려고 노력해 왔다.
54. But in countries where popular opinion is taken into consideration, no mutually acceptable solution has been found.
그러나 여론이 고려되는 국가에서는 서로가 받아들일 수 있는 해결책이 전혀 발견되지 않았다.
55. As a result, most spent fuel has been stored in the nuclear power plants where it was produced.
그 결과, 대부분의 사용된 연료는 그것이 생산되었던 핵발전소에 저장되어 왔다.
56. This is now causing its own problems as storage ponds designed to store a few years' waste become filled or overflowing.
몇 년간의 폐기물을 저장하기 위해 만들어진 저장조가 가득 차거나 넘쳐나면서 이것이 이제 그 자체의 문제를 일으키고 있다.
57. One avenue that has been explored is the reprocessing of spent fuel to remove the active ingredients.
탐색되어 온 한 가지 방안은 활성 성분을 제거하기 위해 사용된 연료를 재처리하는 것이다.
58. Some of the recovered material can be recycled as fuel.
복구된 물질의 일부는 연료로 재활용될 수 있다.
59. The remainder must be stored safely until it has become inactive.
나머지는 그것이 비활성화 될 때까지 안전하게 저장되어야 한다.
60. But reprocessing has proved expensive and can exacerbate the problem of disposal rather than assisting it.
그러나 재처리는 비용이 많이 드는 것으로 판명되었고 처리 문제를 도와주기보다는 그것을 악화시킬 수 있다.
61. As a result, it too appears publicly unacceptable.
그 결과 그것 또한 대중에게 인정받지 못하는 것 같다.
62. This graph shows the distribution of university graduates in Canada by age group in 1996, 2001, and 2007.
이 그래프는 1996년, 2001년, 그리고 2007년의 캐나다 대학 졸업생의 연령 집단별 분포를 보여주고 있다.
63. Although its share was less than 50% in each of the three years, the group of university graduates aged 22 to 24 accounted for the largest single share in those respective years.
세 연도의 각각에서 22세에서 24세 사이의 대학 졸업생 집단은 50% 미만이었지만, 그것은 그 각각의 해에 가장 큰 단일 비율을 차지했다.
64. The second largest single share of university graduates in each of the three years was held by those who were 25 to 29 years old.
세 연도의 각각에서 두 번째로 가장 큰 단일 비율은 25세에서 29세 사이의 졸업생들이 차지했다.
65. The share of university graduates who were 30 years old and over was higher than 20% in each of the three years.
30세 이상의 대학 졸업생들의 비율은 세 연도의 각각에서 20%가 넘었다.
66. In 1996, the share of the group of university graduates aged 18 to 21 was 7.7%, and the share of the same age group was 6% in 2001.
1996년에 18세에서 21세 사이의 대학 졸업생의 비율은 7.7%였고, 2001년에는 같은 연령 집단의 비율이 6%였다.
67. In 2007, the combined share of those who were 25 to 29years old and those who were 30 years old and over accounted for less than 50% of that year's university graduates.
2007년에, 25세에 29세 사이와 30세 이상의 졸업생들의 비율을 합친 것은 그 해의 대학 졸업생들의 50%미만인 비율을 차지했다.
68. Victor Borge, born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1909, was a comedian and pianist.
1909년에 덴마크의 코펜하겐에서 태어난 Victor Borge는 코미디언이자 피아니스트였다.
69. Initially a concert musician, Victor Borge soon developed a performance style that combined comedy with classical music.
처음에 연주회 음악가였던 Victor Borge는 곧 코미디와 고전 음악을 결합한 공연 스타일을 개발했다.
70. When the Nazis invaded Denmark in 1940, he was performing in Sweden, and a short time later managed to escape to America.
1940년에 나치가 덴마크를 침공했을 때, 그는 스웨덴에서 공연하고 있었는데, 얼마 후에 용케도 미국으로 탈출하였다.
71. When he arrived in the US, he didn't speak a word of English.
미국에 도착했을 때, 그는 영어를 한마디도 하지 못했다.
72. Learning English by watching movies, he soon managed to translate his jokes for the American audience.
영화를 보면서 영어를 배워, 그는 곧 미국 청중들을 위해서 자신의 조크를 영어로 어떻게든 바꿀 수 있었다.
73. In 1948, Victor Borge became an American citizen and a few years later was offered a show of his own, Comedy in Music.
1948년에 Victor Borge는 미국 시민이 되었으며, 몇 년 후에 자신이 진행하는 프로인 Comedy in Music을 제안 받았다.
74. The show remains the longest-running one-man show in Broadway history.
그 프로는 브로드웨이 역사상 가장 오래 공연된 1인 진행 프로로 남아 있다.
75. At the age of 90, he still performed 60 times a year.
90세에도 그는 여전히 일 년에 60회의 공연을 했다.
76. He died on December 23rd, 2000 at his home in Greenwich, Connecticut, US.
그는 2000년 12월 23일에 미국 코네티컷 주의 Greenwich에 있는 자신의 집에서 사망했다.
77. Not all organisms are able to find sufficient food to survive, so starvation is a kind of disvalue often found in nature.
모든 유기체가 생존에 충분한 먹이를 구할 수는 없으므로, 기아는 자연에서 흔히 발견되는 일종의 반가치(反價値)이다.
78. It also is part of the process of selection by which biological evolution functions.
그것은 또한 생물학적 진화가 기능하게 되는 선택 과정의 일부이기도 하다.
79. Starvation helps filter out those less fit to survive, those less resourceful in finding food for themselves and their young.
기아는 살아남기에 덜 적합한 것들, 즉 자신과 자신의 새끼들을 위한 먹이를 찾는 수완이 모자라는 것들을 걸러 내는 데 도움을 준다.
80. In some circumstances, it may pave the way for genetic variants to take hold in the population of a species and eventually allow the emergence of a new species in place of the old one.
몇몇 상 황에서 기아는 유전적 변종들이 종의 개체군을 장악할 수 있는 길을 열어 주고 결국 에는 이전의 종을 대신하여 새로운 종이 출현할 수 있게 할지도 모른다.
81. Thus starvation is a disvalue that can help make possible the good of greater diversity.
따라서 기아는 더 큰 다양성이 주는 이익을 가능하게 하는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 반가치이다.
82. Starvation can be of practical or instrumental value, even as it is an intrinsic disvalue.
기아가 고유한 반가치가 되는 바로 그 순간, 실용적인, 즉 도구적인 가치를 지닐 수 있 다.
83. That some organisms must starve in nature is deeply regrettable and sad.
일부 유기체들이 자연에서 기아를 겪어야 한다는 것은 매우 유감스럽고 슬프다.
84. The statement remains implacably true, even though starvation also may sometimes subserve ends that are good.
기아가 때로 좋은 목적에 공헌할 수도 있기는 하지만, 그 말은 여전히 확고하게 진실이다.
85. For every toxic substance, process, or product in use today, there is a safer alternative ― either already in existence, or waiting to be discovered through the application of human intellect, ingenuity, and effort.
오늘날 사용 중인 모든 독성 물질, 공정, 혹은 제품에는 ― 이미 존재하거나 인간의 지력, 창의력, 그리고 노력의 적용을 통해 발견되기를 기다리고 있는 ― 더 안전한 대안이 있다.
86. In almost every case, the safer alternative is available at a comparable cost.
거의 모든 경우에, 더 안전한 대안이 비슷한 비용으로 이용될 수 있다.
87. Industry may reject these facts and complain about the high cost of acting, but history sets the record straight.
업계는 이러한 사실을 거부하고 높은 실행 비용에 대해 불평할지도 모르지만, 역사가 그런 내용을 바로잡는다.
88. The chemical industry denied that there were practical alternatives to ozone-depleting chemicals, predicting not only economic disaster but numerous deaths because food and vaccines would spoil without refrigeration.
화공업계에서는 냉장하지 않으면 식품과 백신이 상할 것이라는 이유로 경제적인 재앙뿐만 아니라 수많은 사망자를 예측하면서 오존을 고갈시키는 화학 물질에 대한 실용적인 대안이 있다는 것을 부인했다.
89. They were wrong.
그들은 틀렸다.
90. The motor vehicle industry initially denied that cars caused air pollution, then claimed that no technology existed to reduce pollution from vehicles, and later argued that installing devices to reduce air pollution would make cars extremely expensive.
자동차 업계에서는 처음에 자동차가 대기 오염을 유발한다는 것을 부인하였고, 그 다음에는 자동차로부터의 오염을 줄이는 어떤 기술도 존재하지 않는다고 주장했으며, 나중에는 대기 오염을 줄이는 장치를 설치하면 자동차가 엄청나게 비싸질 것이라고 주장했다.
91. They were wrong every time.
그들은 매번 틀렸다.
92. The pesticide industry argues that synthetic pesticides are absolutely necessary to grow food.
살충제 업계에서는 합성 살충제가 식량을 재배하기 위해 절대적으로 필요하다고 주장한다.
93. Thousands of organic farmers are proving them wrong.
수많은 유기농 농부들은 그들이 틀렸음을 입증하고 있다.
94. Among the most fascinating natural temperature-regulating behaviors are those of social insects such as bees and ants.
가장 흥미 있는 자연의 체온 조절 행동 중에는 벌과 개미와 같은 사회적 곤충들의 행동이 있다.
95. These insects are able to maintain a nearly constant temperature in their hives or mounds throughout the year.
이 곤충들은 일 년 내내 자신들의 벌집이나 개미탑에서 거의 일정한 온도를 유지할 수 있다.
96. The constancy of these microclimates depends not just on the location and insulation of the habitat, but on the activity of the insects in the colony.
이러한 미기후의 지속성은 서식지의 위치와 단열뿐만 아니라, 군체 내에서 하는 이 곤충들의 활동에도 달려 있다.
97. When the surrounding temperature increases, the activity in the hive decreases, which decreases the amount of heat generated by insect metabolism.
주변 온도가 올라가면, 벌집 안에 서의 활동은 줄어드는데, 이는 곤충의 신진대사에 의해 발생하는 열의 양을 감소시킨다.
98. In fact, many animals decrease their activity in the heat and increase it in the cold, and people who are allowed to choose levels of physical activity in hot or cold environments adjust their workload precisely to body temperature.
사실상, 많은 동물은 더위 속에서는 자신들의 활동을 줄이고 추위 속에서는 활동을 늘리는데, 덥거나 추운 환경에서 신체적 활동 수준을 선택할 수 있는 인간은 자신 들의 작업량을 정확하게 체온에 맞추어 조절한다.
99. This behavior serves to avoid both hypothermia and hyperthermia.
이러한 행동은 저체온증과 고체온증을 둘 다 피하는 데 도움이 된다.
100. Although most people, including Europe's Muslims, have numerous identities, few of these are politically salient at any moment.
비록 유럽의 이슬람교도들을 포함한 대부분의 사람들이 다수의 정체성을 가지기는 하지만, 이들 중에서 언제 어느 때나 정치적으로 두드러지는 정체성은 거의 없다.
101. It is only when a political issue affects the welfare of those in a particular group that identity assumes importance.
정체성이 중요성을 띠는 것은 바로 어떤 정치적 문제가 특정 집단의 사람들의 행복에 영향을 주는 경우뿐이다.
102. For instance, when issues arise that touch on women's rights, women start to think of gender as their principal identity.
예를 들어 여성의 권리에 관련된 문제가 생기는 경우, 여성들은 성을 자신들의 주된 정체성으로 생각하기 시작한다.
103. Whether such women are American or Iranian or whether they are Catholic or Protestant matters less than the fact that they are women.
그런 여성들이 미국인인지 이란인인지, 혹은 그들이 가톨릭 신자인지 개신교도인지의 여부는 그들이 여성이라는 사실보다 덜 중요하다.
104. Similarly, when famine and civil war threaten people in sub-Saharan Africa, many African-Americans are reminded of their kinship with the continent in which their ancestors originated centuries earlier, and they lobby their leaders to provide humanitarian relief.
마찬가지로 기근과 내전이 사하라 사막 이남의 아프리카 사람들을 위태롭게 하는 경우, 많은 아프리카계 미국인들은 수세기 이전에 자기 조상들이 기원했던 대륙과의 혈족 관계가 생각나서 자신들의 지도자들에게 인도주의적 구호를 제공하라는 압력을 가한다.
105. In other words, each issue calls forth somewhat different identities that help explain the political preferences people have regarding those issues.
다시 말해서 각각의 문제는 그 문제들에 관해 사람들이 가지는 정치적인 선호를 설명하는 데 도움을 주는 다소 서로 다른 정체성을 이끌어 낸다.
106. Food unites as well as distinguishes eaters because what and how one eats forms much of one's emotional tie to a group identity, be it a nation or an ethnicity.
음식은 먹는 사람을 구별 지을 뿐만 아니라 결속하기도 하는데, 이는 사람이 먹는 것과 먹는 방식이, 그 정체성이 국가든 민족의식이든, 집단 정체성에 대한 그 사람의 정서적 유대의 많은 부분을 형성하기 때문이다.
107. The famous twentieth-century Chinese poet and scholar Lin Yutang remarks, "Our love for fatherland is largely a matter of recollection of the keen sensual pleasure of our childhood.
저명한 20세기 중국의 시인이자 학자인 Lin Yutang은 "조국에 대한 우리의 사랑은 대개 우리의 유년기에 대한 육체적 감각의 강렬한 만족을 기억하는 문제입니다.
108. The loyalty to Uncle Sam is the loyalty to American doughnuts, and the loyalty to the Vaterland is the loyalty to Pfannkuchen and Stollen.
미국 정부에 대한 충성은 미국 도넛에 대한 충성이고, '조국'에 대한 충성은 'Pfannkuchen(도넛의 일종)'과 'Stollen(빵의 일종)'에 대한 충성입니다"라고 말한다.
109. "Such keen connection between food and national or ethnic identification clearly indicates the truth that cuisine and table narrative occupy a significant place in the training grounds of a community and its civilization, and thus, eating, cooking, and talking about one's cuisine are vital to a community's wholeness and continuation.
음식과 국가 혹은 인종과의 동일시 간의 그런 강한 연관성은 음식과 요리 이야기가 한 공동체와 그 공동체의 문화의 훈련장에서 중대한 위치를 차지하고, 그래서 먹고, 요리하고, 요리에 대해서 이야기하는 것이 한 공동체의 완전함과 지속에 지극히 중요하다는 진리를 분명히 나타내 준다.
110. In other words, the destiny of a community depends on how well it nourishes its members.
다시 말하자면 한 공동체의 운명은 그 공동체가 얼마나 잘 그 구성원들을 기르는지에 달려 있다.
111. Modern psychological theory states that the process of understanding is a matter of construction, not reproduction, which means that the process of understanding takes the form of the interpretation of data coming from the outside and generated by our mind.
현대의 심리학 이론은 이해의 과정은 재생이 아니라 구성의 문제라고 말하는데, 그것은 이해의 과정이 외부로부터 들어오고, 우리 마음에 의해 생성되는 정보의 해석이라는 모습을 취한다는 말이다.
112. For example, the perception of a moving object as a car is based on an interpretation of incoming data within the framework of our knowledge of the world.
예를 들어 움직이는 물체를 차라고 인식하는 것은 세상에 대한 우리의 지식이라는 틀 안에서, 들어오는 정보를 해석하는 것에 근거한다.
113. While the interpretation of simple objects is usually an uncontrolled process, the interpretation of more complex phenomena, such as interpersonal situations, usually requires active attention and thought.
간단한 물체의 해석은 대개 통제되지 않는 과정이지만, 대인 관계의 상황 같은 더 복잡한 현상에 대한 해석은 대개 적극적인 주의 집중과 사고를 필요로 한다.
114. Psychological studies indicate that it is knowledge possessed by the individual that determines which stimuli become the focus of that individual's attention, what significance he or she assigns to these stimuli, and how they are combined into a larger whole.
심리학 연구는 어떤 자극이 그 개인의 주의에 초점이 되는지, 그 사람이 이 자극에 어떤 의미를 부여하는지, 그리고 그 자극들이 어떻게 결합되어 더 커다란 전체를 이루는지를 결정 하는 것은 바로 그 개인이 소유하고 있는 지식이라는 점을 보여준다.
115. This subjective world, interpreted in a particular way, is for us the "objective" world; we cannot know any world other than the one we know as a result of our own interpretations.
특정한 방식으로 해석되는 이 주관적 세계는 우리에게 있어 '객관적인' 세계인데, 우리는 우리 자신의 해석의 결과로 알고 있는 세계 외에는 그 어떤 세계도 알 수 없다.
116. While the transportation infrastructure may shape where we travel today, in the early eras of travel, it determined whether people could travel at all.
교통 기반 시설이 오늘날에는 우리가 여행하는 '곳'을 정할 수 있지만, 여행의 초기 시대에는 사람들의 여행 가능 여부를 결정했다.
117. The development and improvement of transportation was one of the most important factors in allowing modern tourism to develop on a large scale and become a regular part of the lives of billions of people around the world.
교통의 발전과 향상은 현대의 관광 산업이 대규모로 발전해서 전 세계의 수십억 명의 사람들의 삶의 일상적인 부분이 될 수 있게 하는 데 가장 중요한 요인 중 하나였다.
118. Technological advances provided the basis for the explosive expansion of local, regional, and global transportation networks and made travel faster, easier, and cheaper.
기술적 진보가 지방과 지역, 그리고 전 세계의 교통망이 폭발적으로 확대되는 토대를 제공했고, 여행을 더 빠르고, 더 쉽고, 더 값싸게 만들었다.
119. This not only created new tourist-generating and tourist-receiving regions but also prompted a host of other changes in the tourism infrastructure, such as accommodations.
이것은 관광객을 창출하고 받아들이는 새로운 지역을 만들어 냈을 뿐만 아니라 숙박 시설 같은 관광 산업 기반 시설에서의 여타의 많은 변화를 유발했다.
120. As a result, the availability of transportation infrastructure and services has been considered a fundamental precondition for tourism.
그 결과 교통 기반 시설과 서비스의 이용 가능성이 관광 산업의 기본적인 전제 조건으로 간주되어 왔다.
121. Most of us have a general, rational sense of what to eat and when ― there is no shortage of information on the subject.
우리 대부분은 무엇을 먹을지, 그리고 언제 먹을지에 대한 일반적이고 합리적인 관념을 갖고 있는데, 그 문제에 관한 정보는 부족하지 않다.
122. Yet there is often a disconnect between what we know and what we do.
하지만 우리가 알고 있는 것과 우리가 행하는 것 사이에는 흔히 단절이 존재한다.
123. We may have the facts, but decisions also involve our feelings.
우리가 사실을 가지고 있을 수는 있지만, 결정은 또한 우리의 감정을 수반한다.
124. Many people who struggle with difficult emotions also struggle with eating problems.
힘겨운 감정과 씨름하는 많은 사람들은 또한 섭식 문제와 씨름한다.
125. Emotional eating is a popular term used to describe eating that is influenced by emotions, both positive and negative.
'감정적 식사'는 긍정적 감정과 부정적 감정 모두에 의해 영향 받는 식사를 설명하기 위해 사용되는 일반적인 용어이다.
126. Feelings may affect various aspects of your eating, including your motivation to eat, your food choices, where and with whom you eat, and the speed at which you eat.
감정은 여러분의 식사 동기, 여러분의 음식 선택, 어디서 누구와 여러분이 식사할지, 그리고 여러분이 식사하는 속도를 포함하여, 여러분의 식사의 여러 측면에 영향을 줄 수 있다.
127. Most overeating is prompted by feelings rather than physical hunger.
대부분의 과식은 신체의 배고픔이 아니라 감정에 의해 유발된다.
128. Individuals who struggle with obesity tend to eat in response to emotions.
비만과 씨름하는 사람들은 감정에 반응하여 먹는 경향이 있다.
129. However, people who eat for emotional reasons are not necessarily overweight.
그러나 감정적인 이유로 먹는 사람이 반드시 과체중인 것은 아니다.
130. People of any size may try to escape an emotional experience by preoccupying themselves with eating or by obsessing over their shape and weight.
신체 크기와 관계없이 사람들은 먹는 것에 몰두하거나 자기 몸매와 몸무게에 대해 강박감을 가짐으로써 감정적인 경험에서 벗어나려고 할 수 있다.
131. Ever since the first scientific opinion polls revealed that most Americans are at best poorly informed about politics, analysts have asked whether citizens are equipped to play the role democracy assigns them.
첫 번째 과학적 여론 조사가 대부분의 미국인이 정치에 대해서 기껏해야 형편없이 알고 있다는 것을 밝힌 이후에, 시민들이 민주주의가 자신들에게 부여한 역할을 할 능력이 있는지 분석가들이 물었다.
132. However, there is something worse than an inadequately informed public, and that's a misinformed public.
그런데 불충분하게 알고 있는 대중보다 더 해로운 것이 있는데, 그것은 잘못 알고 있는 대중이다.
133. It's one thing when citizens don't know something, and realize it, which has always been a problem.
시민들이 어떤 것을 모르고 있다가 그것을 깨닫는 경우가 하나의 경우인데, 그것은 늘 문제가 되어 왔다.
134. It's another thing when citizens don't know something, but think they know it, which is the new problem.
시민들이 어떤 것을 알지 못하지만 그것을 알고 있다고 생각하는 경우는 또 다른 경우인데, 그 것은 새로운 문제이다.
135. It's the difference between ignorance and irrationality.
그것은 무지와 불합리 간의 차이이다.
136. Whatever else one might conclude about self-government, it's at risk when citizens don't know what they're talking about.
자치에 관해 다른 어떤 것으로 결론을 내리든, 시민들이 자신들이 말하고 있는 바를 모르는 경우는 위 험하다.
137. Our misinformation owes partly to psychological factors, including our tendency to see the world in ways that suit our desires.
우리가 잘못 아는 것은 부분적으로는 우리의 갈망에 맞는 방식으로 세상을 바라보는 우리의 경향을 포함하는 심리적 요인의 탓이다.
138. Such factors, however, can explain only the misinformation that has always been with us.
하지만 그런 요인들은 늘 우리와 함께 있어 온 잘못 아는 것만 설명할 수 있다.
139. The sharp rise in misinformation in recent years has a different source: our media.
최근에 잘못 아는 것의 급 격한 증가에는 다른 원인이 있는데, (그것은) 우리의 미디어이다.
140. "They are making us dumb," says one observer.
"그들은 우리를 어리석게 만들고 있습니다"라고 한 논평자는 말한다.
141. When fact bends to fiction, the predictable result is political distrust and polarization.
사실이 허구에 굴복하면, 예견 가능한 결과는 정치적 불신과 대립이다.
142. Both the budget deficit and federal debt have soared during the recent financial crisis and recession.
최근의 재정 위기와 경기 침체 동안에 재정 적자와 연방 정부의 부채가 모두 치솟았다.
143. During 2009-2010, nearly 40 percent of federal expenditures were financed by borrowing.
2009년~2010년 동안에 연방 정부 지출의 거의 40퍼센트가 대출에 의해 자금이 충당되었다.
144. The huge recent federal deficits have pushed the federal debt to levels not seen since the years immediately following World War II.
최근의 막대한 연방 재정 적자는 제2차 세계대전 직후에 이어진 기간 이후로 본 적이 없었던 수준으로 연방 정부의 부채를 밀어 올렸다.
145. The rapid growth of baby-boomer retirees in the decade immediately ahead will mean higher spending levels and larger and larger deficits for both Social Security and Medicare.
바로 이어질 향후 10년 동안 베이비붐 세대 퇴직자의 빠른 증가는 사회 보장 연금과 노인 의료 보험 제도의 더 높은 지출 수준과 점점 더 커지는 적자를 의미할 것이다.
146. Moreover, more than half of Americans age 18 and older derive benefits from various transfer programs, while paying little or no personal income tax.
더욱이, 18세 이상 의 미국인들 중 절반이 넘는 사람들이 개인 소득세를 거의 혹은 전혀 내지 않으면서, 다양한 (소득) 이전 지원 프로그램으로부터 보조금을 얻어낸다.
147. All of these factors are going to make it extremely difficult to slow the growth of federal spending and keep the debt from ballooning out of control.
이러한 모든 요인들은 연방 정부의 재정 지출 증가를 늦추고 부채가 통제 불능 상태로 불어나지 않도록 막는 것을 대단히 어렵게 만들 것이다.
148. Projections indicate that the net federal debt will rise to 90 percent of GDP by 2019, and many believe it will be even higher unless constructive action is taken soon.
2019년쯤에는 연방 정부의 순부채가 국내 총생산의 90퍼센트까지 증가하리라는 것을 예측들이 보여주고 있으며, 많은 사람들은 곧 건설적인 조치가 취해지지 않으면 그것이 훨씬 더 높아질 것이라고 믿고 있다.
149. Erikson believes that when we reach the adult years, several physical, social, and psychological stimuli trigger a sense of generativity.
Erikson은 우리가 성년에 이를 때, 몇 가지 신체적, 사회적, 그리고 심리적 자극이 '생식성'에 대한 인식을 촉발한다고 믿는다.
150. A central component of this attitude is the desire to care for others.
이러한 태도의 한 가지 중심적인 구성요소는 다른 사람들을 돌보고자 하는 욕구이다.
151. For the majority of people, parenthood is perhaps the most obvious and convenient opportunity to fulfill this desire.
대다수 사람에게서, 부모가 되는 것이 아마 이러한 욕구를 충족할 가장 분명하고 편안한 기회일 것이다.
152. Erikson believes that another distinguishing feature of adulthood is the emergence of an inborn desire to teach.
Erikson은 성인 의 또 다른 독특한 특징은 가르치고자 하는 타고난 욕구의 출현이라고 믿는다.
153. We become aware of this desire when the event of being physically capable of reproducing is joined with the events of participating in a committed relationship, the establishment of an adult pattern of living, and the assumption of job responsibilities.
신체적으로 자손을 퍼뜨릴 수 있는 일이 헌신적인 관계, 성인 생활 패턴의 정착, 그리고 업무 책임 떠맡기에 참여하는 일들과 결합할 때 우리는 이 욕구를 인식하게 된다.
154. According to Erikson, by becoming parents we learn that we have the need to be needed by others who depend on our knowledge, protection, and guidance.
Erikson에 따르면, 부모가 됨으로써 우리는 우리의 지식, 보호, 그리고 지도에 의존 하는 다른 사람들에 의해 필요해지고 싶은 욕구가 있다는 것을 알게 된다.
155. We become entrusted to teach culturally appropriate behaviors, values, attitudes, skills, and information about the world.
우리는 문화적으로 적절한 행동, 가치, 태도, 기술, 그리고 세상에 대한 정보를 가르치는 일을 위임 받게 된다.
156. By assuming the responsibilities of being primary caregivers to children through their long years of physical and social growth, we concretely express what Erikson believes to be an inborn desire to teach.
아이들이 신체적, 사회적으로 성장하는 긴 세월 동안 그들에게 일차적인 돌봄 제공자가 되는 책임을 떠맡음으로써, 우리는 Erikson이, 가르치고자 하는 타고난 욕구라고 믿는 것을 구체적으로 표현한다.
157. Perceptions of forest use and the value of forests as standing timber vary considerably from indigenous peoples to national governments and Western scientists.
서 있는 수목으로서 숲의 사용과 숲의 가치에 대한 인식은 토착민에서 중앙정부와 서구의 과학자에 이르기까지 상당히 다르다.
158. These differences in attitudes and values lie at the root of conflicting management strategies and stimulate protest groups such as the Chipko movement.
태도와 가치에서의 이러한 차이는 상충하는 관리 전략의 뿌리에 놓여 있고 Chipko 운동과 같은 항의 집단들을 자극한다.
159. For example, the cultivators of the Himalayas and Karakoram view forests as essentially a convertible resource.
예를 들어 히말라야와 카라코람 지역의 경작자들을 숲을 근본적으로 바꿀 수 있는 자원이라고 생각한다.
160. That is, under increasing population pressure and growing demands for cultivable land, the conversion of forest into cultivated terraces means a much higher productivity can be extracted from the same area.
다시 말해, 늘어나는 인구 압박과 경작할 수 있는 땅에 대한 커지는 수요 아래에서, 숲을 경작된 계단식 농경지로 바꾸는 것은 같은 지역에서 훨씬 더 높은 생산성을 끌어낼 수 있다는 것을 의미한다.
161. Compensation in the form of planting on terrace edges occurs to make up for the clearance.
산림벌채를 벌충하기 위해 계단식 농경지의 가장자리에 (농작물을) 심는 형태의 보상이 일어나고 있다.
162. This contrasts with the national view of the value of forests as a renewable resource, with the need or desire to keep a forest cover over the land for soil conservation, and with a global view of protection for biodiversity and climate change purposes, irrespective of the local people's needs.
이것은 지역민의 필요와 관계없이 숲의 가치를 다시 쓸 수 있는 자원으로 보는 국가적 관점, 토양 보존을 위해 땅 위에 덮여 있는 숲을 유지하려는 필요나 욕구, 그리고 생명 다양성과 기후 변화의 목적을 위한 보호라는 세계적인 관점과 뚜렷이 대조된다.
163. For indigenous peoples forests serve as a source of transformable resources, while national and global perspectives prioritize the preservation of forests, despite the local needs.
토착민에게 숲은 바꿀 수 있는 자원의 역할을 하지만, 지역적인 필요에도 불구하고, 국가적이고 세계적인 관점은 숲의 보존을 우선시한다.
164. As a couple start to form a relationship, they can be seen to develop a set of constructs about their own relationship and, in particular, how it is similar or different to their parents' relationship.
한 커플이 관계를 형성하기 시작할 때 그들이 자신들의 관계에 대해 그리고 특히 그것(그들의 관계)이 그들의 부모의 관계와 어떻게 비슷하거나 다른지에 대해 일련의 구성 개념을 발전시키는 것을 볼 수 있다.
165. The couple's initial disclosures involve them forming constructs about how much similarity there is between them and each other's families.
그 커플이 처음에 터놓는 이야기에서 그들은 그들과 각자의 가족들 사이에 얼마나 많은 유사점이 있는지에 대한 구성 개념을 형성 하게 된다.
166. What each of them will remember is selective and coloured by their family's constructs system.
그들 각자가 기억하게 될 것은 선택적이고 그들 가족의 구성 개념 체계에 의해 채색된다.
167. In turn it is likely that as they tell each other their already edited stories, there is a second process of editing whereby what they both hear from each other is again interpreted within their respective family of origin's construct systems.
결국 그들이 각자에게 자신들의 이미 편집된 이야기를 들려줄 때 그 들 둘이 서로에게서 듣는 내용이 그들 각자의 원가족의 구성 개념 체계 내에서 다시 해석되는 두 번째 편집 과정이 있게 된다.
168. The two sets of memories ― the person talking about his or her family and the partner's edited version of this story ― go into the 'cooking-pot' of the couple's new construct system.
자신의 가족에 관해 이야기하는 사람과 이 이야기를 파트너가 편집한 버전이라는 두 세트의 기억이 그 커플의 새로운 구성 개념 시스템이라는 '요리용 냄비'로 들어간다.
169. Subsequently, one partner may systematically recall a part of the other's story as a tactic in negotiations.
그 후, 한 파트너가 상대방의 이야기 일부분을 체계적으로 상기하여 협상 전술로 쓸 수도 있다.
170. For example, Harry may say to Doris that she is being 'bossy ― just like her mother'.
예를 들어 Harry는 Doris에게 그녀가 '그녀의 어머니처럼 남을 쥐고 흔들고' 있다고 말할 수도 있다.
171. Since this is probably based on what Doris has told Harry, this is likely to be a very powerful tactic.
이것은 아마 Doris가 Harry에게 했던 말을 바탕으로 하고 있기 때문에, 이것은 매우 강력한 전략이 될 가능성이 있다.
172. She may protest or attempt to rewrite this version of her story, thereby possibly adding further material that Harry could use in this way.
그녀는 이의를 제기하거나 자신의 이야기의 이 버전을 다시 쓰려고 시도할 수도 있는데, 그렇게 함으로써 어쩌면 Harry가 이런 식으로 이용할 수도 있을 더 나아간 자료를 추가하게 될 수도 있다.
173. These exchanges of stories need not always be employed in such malevolent ways.
이야기들을 이렇게 주고받는 것이 항상 그러한 악의 있는 방식으로 이용될 필요는 없다.
174. These reconstructed memories can become very powerful, to a point where each partner may become confused even about the simple factual details of what actually did happen in their past.
이러한 재구성된 기억들은 매우 강력할 수 있어서, 각 파트너가 그들의 과거에 실제 정말로 일어났던 일의 간단한 사실적 세부사항에 대해서조차 혼란스러워하는 지경까지 이를 수 있다.
'고등모의 [워크북] > 고3' 카테고리의 다른 글
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2019년 3월 고3 모의고사 전범위 단어정리 (0) | 2019.03.10 |
2017년(2018학년도) 11월 수능영어 빅데이터 워크북 (0) | 2018.08.19 |
2014년 9월 고3 모의고사 주간영재 (0) | 2018.08.05 |
2015년 9월 고3 모의고사 영어 문법탐구 (0) | 2018.07.28 |
2017년(2018학년도) 11월 수능영어 빅데이터 워크북
낙관주의는 성공으로 인도하는 믿음이다. 희망과 자신감이 없으면 아무것도 이루어질 수 없다. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. -헬렌 켈러
♕ Ving
∙Psychologists who study giving behavior have noticed that some people give substantial amounts to one or two charities, while others give small amounts to many charities.
∙The essential argument here is that the capitalist mode of production is affecting peasant production in the less developed world in such a way as to limit the production of staple foods, thus causing a food problem.
♕ Ved/PP
∙Supporters of such legislation like to defend these increases with tales of starving writers and their impoverished descendants, but in reality the beneficiaries are more likely to be transnational publishing companies.
∙The essential argument here is that the capitalist mode of production is affecting peasant production in the less developed world in such a way as to limit the production of staple foods, thus causing a food problem.
♕ To
∙You have to venture beyond the boundaries of your current experience and explore new territory.
∙They also adaptively adjust their eating behavior in response to deficits in water, calories, and salt.
♕ Being/Been
∙Mercury was being bioaccumulated in the fish tissue and severe mercury poisoning occurred in many people who consumed the fish.
∙Fish advisories have been issued for many lakes in the United States; these recommend limits on the number of times per month particular species of fish should be consumed.
♕ Conj
∙Tanzania found that honey was the most highly preferred food item, an item that has the highest caloric value.
∙But a wine that talks: That's unique.
♕ It
∙This should also be a golden rule with regard to SNS, but for children and young people it is much more difficult to estimate the consequences and potential serious impact of their actions in this environment.
∙Those who donate to one or two charities seek evidence about what the charity is doing and whether it is really having a positive impact.
♕ If
∙If the evidence indicates that the charity is really helping others, they make a substantial donation.
∙If N equals the number of people in the circle, then the maximum number of balls you can have in motion is N minus 1.
놀라운 일을 하려고 노력조차 하지 않을 거면 살아 있어서 뭐하나. -미상
<12> The recovery of appetite or the motivation to eat is apparent to anyone who has consumed a large meal and is quite full, and does not require additional energy or nutrients to meet their daily needs, but decides to consume additional calories after seeing the dessert cart. [1711H3-22]
<10> Individual authors and photographers have rights to their intellectual property during their lifetimes, and their heirs have rights for 70 years after the creator's death, so any publication less than 125 years old has to be checked for its copyright status. [1711H3-23]
<10> The duration of copyright protection has increased steadily over the years; the life-plus-70-years standard was set by the Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, which increased the 50-year limit established by the 1976 Copyright Act. [1711H3-23]
<12> In addition to protecting the rights of authors so as to encourage the publication of new creative works, copyright is also supposed to place reasonable time limits on those rights so that outdated works may be incorporated into new creative efforts. [1711H3-23]
<12> Both describe a physical journey, reflecting the central character's mental and spiritual journey, down a river to confront the deranged Kurtz character, who represents the worst aspects of civilisation. [1711H3-31]
<11> By giving Apocalypse Now a setting that was contemporary at the time of its release, audiences were able to experience and identify with its themes more easily than they would have if the film had been a literal adaptation of the novel. [1711H3-31]
<10> In the less developed world, the percentage of the population involved in agriculture is declining, but at the same time, those remaining in agriculture are not benefiting from technological advances. [1711H3-33]
<11> The typical scenario in the less developed world is one in which a very few commercial agriculturalists are technologically advanced while the vast majority are incapable of competing. [1711H3-33]
<10> The essential argument here is that the capitalist mode of production is affecting peasant production in the less developed world in such a way as to limit the production of staple foods, thus causing a food problem. [1711H3-33]
<10> In the context of SNS, media literacy has been argued to be especially important "in order to make the users aware of their rights when using SNS tools, and also help them acquire or reinforce human rights values and develop the behaviour necessary to respect other people's rights and freedoms". [1711H3-35]
<11> These appear to be specific evolved mechanisms, designed to deal with the adaptive problem of food selection, and coordinate consumption patterns with physical needs. [1711H3-38]
<12> Facilitating the voluntary construction of highly homogeneous social networks of scientific communication therefore allows individuals to filter the potentially overwhelming flow of information. [1711H3-40]
<15> In this regard, even a journey through the stacks of a real library can be more fruitful than a trip through today's distributed virtual archives, because it seems difficult to use the available "search engines" to emulate efficiently the mixture of predictable and surprising discoveries that typically result from a physical shelf-search of an extensive library collection. [1711H3-40]
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2014년 9월 고3 모의고사 주간영재 (0) | 2018.08.05 |
2015년 9월 고3 모의고사 영어 문법탐구 (0) | 2018.07.28 |
2015년 9월 고3 모의고사 영어 어순배열 (0) | 2018.07.28 |
2016년 9월 고2 Word&Context
Evolution did not give humans the ability to play soccer.
While some emperors sought to purify their cultures and return to what they viewed as their roots, for the most part empires have produced hybrid civilizations that absorbed much from their subject peoples.
Yet some degree of sadness and depression has been far more accepted in previous historical ages than is the case today.
Research suggests that when we view ourselves as morally deficient in one part of our lives, we search for moral actions that will balance out the scale.
The moral deficiency (not recycling) is, in your view, balanced by a moral action (installing energy¬-efficient bulbs).
If employees want to do volunteer activity, they can make their own arrangements and do so on their own time.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
Another individual might purchase additional life insurance or medical coverage to meet his or her specific needs.
But we also recognize problems on our own (e.g., the need for additional parking space in the city where you work).
And yet adjusting what you eat is entirely possible.
Since the imperial vision tends to be universal and inclusive, it was relatively easy for imperial elites to adopt ideas, norms, and traditions from wherever they found them, rather than to stick to a single rigid tradition.
With its electrical and mechanical system, the washing machine is one of the most technologically advanced examples of a large household appliance.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
It is only recently that a thriving industry promoting positivity has managed to remove this earlier and more balanced view of human affectivity.
It is only recently that a thriving industry promoting positivity has managed to remove this earlier and more balanced view of human affectivity.
Other animals that engage strangers in ritualized aggression do so largely by instinct.
Especially in pre¬modern times, most of the calories feeding an agricultural population came from a single crop―such as wheat, potatoes, or rice―that lacks some of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional materials humans need.
They work together with more global scale forces such as those related to emissions from aircraft carrying tourists to and from their destinations.
Corporations also may be concerned about allocating the resources needed to set up such programs, or perhaps they fear that facilitating employees' engagement elsewhere may weaken their commitment to the organization or their jobs.
Many students could probably benefit if they spent less time on rote repetition and more on actually paying attention to and analyzing the meaning of their reading assignments.
In many cases, the company will put aside a pool of money that each individual can spend on these options, such as $3,000 annually.
With its electrical and mechanical system, the washing machine is one of the most technologically advanced examples of a large household appliance.
Today, such delays between ideas and application are almost unthinkable.
Thus, we find that the time between the first and second stages of the innovative cycle―between idea and application―has been cut radically.
Without an optimal amount of self-disclosure we deny an opportunity for others to know us and for ourselves to get appropriate feedback.
If employees want to do volunteer activity, they can make their own arrangements and do so on their own time.
In many cases, the company will put aside a pool of money that each individual can spend on these options, such as $3,000 annually.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
Most of us have problems that have been posed to us (e.g., assignments from our supervisors).
Many students could probably benefit if they spent less time on rote repetition and more on actually paying attention to and analyzing the meaning of their reading assignments.
Then, if one person has a family with two small children and wants to use some of this money for a child-care program, the costs are automatically deducted from that employee's pool of money.
Such backbreaking labor is still commonplace in parts of the world, but for most homeowners the work is now done by a machine that automatically regulates water temperature, measures out the detergent, washes, rinses, and spin-dries.
The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in 1714, but another 150 years passed before typewriters were commercially available.
Such backbreaking labor is still commonplace in parts of the world, but for most homeowners the work is now done by a machine that automatically regulates water temperature, measures out the detergent, washes, rinses, and spin-dries.
Farmers tend to eat a very limited and unbalanced diet.
Research suggests that when we view ourselves as morally deficient in one part of our lives, we search for moral actions that will balance out the scale.
The moral deficiency (not recycling) is, in your view, balanced by a moral action (installing energy¬-efficient bulbs).
It is only recently that a thriving industry promoting positivity has managed to remove this earlier and more balanced view of human affectivity.
Life is a balancing act, and so is our sense of morality.
The machine was based on technology that even then was twenty years old, but it was not until 1930 that such a machine actually was marketed.
Before the washing machine was invented, people used washboards to scrub, or they carried their laundry to riverbanks and streams, where they beat and rubbed it against rocks.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
Many students could probably benefit if they spent less time on rote repetition and more on actually paying attention to and analyzing the meaning of their reading assignments.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
One day you happen to be walking through a hardware store and notice a rack of energy-efficient light bulbs, and you instantly decide to buy twenty of them and change out every bulb in your house.
The moral deficiency (not recycling) is, in your view, balanced by a moral action (installing energy¬-efficient bulbs).
For example, in 1836, a machine was invented that mowed, threshed, and tied straw into bundles and poured grain into sacks.
Especially in pre¬modern times, most of the calories feeding an agricultural population came from a single crop―such as wheat, potatoes, or rice―that lacks some of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional materials humans need.
Before the washing machine was invented, people used washboards to scrub, or they carried their laundry to riverbanks and streams, where they beat and rubbed it against rocks.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
For example, if you're reading in your psychology text about the personality trait of confidence, you can think about which people you know who are particularly confident and why you would characterize them as being that way.
While some emperors sought to purify their cultures and return to what they viewed as their roots, for the most part empires have produced hybrid civilizations that absorbed much from their subject peoples.
The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in 1714, but another 150 years passed before typewriters were commercially available.
Corporations also may be concerned about allocating the resources needed to set up such programs, or perhaps they fear that facilitating employees' engagement elsewhere may weaken their commitment to the organization or their jobs.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
Such backbreaking labor is still commonplace in parts of the world, but for most homeowners the work is now done by a machine that automatically regulates water temperature, measures out the detergent, washes, rinses, and spin-dries.
Some companies provide their employees with cafeteria incentive programs.
Were this not the case, the food companies that launch new products each year would be wasting their money.
Compared with the old washers that squeezed out excess water by feeding clothes through rollers, modern washers are indeed an electrical-mechanical phenomenon.
Tomorrow's menu might have been completely different.
They can nevertheless play the game with complete strangers because they have all learned an identical set of ideas about soccer.
When you stare at a screen, you feel completely alone.
Corporations also may be concerned about allocating the resources needed to set up such programs, or perhaps they fear that facilitating employees' engagement elsewhere may weaken their commitment to the organization or their jobs.
For example, if you're reading in your psychology text about the personality trait of confidence, you can think about which people you know who are particularly confident and why you would characterize them as being that way.
For example, if you're reading in your psychology text about the personality trait of confidence, you can think about which people you know who are particularly confident and why you would characterize them as being that way.
Consider email.
Sadness in our culture is often considered an unnecessary and undesirable emotion.
From the classic philosophers through Shakespeare to the works of Chekhov, Ibsen, and the great novels of the 19th century, exploring the emotions of sadness, longing, and depression has long been considered instructive.
People who communicate to others about themselves rather freely, who are frank and open, who express their views, opinions, knowledge, and feelings freely, and who share their knowledge and personal experiences with others can be considered as the self-disclosing type.
These people constantly communicate with others and make an impact on them.
Whether you're nine or ninety years old, you should constantly be learning, improving your skills, and getting better at what you do.
By contrast, ancient foragers regularly ate dozens of different foodstuffs.
As with other human activities, there are many ways and spatial scales at which tourism contributes to climate change.
Tourism is one of many contributors to changes in the climate system.
Imperial Mongol culture was a Chinese copycat.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
Corporations also may be concerned about allocating the resources needed to set up such programs, or perhaps they fear that facilitating employees' engagement elsewhere may weaken their commitment to the organization or their jobs.
And yet many will use email, at least sometimes, for intimate correspondence.
Another individual might purchase additional life insurance or medical coverage to meet his or her specific needs.
The employees decide what type of coverage they want and the cost is deducted from their bonus.
The cultural ideas spread by empire were seldom the exclusive creation of the ruling elite.
However, in order to solve this problem creatively, it may be useful to redefine it as a problem of too many vehicles requiring a space to sit in during the workday.
One line of research suggests that how often you go over material is less critical than the depth of processing that you engage in.
Especially in pre¬modern times, most of the calories feeding an agricultural population came from a single crop―such as wheat, potatoes, or rice―that lacks some of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional materials humans need.
The cultural ideas spread by empire were seldom the exclusive creation of the ruling elite.
Sadness in our culture is often considered an unnecessary and undesirable emotion.
While some emperors sought to purify their cultures and return to what they viewed as their roots, for the most part empires have produced hybrid civilizations that absorbed much from their subject peoples.
The imperial culture of Rome was Greek almost as much as Roman.
Imperial Mongol culture was a Chinese copycat.
In that case, you may decide to organize a carpool among people who use downtown parking lots and institute a daytime local taxi service using these privately owned vehicles.
Over decades, I have asked why.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, housewives from East and West Germany tried each other's food products for the first time in decades.
Then, if one person has a family with two small children and wants to use some of this money for a child-care program, the costs are automatically deducted from that employee's pool of money.
The employees decide what type of coverage they want and the cost is deducted from their bonus.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
The moral deficiency (not recycling) is, in your view, balanced by a moral action (installing energy¬-efficient bulbs).
Research suggests that when we view ourselves as morally deficient in one part of our lives, we search for moral actions that will balance out the scale.
After identifying the existence of a problem, we must define its scope and goals.
However, in order to solve this problem creatively, it may be useful to redefine it as a problem of too many vehicles requiring a space to sit in during the workday.
Yet some degree of sadness and depression has been far more accepted in previous historical ages than is the case today.
They reach a certain level, earn their degrees, buy their dream homes, and then just coast.
Today, such delays between ideas and application are almost unthinkable.
Without an optimal amount of self-disclosure we deny an opportunity for others to know us and for ourselves to get appropriate feedback.
Yet some degree of sadness and depression has been far more accepted in previous historical ages than is the case today.
From the classic philosophers through Shakespeare to the works of Chekhov, Ibsen, and the great novels of the 19th century, exploring the emotions of sadness, longing, and depression has long been considered instructive.
One line of research suggests that how often you go over material is less critical than the depth of processing that you engage in.
They work together with more global scale forces such as those related to emissions from aircraft carrying tourists to and from their destinations.
Too many people suffer from destination disease.
Such backbreaking labor is still commonplace in parts of the world, but for most homeowners the work is now done by a machine that automatically regulates water temperature, measures out the detergent, washes, rinses, and spin-dries.
It not only cleans clothes, but it does so with far less water, detergent, and energy than washing by hand requires.
It is not that we are more eager or more ambitious than our ancestors but that we have, over time, invented all sorts of social devices to hasten the process.
People who communicate to others about themselves rather freely, who are frank and open, who express their views, opinions, knowledge, and feelings freely, and who share their knowledge and personal experiences with others can be considered as the self-disclosing type.
This communication or self-disclosure helps in generating data and such an individual has more of an open and public self than private self.
Without an optimal amount of self-disclosure we deny an opportunity for others to know us and for ourselves to get appropriate feedback.
Scientific discoveries are being brought to fruition at a faster rate than ever before.
Equally, those from the West discovered a liking for the honey and vanilla wafer biscuits of the East.
People who don't communicate openly are private individuals who may have difficulty discovering themselves fully.
The gap between the reality of online life and how we experience it prevents our discussion of Internet privacy.
It is not that we are more eager or more ambitious than our ancestors but that we have, over time, invented all sorts of social devices to hasten the process.
One day you happen to be walking through a hardware store and notice a rack of energy-efficient light bulbs, and you instantly decide to buy twenty of them and change out every bulb in your house.
The moral deficiency (not recycling) is, in your view, balanced by a moral action (installing energy¬-efficient bulbs).
With its electrical and mechanical system, the washing machine is one of the most technologically advanced examples of a large household appliance.
Compared with the old washers that squeezed out excess water by feeding clothes through rollers, modern washers are indeed an electrical-mechanical phenomenon.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
They work together with more global scale forces such as those related to emissions from aircraft carrying tourists to and from their destinations.
Local climate changes may also be caused when air pollutants are emitted by the structures' incinerators, by stationary and mobile engines, and during land-¬clearing activities.
Sadness in our culture is often considered an unnecessary and undesirable emotion.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
From the classic philosophers through Shakespeare to the works of Chekhov, Ibsen, and the great novels of the 19th century, exploring the emotions of sadness, longing, and depression has long been considered instructive.
While some emperors sought to purify their cultures and return to what they viewed as their roots, for the most part empires have produced hybrid civilizations that absorbed much from their subject peoples.
The cultural ideas spread by empire were seldom the exclusive creation of the ruling elite.
While some emperors sought to purify their cultures and return to what they viewed as their roots, for the most part empires have produced hybrid civilizations that absorbed much from their subject peoples.
Much of the psychology profession is employed in managing and relieving sadness.
Some companies provide their employees with cafeteria incentive programs.
Then, if one person has a family with two small children and wants to use some of this money for a child-care program, the costs are automatically deducted from that employee's pool of money.
The employees decide what type of coverage they want and the cost is deducted from their bonus.
Some organizations may be reluctant to facilitate their employees' participation in volunteer activities.
If employees want to do volunteer activity, they can make their own arrangements and do so on their own time.
Corporations also may be concerned about allocating the resources needed to set up such programs, or perhaps they fear that facilitating employees' engagement elsewhere may weaken their commitment to the organization or their jobs.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
True, it produced legs for kicking and elbows for fouling, but all that this enables us to do is perhaps practice penalty kicks alone.
Other animals that engage strangers in ritualized aggression do so largely by instinct.
One line of research suggests that how often you go over material is less critical than the depth of processing that you engage in.
Corporations also may be concerned about allocating the resources needed to set up such programs, or perhaps they fear that facilitating employees' engagement elsewhere may weaken their commitment to the organization or their jobs.
Corporations also may be concerned about allocating the resources needed to set up such programs, or perhaps they fear that facilitating employees' engagement elsewhere may weaken their commitment to the organization or their jobs.
This variety ensured that the ancient foragers received all the necessary nutrients.
These ideas are entirely imaginary, but if everyone shares them, we can all play the game.
And yet adjusting what you eat is entirely possible.
Studies show 50 percent of high school graduates never read another entire book.
The seeming ephemerality of what is on the screen masks the truth: What you write is not erasable.
In the imperial United States, an American president of Kenyan blood can eat Italian pizza while watching his favorite film, Lawrence of Arabia, a British epic about the Arab rebellion against the Turks.
Equally, those from the West discovered a liking for the honey and vanilla wafer biscuits of the East.
The seeming ephemerality of what is on the screen masks the truth: What you write is not erasable.
Especially in pre¬modern times, most of the calories feeding an agricultural population came from a single crop―such as wheat, potatoes, or rice―that lacks some of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional materials humans need.
Evolution did not give humans the ability to play soccer.
Compared with the old washers that squeezed out excess water by feeding clothes through rollers, modern washers are indeed an electrical-mechanical phenomenon.
The cultural ideas spread by empire were seldom the exclusive creation of the ruling elite.
After identifying the existence of a problem, we must define its scope and goals.
When you read your textbooks, try to relate information to your own life and experience.
The gap between the reality of online life and how we experience it prevents our discussion of Internet privacy.
More generally, the experience of the net undermines the reality of the net.
People who communicate to others about themselves rather freely, who are frank and open, who express their views, opinions, knowledge, and feelings freely, and who share their knowledge and personal experiences with others can be considered as the self-disclosing type.
From the classic philosophers through Shakespeare to the works of Chekhov, Ibsen, and the great novels of the 19th century, exploring the emotions of sadness, longing, and depression has long been considered instructive.
Some organizations may be reluctant to facilitate their employees' participation in volunteer activities.
Without an optimal amount of self-disclosure we deny an opportunity for others to know us and for ourselves to get appropriate feedback.
Especially in pre¬modern times, most of the calories feeding an agricultural population came from a single crop―such as wheat, potatoes, or rice―that lacks some of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional materials humans need.
Compared with the old washers that squeezed out excess water by feeding clothes through rollers, modern washers are indeed an electrical-mechanical phenomenon.
From both sides of the wall, these German housewives showed a remarkable flexibility in their food preferences.
Gradually, over space and time, even these locally focused human activities are known to change the climate, regionally and globally.
If she was lucky, she could expect to eat the same on the following day.
By contrast, ancient foragers regularly ate dozens of different foodstuffs.
The foragers' secret of success, which protected them from starvation and malnutrition, was their varied diet.
By contrast, ancient foragers regularly ate dozens of different foodstuffs.
The peasant's ancient ancestor, the forager, may have eaten berries and mushrooms for breakfast; fruits and snails for lunch; and rabbit steak with wild onions for dinner.
This variety ensured that the ancient foragers received all the necessary nutrients.
True, it produced legs for kicking and elbows for fouling, but all that this enables us to do is perhaps practice penalty kicks alone.
People who communicate to others about themselves rather freely, who are frank and open, who express their views, opinions, knowledge, and feelings freely, and who share their knowledge and personal experiences with others can be considered as the self-disclosing type.
Scientific discoveries are being brought to fruition at a faster rate than ever before.
The gap between the reality of online life and how we experience it prevents our discussion of Internet privacy.
More generally, the experience of the net undermines the reality of the net.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
This communication or self-disclosure helps in generating data and such an individual has more of an open and public self than private self.
Puppies throughout the world have the rules for rough-and-tumble play built into their genes.
But human teenagers have no such genes for soccer.
Gradually, over space and time, even these locally focused human activities are known to change the climate, regionally and globally.
They work together with more global scale forces such as those related to emissions from aircraft carrying tourists to and from their destinations.
Changing our food habits is one of the hardest things we can do, because the impulses governing our preferences are often hidden, even from ourselves.
For example, in 1836, a machine was invented that mowed, threshed, and tied straw into bundles and poured grain into sacks.
One day you happen to be walking through a hardware store and notice a rack of energy-efficient light bulbs, and you instantly decide to buy twenty of them and change out every bulb in your house.
It is not that we are more eager or more ambitious than our ancestors but that we have, over time, invented all sorts of social devices to hasten the process.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
Changing our food habits is one of the hardest things we can do, because the impulses governing our preferences are often hidden, even from ourselves.
Yet some degree of sadness and depression has been far more accepted in previous historical ages than is the case today.
Such backbreaking labor is still commonplace in parts of the world, but for most homeowners the work is now done by a machine that automatically regulates water temperature, measures out the detergent, washes, rinses, and spin-dries.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, housewives from East and West Germany tried each other's food products for the first time in decades.
From both sides of the wall, these German housewives showed a remarkable flexibility in their food preferences.
While some emperors sought to purify their cultures and return to what they viewed as their roots, for the most part empires have produced hybrid civilizations that absorbed much from their subject peoples.
They can nevertheless play the game with complete strangers because they have all learned an identical set of ideas about soccer.
After identifying the existence of a problem, we must define its scope and goals.
These ideas are entirely imaginary, but if everyone shares them, we can all play the game.
These people constantly communicate with others and make an impact on them.
At least it is difficult for them to see themselves fully through the eyes of others and also they make limited impact on others.
Whether you're nine or ninety years old, you should constantly be learning, improving your skills, and getting better at what you do.
Changing our food habits is one of the hardest things we can do, because the impulses governing our preferences are often hidden, even from ourselves.
Some companies provide their employees with cafeteria incentive programs.
Cafeteria incentives take a variety of forms.
Local climate changes may also be caused when air pollutants are emitted by the structures' incinerators, by stationary and mobile engines, and during land-¬clearing activities.
Since the imperial vision tends to be universal and inclusive, it was relatively easy for imperial elites to adopt ideas, norms, and traditions from wherever they found them, rather than to stick to a single rigid tradition.
In many cases, the company will put aside a pool of money that each individual can spend on these options, such as $3,000 annually.
Another individual might purchase additional life insurance or medical coverage to meet his or her specific needs.
This communication or self-disclosure helps in generating data and such an individual has more of an open and public self than private self.
People who don't communicate openly are private individuals who may have difficulty discovering themselves fully.
Thus, we find that the time between the first and second stages of the innovative cycle―between idea and application―has been cut radically.
The moral deficiency (not recycling) is, in your view, balanced by a moral action (installing energy¬-efficient bulbs).
Other animals that engage strangers in ritualized aggression do so largely by instinct.
In that case, you may decide to organize a carpool among people who use downtown parking lots and institute a daytime local taxi service using these privately owned vehicles.
From the classic philosophers through Shakespeare to the works of Chekhov, Ibsen, and the great novels of the 19th century, exploring the emotions of sadness, longing, and depression has long been considered instructive.
Another individual might purchase additional life insurance or medical coverage to meet his or her specific needs.
At Lincoln Electric, for example, all payments for worker medical insurance come from the bonus pool.
And yet many will use email, at least sometimes, for intimate correspondence.
The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in 1714, but another 150 years passed before typewriters were commercially available.
People who communicate to others about themselves rather freely, who are frank and open, who express their views, opinions, knowledge, and feelings freely, and who share their knowledge and personal experiences with others can be considered as the self-disclosing type.
Such backbreaking labor is still commonplace in parts of the world, but for most homeowners the work is now done by a machine that automatically regulates water temperature, measures out the detergent, washes, rinses, and spin-dries.
Especially in pre¬modern times, most of the calories feeding an agricultural population came from a single crop―such as wheat, potatoes, or rice―that lacks some of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional materials humans need.
Other animals that engage strangers in ritualized aggression do so largely by instinct.
Were this not the case, the food companies that launch new products each year would be wasting their money.
Before the washing machine was invented, people used washboards to scrub, or they carried their laundry to riverbanks and streams, where they beat and rubbed it against rocks.
And yet many will use email, at least sometimes, for intimate correspondence.
At least it is difficult for them to see themselves fully through the eyes of others and also they make limited impact on others.
Gradually, over space and time, even these locally focused human activities are known to change the climate, regionally and globally.
The foragers' secret of success, which protected them from starvation and malnutrition, was their varied diet.
It is only recently that a thriving industry promoting positivity has managed to remove this earlier and more balanced view of human affectivity.
Especially in pre¬modern times, most of the calories feeding an agricultural population came from a single crop―such as wheat, potatoes, or rice―that lacks some of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional materials humans need.
One line of research suggests that how often you go over material is less critical than the depth of processing that you engage in.
In particular, it is useful to make material personally meaningful.
In particular, it is useful to make material personally meaningful.
Such backbreaking labor is still commonplace in parts of the world, but for most homeowners the work is now done by a machine that automatically regulates water temperature, measures out the detergent, washes, rinses, and spin-dries.
With its electrical and mechanical system, the washing machine is one of the most technologically advanced examples of a large household appliance.
Compared with the old washers that squeezed out excess water by feeding clothes through rollers, modern washers are indeed an electrical-mechanical phenomenon.
Especially in pre¬modern times, most of the calories feeding an agricultural population came from a single crop―such as wheat, potatoes, or rice―that lacks some of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional materials humans need.
Local climate changes may also be caused when air pollutants are emitted by the structures' incinerators, by stationary and mobile engines, and during land-¬clearing activities.
For example, changes in land cover and use, such as replacing forest with resort buildings and other structures, can modify the local climate.
Life is a balancing act, and so is our sense of morality.
Research suggests that when we view ourselves as morally deficient in one part of our lives, we search for moral actions that will balance out the scale.
The moral deficiency (not recycling) is, in your view, balanced by a moral action (installing energy¬-efficient bulbs).
If we believe we are doing enough, morally speaking, then there's little reason to do more.
Life is a balancing act, and so is our sense of morality.
Research suggests that when we view ourselves as morally deficient in one part of our lives, we search for moral actions that will balance out the scale.
If we believe we are doing enough, morally speaking, then there's little reason to do more.
For example, in 1836, a machine was invented that mowed, threshed, and tied straw into bundles and poured grain into sacks.
The peasant's ancient ancestor, the forager, may have eaten berries and mushrooms for breakfast; fruits and snails for lunch; and rabbit steak with wild onions for dinner.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
Since the imperial vision tends to be universal and inclusive, it was relatively easy for imperial elites to adopt ideas, norms, and traditions from wherever they found them, rather than to stick to a single rigid tradition.
One day you happen to be walking through a hardware store and notice a rack of energy-efficient light bulbs, and you instantly decide to buy twenty of them and change out every bulb in your house.
From the classic philosophers through Shakespeare to the works of Chekhov, Ibsen, and the great novels of the 19th century, exploring the emotions of sadness, longing, and depression has long been considered instructive.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
This variety ensured that the ancient foragers received all the necessary nutrients.
Especially in pre¬modern times, most of the calories feeding an agricultural population came from a single crop―such as wheat, potatoes, or rice―that lacks some of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional materials humans need.
People who communicate to others about themselves rather freely, who are frank and open, who express their views, opinions, knowledge, and feelings freely, and who share their knowledge and personal experiences with others can be considered as the self-disclosing type.
Without an optimal amount of self-disclosure we deny an opportunity for others to know us and for ourselves to get appropriate feedback.
To get into a game with the strangers we find in the schoolyard on any given afternoon, we not only have to work in concert with ten teammates we may never have met before, we also need to know that the eleven players on the opposing team are playing by the same rules.
Without an optimal amount of self-disclosure we deny an opportunity for others to know us and for ourselves to get appropriate feedback.
In many cases, the company will put aside a pool of money that each individual can spend on these options, such as $3,000 annually.
Some organizations may be reluctant to facilitate their employees' participation in volunteer activities.
Corporations also may be concerned about allocating the resources needed to set up such programs, or perhaps they fear that facilitating employees' engagement elsewhere may weaken their commitment to the organization or their jobs.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
In that case, you may decide to organize a carpool among people who use downtown parking lots and institute a daytime local taxi service using these privately owned vehicles.
Thus, you solve the problem not as you originally posed it but as you later reconceived it.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
Some organizations may be reluctant to facilitate their employees' participation in volunteer activities.
In particular, it is useful to make material personally meaningful.
For example, if you're reading in your psychology text about the personality trait of confidence, you can think about which people you know who are particularly confident and why you would characterize them as being that way.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in 1714, but another 150 years passed before typewriters were commercially available.
At Lincoln Electric, for example, all payments for worker medical insurance come from the bonus pool.
The typical peasant in traditional China ate rice for breakfast, rice for lunch, and rice for dinner.
The peasant's ancient ancestor, the forager, may have eaten berries and mushrooms for breakfast; fruits and snails for lunch; and rabbit steak with wild onions for dinner.
True, it produced legs for kicking and elbows for fouling, but all that this enables us to do is perhaps practice penalty kicks alone.
In particular, it is useful to make material personally meaningful.
For example, if you're reading in your psychology text about the personality trait of confidence, you can think about which people you know who are particularly confident and why you would characterize them as being that way.
People who communicate to others about themselves rather freely, who are frank and open, who express their views, opinions, knowledge, and feelings freely, and who share their knowledge and personal experiences with others can be considered as the self-disclosing type.
For example, if you're reading in your psychology text about the personality trait of confidence, you can think about which people you know who are particularly confident and why you would characterize them as being that way.
In particular, it is useful to make material personally meaningful.
Compared with the old washers that squeezed out excess water by feeding clothes through rollers, modern washers are indeed an electrical-mechanical phenomenon.
From the classic philosophers through Shakespeare to the works of Chekhov, Ibsen, and the great novels of the 19th century, exploring the emotions of sadness, longing, and depression has long been considered instructive.
Local climate changes may also be caused when air pollutants are emitted by the structures' incinerators, by stationary and mobile engines, and during land-¬clearing activities.
Especially in pre¬modern times, most of the calories feeding an agricultural population came from a single crop―such as wheat, potatoes, or rice―that lacks some of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional materials humans need.
Most of us have problems that have been posed to us (e.g., assignments from our supervisors).
Thus, you solve the problem not as you originally posed it but as you later reconceived it.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
It is only recently that a thriving industry promoting positivity has managed to remove this earlier and more balanced view of human affectivity.
Changing our food habits is one of the hardest things we can do, because the impulses governing our preferences are often hidden, even from ourselves.
From both sides of the wall, these German housewives showed a remarkable flexibility in their food preferences.
It didn't take long for those from the East to realize that they preferred Western yogurt to their own.
The gap between the reality of online life and how we experience it prevents our discussion of Internet privacy.
Yet some degree of sadness and depression has been far more accepted in previous historical ages than is the case today.
The gap between the reality of online life and how we experience it prevents our discussion of Internet privacy.
In that case, you may decide to organize a carpool among people who use downtown parking lots and institute a daytime local taxi service using these privately owned vehicles.
The term cafeteria is used because choices are similar to those in a cafeteria, in which a diner proceeds down the line and chooses those foods that he or she would like and leaves the others.
It is not that we are more eager or more ambitious than our ancestors but that we have, over time, invented all sorts of social devices to hasten the process.
One line of research suggests that how often you go over material is less critical than the depth of processing that you engage in.
Were this not the case, the food companies that launch new products each year would be wasting their money.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, housewives from East and West Germany tried each other's food products for the first time in decades.
Much of the psychology profession is employed in managing and relieving sadness.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
Some companies provide their employees with cafeteria incentive programs.
For example, if you're reading in your psychology text about the personality trait of confidence, you can think about which people you know who are particularly confident and why you would characterize them as being that way.
Much of the psychology profession is employed in managing and relieving sadness.
Another individual might purchase additional life insurance or medical coverage to meet his or her specific needs.
While some emperors sought to purify their cultures and return to what they viewed as their roots, for the most part empires have produced hybrid civilizations that absorbed much from their subject peoples.
One day you happen to be walking through a hardware store and notice a rack of energy-efficient light bulbs, and you instantly decide to buy twenty of them and change out every bulb in your house.
Thus, we find that the time between the first and second stages of the innovative cycle―between idea and application―has been cut radically.
Scientific discoveries are being brought to fruition at a faster rate than ever before.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
The gap between the reality of online life and how we experience it prevents our discussion of Internet privacy.
More generally, the experience of the net undermines the reality of the net.
In the imperial United States, an American president of Kenyan blood can eat Italian pizza while watching his favorite film, Lawrence of Arabia, a British epic about the Arab rebellion against the Turks.
This variety ensured that the ancient foragers received all the necessary nutrients.
But we also recognize problems on our own (e.g., the need for additional parking space in the city where you work).
Thus, you solve the problem not as you originally posed it but as you later reconceived it.
Maybe you know you should be recycling but just never get around to gathering up your glass, paper, and plastics in time for the recycling truck.
The moral deficiency (not recycling) is, in your view, balanced by a moral action (installing energy¬-efficient bulbs).
However, in order to solve this problem creatively, it may be useful to redefine it as a problem of too many vehicles requiring a space to sit in during the workday.
Gradually, over space and time, even these locally focused human activities are known to change the climate, regionally and globally.
By contrast, ancient foragers regularly ate dozens of different foodstuffs.
Such backbreaking labor is still commonplace in parts of the world, but for most homeowners the work is now done by a machine that automatically regulates water temperature, measures out the detergent, washes, rinses, and spin-dries.
They work together with more global scale forces such as those related to emissions from aircraft carrying tourists to and from their destinations.
When you read your textbooks, try to relate information to your own life and experience.
Since the imperial vision tends to be universal and inclusive, it was relatively easy for imperial elites to adopt ideas, norms, and traditions from wherever they found them, rather than to stick to a single rigid tradition.
Much of the psychology profession is employed in managing and relieving sadness.
Some organizations may be reluctant to facilitate their employees' participation in volunteer activities.
From both sides of the wall, these German housewives showed a remarkable flexibility in their food preferences.
Many students could probably benefit if they spent less time on rote repetition and more on actually paying attention to and analyzing the meaning of their reading assignments.
For example, changes in land cover and use, such as replacing forest with resort buildings and other structures, can modify the local climate.
It not only cleans clothes, but it does so with far less water, detergent, and energy than washing by hand requires.
For example, changes in land cover and use, such as replacing forest with resort buildings and other structures, can modify the local climate.
Corporations also may be concerned about allocating the resources needed to set up such programs, or perhaps they fear that facilitating employees' engagement elsewhere may weaken their commitment to the organization or their jobs.
Since the imperial vision tends to be universal and inclusive, it was relatively easy for imperial elites to adopt ideas, norms, and traditions from wherever they found them, rather than to stick to a single rigid tradition.
Such backbreaking labor is still commonplace in parts of the world, but for most homeowners the work is now done by a machine that automatically regulates water temperature, measures out the detergent, washes, rinses, and spin-dries.
Other animals that engage strangers in ritualized aggression do so largely by instinct.
Before the washing machine was invented, people used washboards to scrub, or they carried their laundry to riverbanks and streams, where they beat and rubbed it against rocks.
The foragers' secret of success, which protected them from starvation and malnutrition, was their varied diet.
Many students could probably benefit if they spent less time on rote repetition and more on actually paying attention to and analyzing the meaning of their reading assignments.
For example, in 1836, a machine was invented that mowed, threshed, and tied straw into bundles and poured grain into sacks.
Sadness in our culture is often considered an unnecessary and undesirable emotion.
Numerous self-help books promote the benefits of positive thinking and positive behaviors, assigning negative affect in general, and sadness in particular, to the category of "problem emotions" that need to be eliminated.
Much of the psychology profession is employed in managing and relieving sadness.
Yet some degree of sadness and depression has been far more accepted in previous historical ages than is the case today.
From the classic philosophers through Shakespeare to the works of Chekhov, Ibsen, and the great novels of the 19th century, exploring the emotions of sadness, longing, and depression has long been considered instructive.
As with other human activities, there are many ways and spatial scales at which tourism contributes to climate change.
They work together with more global scale forces such as those related to emissions from aircraft carrying tourists to and from their destinations.
Research suggests that when we view ourselves as morally deficient in one part of our lives, we search for moral actions that will balance out the scale.
The scale is already level.
After identifying the existence of a problem, we must define its scope and goals.
Before the washing machine was invented, people used washboards to scrub, or they carried their laundry to riverbanks and streams, where they beat and rubbed it against rocks.
The cultural ideas spread by empire were seldom the exclusive creation of the ruling elite.
The term cafeteria is used because choices are similar to those in a cafeteria, in which a diner proceeds down the line and chooses those foods that he or she would like and leaves the others.
Whether you're nine or ninety years old, you should constantly be learning, improving your skills, and getting better at what you do.
It is not that we are more eager or more ambitious than our ancestors but that we have, over time, invented all sorts of social devices to hasten the process.
It is not that we are more eager or more ambitious than our ancestors but that we have, over time, invented all sorts of social devices to hasten the process.
While some emperors sought to purify their cultures and return to what they viewed as their roots, for the most part empires have produced hybrid civilizations that absorbed much from their subject peoples.
As with other human activities, there are many ways and spatial scales at which tourism contributes to climate change.
Another individual might purchase additional life insurance or medical coverage to meet his or her specific needs.
Such backbreaking labor is still commonplace in parts of the world, but for most homeowners the work is now done by a machine that automatically regulates water temperature, measures out the detergent, washes, rinses, and spin-dries.
Compared with the old washers that squeezed out excess water by feeding clothes through rollers, modern washers are indeed an electrical-mechanical phenomenon.
Thus, we find that the time between the first and second stages of the innovative cycle―between idea and application―has been cut radically.
The foragers' secret of success, which protected them from starvation and malnutrition, was their varied diet.
Local climate changes may also be caused when air pollutants are emitted by the structures' incinerators, by stationary and mobile engines, and during land-¬clearing activities.
For example, changes in land cover and use, such as replacing forest with resort buildings and other structures, can modify the local climate.
Local climate changes may also be caused when air pollutants are emitted by the structures' incinerators, by stationary and mobile engines, and during land-¬clearing activities.
Too many people suffer from destination disease.
Most of us have problems that have been posed to us (e.g., assignments from our supervisors).
With its electrical and mechanical system, the washing machine is one of the most technologically advanced examples of a large household appliance.
The machine was based on technology that even then was twenty years old, but it was not until 1930 that such a machine actually was marketed.
The term cafeteria is used because choices are similar to those in a cafeteria, in which a diner proceeds down the line and chooses those foods that he or she would like and leaves the others.
When you read your textbooks, try to relate information to your own life and experience.
For example, if you're reading in your psychology text about the personality trait of confidence, you can think about which people you know who are particularly confident and why you would characterize them as being that way.
For example, in 1836, a machine was invented that mowed, threshed, and tied straw into bundles and poured grain into sacks.
It is only recently that a thriving industry promoting positivity has managed to remove this earlier and more balanced view of human affectivity.
Tourism is one of many contributors to changes in the climate system.
As with other human activities, there are many ways and spatial scales at which tourism contributes to climate change.
The typical peasant in traditional China ate rice for breakfast, rice for lunch, and rice for dinner.
Since the imperial vision tends to be universal and inclusive, it was relatively easy for imperial elites to adopt ideas, norms, and traditions from wherever they found them, rather than to stick to a single rigid tradition.
For example, if you're reading in your psychology text about the personality trait of confidence, you can think about which people you know who are particularly confident and why you would characterize them as being that way.
The seeming ephemerality of what is on the screen masks the truth: What you write is not erasable.
Puppies throughout the world have the rules for rough-and-tumble play built into their genes.
The employees decide what type of coverage they want and the cost is deducted from their bonus.
The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in 1714, but another 150 years passed before typewriters were commercially available.
People who communicate to others about themselves rather freely, who are frank and open, who express their views, opinions, knowledge, and feelings freely, and who share their knowledge and personal experiences with others can be considered as the self-disclosing type.
The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in 1714, but another 150 years passed before typewriters were commercially available.
The typical peasant in traditional China ate rice for breakfast, rice for lunch, and rice for dinner.
Farmers tend to eat a very limited and unbalanced diet.
More generally, the experience of the net undermines the reality of the net.
Sadness in our culture is often considered an unnecessary and undesirable emotion.
Since the imperial vision tends to be universal and inclusive, it was relatively easy for imperial elites to adopt ideas, norms, and traditions from wherever they found them, rather than to stick to a single rigid tradition.
Sadness in our culture is often considered an unnecessary and undesirable emotion.
Today, such delays between ideas and application are almost unthinkable.
The foragers' secret of success, which protected them from starvation and malnutrition, was their varied diet.
Cafeteria incentives take a variety of forms.
This variety ensured that the ancient foragers received all the necessary nutrients.
However, in order to solve this problem creatively, it may be useful to redefine it as a problem of too many vehicles requiring a space to sit in during the workday.
In that case, you may decide to organize a carpool among people who use downtown parking lots and institute a daytime local taxi service using these privately owned vehicles.
Since the imperial vision tends to be universal and inclusive, it was relatively easy for imperial elites to adopt ideas, norms, and traditions from wherever they found them, rather than to stick to a single rigid tradition.
Some organizations may be reluctant to facilitate their employees' participation in volunteer activities.
If employees want to do volunteer activity, they can make their own arrangements and do so on their own time.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
Corporations also may be concerned about allocating the resources needed to set up such programs, or perhaps they fear that facilitating employees' engagement elsewhere may weaken their commitment to the organization or their jobs.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
Research shows that participating in corporate volunteer activity heightens rather than weakens employees' organizational commitment, in part because people feel a sense of self-worth when they do the good deeds that their organizations made it easier for them to do.
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2017년 9월 고1 모의고사 Word&Context
Why doesn't the modern American accent sound similar to a British accent?
The accent that we identify as British today was developed around the time of the American Revolution by people of low birth rank who had become wealthy during the Industrial Revolution.
In the 19th century, this distinctive accent was standardized as Received Pronunciation and taught widely by pronunciation tutors to people who wanted to learn to speak fashionably.
It's hard enough to stick with goals you want to accomplish, but sometimes we make goals we're not even thrilled about in the first place.
He went to his father and shared his achievement.
It is easy to judge people based on their actions.
We are often taught to put more value in actions than words, and for good reason.
The actions of others often speak volumes louder than their words.
Natural consequences prepare children for adulthood by helping them think about the potential consequences of their choices.
So they are imagination engines," explains Jack Horner, a technical advisor for the Jurassic Park films.
About fifty years ago, a Pygmy named Kenge took his first trip out of the forests of Africa and onto the open plains with an anthropologist.
Finally, he turned to the anthropologist and asked what kind of insects they were.
"The anthropologist wasn't stupid, and he hadn't lied.
Furthermore, the longer the close friends had known each other, the less steep the hill appeared to the participants involved in the study.
This shrinking exposes the parts of the nails and hair that were once under the skin, causing them to appear longer than before.
Buffalo appeared in the distance, and the Pygmy watched them curiously.
We remember the arousing aspects of an episode and forget the boring bits.
It took about a minute to get from the arrival gate to baggage claim, so the passengers spent seven more minutes waiting for their bags.
The solution was to move the arrival gates away from the baggage claim so it took passengers about seven minutes to walk there.
We remember the arousing aspects of an episode and forget the boring bits.
Static electricity is also found in the atmosphere.
The researchers at the U.S. Army conducted a study of motorcycle accidents, attempting to correlate the number of accidents with other variables such as socioeconomic level and age.
When done by a beginner, both are awkward, frustrating, and slow.
Houston Airport executives faced plenty of complaints regarding baggage claim time, so they increased the number of baggage handlers.
It took about a minute to get from the arrival gate to baggage claim, so the passengers spent seven more minutes waiting for their bags.
The solution was to move the arrival gates away from the baggage claim so it took passengers about seven minutes to walk there.
Social psychologists at the University of Virginia asked college students to stand at the base of a hill while carrying a weighted backpack and estimate the steepness of the hill.
We set resolutions based on what we're supposed to do, or what others think we're supposed to do, rather than what really matters to us.
Instead, make goals based on your own values.
Some people, however, found the traditional religious explanations inadequate, and they began to search for answers based on reason.
It is easy to judge people based on their actions.
You may find a great co-worker or best friend in someone, so don't eliminate a person from your life based on a brief observation.
The following example will illustrate why it is difficult to make causal statements on the basis of correlational observation.
But neither behavior could be directly causing the other even though there is a relationship.
However, when someone exhibits some difficult behavior, you might want to reserve judgement for later.
People are not always defined by their behavior.
It is common to think, "He is so bossy," or "She is so mean," after observing less-than-desirable behavior in someone.
"At that moment, the cameras outside took over and out there in the yard there was a scene of joy almost beyond belief.
Having extremely vivid memories of past emotional experiences and only weak memories of past everyday events means we maintain a biased perception of the past.
You may find a great co-worker or best friend in someone, so don't eliminate a person from your life based on a brief observation.
The short answer is no, though it may not seem that way to the casual observer.
The following example will illustrate why it is difficult to make causal statements on the basis of correlational observation.
Her interest in chemistry started when she was just ten years old.
Her work on vitamin B12 was published in 1954, which led to her being awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964.
Houston Airport executives faced plenty of complaints regarding baggage claim time, so they increased the number of baggage handlers.
It took about a minute to get from the arrival gate to baggage claim, so the passengers spent seven more minutes waiting for their bags.
The solution was to move the arrival gates away from the baggage claim so it took passengers about seven minutes to walk there.
You will find that the bits of paper or chalk dust cling to the pen.
In 1949, she worked on the structure of penicillin with her colleagues.
Even if you end up spending money making things yourself, you're at least building a skill rather than a collection of stuff that's quickly decreasing in value.
To distinguish themselves from other commoners, these people developed new ways of speaking to set themselves apart and demonstrate their new, elevated social status.
Houston Airport executives faced plenty of complaints regarding baggage claim time, so they increased the number of baggage handlers.
Although it reduced the average wait time to eight minutes, complaints didn't stop.
It resulted in complaints reducing to almost zero.
That's because they are the people who know and understand the past and can explain its complex interrelationships with the present.
Moreover, a complex hormonal regulation directs the growth of hair and nails, none of which is possible once a person dies.
The boy's parents were concerned about his bad temper.
Hodgkin showed great concern for social inequalities and resolving conflicts.
From a correlational observation, we conclude that one variable is related to a second variable.
It would be a ridiculous error to conclude that tattoos cause motorcycle accidents or that motorcycle accidents cause tattoos.
Rather than learning, "I should wear a jacket because it's cold outside," a child may conclude, "I have to wear a jacket because my mom makes me.
The researchers at the U.S. Army conducted a study of motorcycle accidents, attempting to correlate the number of accidents with other variables such as socioeconomic level and age.
As a result, she was president of the Pugwash Conferences from 1976 to 1988.
Hodgkin showed great concern for social inequalities and resolving conflicts.
Overprotective parents spare kids from all natural consequences.
"Without an opportunity to experience real-world consequences, kids don't always understand why their parents make certain rules.
Natural consequences prepare children for adulthood by helping them think about the potential consequences of their choices.
He passed on to his followers not only his answers but also the process of thinking rationally, together with an idea of what kind of explanations could be considered satisfactory.
The researchers at the U.S. Army conducted a study of motorcycle accidents, attempting to correlate the number of accidents with other variables such as socioeconomic level and age.
From a correlational observation, we conclude that one variable is related to a second variable.
The following example will illustrate why it is difficult to make causal statements on the basis of correlational observation.
The paths are cracked and littered with rocks and debris that make it impossible to roll her chair from place to place.
Dinosaurs are studied in classrooms each year, not only for the science behind the topic, but also because of the creative thinking it seems to foster in students.
The paths are cracked and littered with rocks and debris that make it impossible to roll her chair from place to place.
The number of nails the boy drove into the fence each day gradually decreased.
People are not always defined by their behavior.
To distinguish themselves from other commoners, these people developed new ways of speaking to set themselves apart and demonstrate their new, elevated social status.
Rather, because Kenge had lived his entire life in a dense jungle that offered no views of the horizon, he had failed to learn what most of us take for granted, namely, that things look different when they are far away.
We hope you will devote resources to restoring the walking paths in Freer Park for all visitors.
But neither behavior could be directly causing the other even though there is a relationship.
Moreover, a complex hormonal regulation directs the growth of hair and nails, none of which is possible once a person dies.
Every political leader who had an impact on history practiced the discipline of being alone to think and plan.
I strongly encourage you to find a place to think and to discipline yourself to pause and use it because it has the potential to change your life.
When the vote was announced, my brain just would not work out the right percentages to discover whether we had the necessary two-thirds majority.
To distinguish themselves from other commoners, these people developed new ways of speaking to set themselves apart and demonstrate their new, elevated social status.
Use a plastic pen and rub it on your hair about ten times and then hold the pen close to small pieces of tissue paper or chalk dust.
You will find that the bits of paper or chalk dust cling to the pen.
The accent that we identify as British today was developed around the time of the American Revolution by people of low birth rank who had become wealthy during the Industrial Revolution.
If you want to know why something is happening in the present, you might ask a sociologist or an economist.
This kind of electricity is produced by friction, and the pen becomes electrically charged.
To distinguish themselves from other commoners, these people developed new ways of speaking to set themselves apart and demonstrate their new, elevated social status.
You may find a great co-worker or best friend in someone, so don't eliminate a person from your life based on a brief observation.
Having extremely vivid memories of past emotional experiences and only weak memories of past everyday events means we maintain a biased perception of the past.
We tend to view the past as a concentrated time line of emotionally exciting events.
He used reason to inquire into the nature of the universe, and encouraged others to do likewise.
I strongly encourage you to find a place to think and to discipline yourself to pause and use it because it has the potential to change your life.
Rather, because Kenge had lived his entire life in a dense jungle that offered no views of the horizon, he had failed to learn what most of us take for granted, namely, that things look different when they are far away.
We remember the arousing aspects of an episode and forget the boring bits.
Social psychologists at the University of Virginia asked college students to stand at the base of a hill while carrying a weighted backpack and estimate the steepness of the hill.
The participants who stood with close friends gave significantly lower estimates of the steepness of the hill than those who stood alone, next to strangers, or next to newly formed friends.
As a result, when we estimate how our next summer vacation will make us feel, we overestimate the positive.
We should not "put the telescope backward" when we look into the past and underestimate the old and overestimate the new.
Houston Airport executives faced plenty of complaints regarding baggage claim time, so they increased the number of baggage handlers.
Learning to ski is one of the most embarrassing experiences an adult can undergo.
Having extremely vivid memories of past emotional experiences and only weak memories of past everyday events means we maintain a biased perception of the past.
"Without an opportunity to experience real-world consequences, kids don't always understand why their parents make certain rules.
Great artists spend countless hours in their studios or with their instruments not just doing, but exploring their ideas and experiences.
Time alone allows people to sort through their experiences, put them into perspective, and plan for the future.
Some people, however, found the traditional religious explanations inadequate, and they began to search for answers based on reason.
He passed on to his followers not only his answers but also the process of thinking rationally, together with an idea of what kind of explanations could be considered satisfactory.
This shrinking exposes the parts of the nails and hair that were once under the skin, causing them to appear longer than before.
Now we are seniors, and my wife must use a wheelchair for extended walks.
Something about these extinct creatures from long ago seems to hold almost everyone's attention, young or old, boy or girl.
"I think the reason kids like dinosaurs so much is that dinosaurs were big, were different from anything alive today, and are extinct.
Having extremely vivid memories of past emotional experiences and only weak memories of past everyday events means we maintain a biased perception of the past.
Though we don't know a lot about dinosaurs, what we do know is fascinating to children of all ages.
The idea is to first consider what matters to you, then figure out what you need to do to get there.
It can help you to figure out what's really important and what isn't.
Do hair and fingernails continue to grow after a person dies?
Typically, fingernails grow about 0.1 millimeters a day, but in order to grow, they need glucose—a simple sugar that helps to power the body.
He passed on to his followers not only his answers but also the process of thinking rationally, together with an idea of what kind of explanations could be considered satisfactory.
The following example will illustrate why it is difficult to make causal statements on the basis of correlational observation.
This kind of electricity is produced by friction, and the pen becomes electrically charged.
When done by a beginner, both are awkward, frustrating, and slow.
Nevertheless, he was so furious that during the very first day he drove in 37 nails.
Shopping for new gadgets, clothes, or just random junk can turn into a hobby in itself.
Buying a new gadget might give you a similar rush, but it's also probably more temporary.
Typically, fingernails grow about 0.1 millimeters a day, but in order to grow, they need glucose—a simple sugar that helps to power the body.
Once the body dies, there's no more glucose.
Rather, because Kenge had lived his entire life in a dense jungle that offered no views of the horizon, he had failed to learn what most of us take for granted, namely, that things look different when they are far away.
Moreover, a complex hormonal regulation directs the growth of hair and nails, none of which is possible once a person dies.
Houston Airport executives faced plenty of complaints regarding baggage claim time, so they increased the number of baggage handlers.
Rather, because Kenge had lived his entire life in a dense jungle that offered no views of the horizon, he had failed to learn what most of us take for granted, namely, that things look different when they are far away.
Moreover, a complex hormonal regulation directs the growth of hair and nails, none of which is possible once a person dies.
But even more importantly, studying history helps us ask and answer humanity's Big Questions.
Probably you have been reading for a long time, too, and starting to learn all over again would be humiliating.
Often, he got angry and said hurtful things to people around him.
The same happens when you say hurtful things to people.
The accent that we identify as British today was developed around the time of the American Revolution by people of low birth rank who had become wealthy during the Industrial Revolution.
The following example will illustrate why it is difficult to make causal statements on the basis of correlational observation.
So they are imagination engines," explains Jack Horner, a technical advisor for the Jurassic Park films.
Since no one knows what colors dinosaurs actually were, a child can use what information he has―and his imagination―to draw a dinosaur as he sees it.
We find that the beautiful walking paths through the park are all but impassable to her.
But even more importantly, studying history helps us ask and answer humanity's Big Questions.
Some people, however, found the traditional religious explanations inadequate, and they began to search for answers based on reason.
This is often inconsistent with the facts.
The accent that we identify as British today was developed around the time of the American Revolution by people of low birth rank who had become wealthy during the Industrial Revolution.
Hodgkin showed great concern for social inequalities and resolving conflicts.
It is easy to judge people based on their actions.
However, when someone exhibits some difficult behavior, you might want to reserve judgement for later.
"When I told Kenge that the insects were buffalo, he roared with laughter and told me not to tell such stupid lies.
Even if you end up spending money making things yourself, you're at least building a skill rather than a collection of stuff that's quickly decreasing in value.
Experts believe that British residents and the colonists who settled America all sounded the same back in the 18th century, and they probably all sounded more like modern Americans than modern Brits.
"When I told Kenge that the insects were buffalo, he roared with laughter and told me not to tell such stupid lies.
"The anthropologist wasn't stupid, and he hadn't lied.
"At that moment, the cameras outside took over and out there in the yard there was a scene of joy almost beyond belief.
The paths are cracked and littered with rocks and debris that make it impossible to roll her chair from place to place.
The actions of others often speak volumes louder than their words.
Having extremely vivid memories of past emotional experiences and only weak memories of past everyday events means we maintain a biased perception of the past.
When the vote was announced, my brain just would not work out the right percentages to discover whether we had the necessary two-thirds majority.
He called his son and gave him a hammer and a bag of nails.
Nevertheless, he was so furious that during the very first day he drove in 37 nails.
The number of nails the boy drove into the fence each day gradually decreased.
Eventually, the boy started to understand that holding his temper was easier than driving nails into the fence.
He didn't need the hammer and nails anymore when he learned to hold his temper.
At last, the boy was proud of himself as all the nails were gone.
Together, they went to the fence, and he said, "You did a good job, my son, but pay attention to the holes left from the nails.
Do hair and fingernails continue to grow after a person dies?
This shrinking exposes the parts of the nails and hair that were once under the skin, causing them to appear longer than before.
Typically, fingernails grow about 0.1 millimeters a day, but in order to grow, they need glucose—a simple sugar that helps to power the body.
Moreover, a complex hormonal regulation directs the growth of hair and nails, none of which is possible once a person dies.
Rather, because Kenge had lived his entire life in a dense jungle that offered no views of the horizon, he had failed to learn what most of us take for granted, namely, that things look different when they are far away.
From a correlational observation, we conclude that one variable is related to a second variable.
The following example will illustrate why it is difficult to make causal statements on the basis of correlational observation.
You may find a great co-worker or best friend in someone, so don't eliminate a person from your life based on a brief observation.
The short answer is no, though it may not seem that way to the casual observer.
Obviously, a third variable is related to both—perhaps preference for risk.
Research shows occupied time feels shorter than unoccupied time.
People usually exaggerate about the time they waited, and what they find most bothersome is time spent unoccupied.
"Without an opportunity to experience real-world consequences, kids don't always understand why their parents make certain rules.
As a result, when we estimate how our next summer vacation will make us feel, we overestimate the positive.
We should not "put the telescope backward" when we look into the past and underestimate the old and overestimate the new.
Overprotective parents spare kids from all natural consequences.
Some participants stood next to close friends whom they had known a long time, some stood next to friends they had not known for long, some stood next to strangers, and the others stood alone during the exercise.
The participants who stood with close friends gave significantly lower estimates of the steepness of the hill than those who stood alone, next to strangers, or next to newly formed friends.
Furthermore, the longer the close friends had known each other, the less steep the hill appeared to the participants involved in the study.
It took about a minute to get from the arrival gate to baggage claim, so the passengers spent seven more minutes waiting for their bags.
The solution was to move the arrival gates away from the baggage claim so it took passengers about seven minutes to walk there.
Thus, occupying the passengers' time by making them walk longer gave them the idea they didn't have to wait as long.
I strongly encourage you to find a place to think and to discipline yourself to pause and use it because it has the potential to change your life.
In perceiving changes, we tend to regard the most recent ones as the most revolutionary.
When the vote was announced, my brain just would not work out the right percentages to discover whether we had the necessary two-thirds majority.
Having extremely vivid memories of past emotional experiences and only weak memories of past everyday events means we maintain a biased perception of the past.
This shift marked the birth of philosophy, and the first of the great thinkers that we know of was Thales of Miletus.
So they are imagination engines," explains Jack Horner, a technical advisor for the Jurassic Park films.
About fifty years ago, a Pygmy named Kenge took his first trip out of the forests of Africa and onto the open plains with an anthropologist.
Houston Airport executives faced plenty of complaints regarding baggage claim time, so they increased the number of baggage handlers.
As a result, when we estimate how our next summer vacation will make us feel, we overestimate the positive.
Natural consequences prepare children for adulthood by helping them think about the potential consequences of their choices.
I strongly encourage you to find a place to think and to discipline yourself to pause and use it because it has the potential to change your life.
Obviously, a third variable is related to both—perhaps preference for risk.
He passed on to his followers not only his answers but also the process of thinking rationally, together with an idea of what kind of explanations could be considered satisfactory.
Social psychologists at the University of Virginia asked college students to stand at the base of a hill while carrying a weighted backpack and estimate the steepness of the hill.
Her work on vitamin B12 was published in 1954, which led to her being awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964.
The accent that we identify as British today was developed around the time of the American Revolution by people of low birth rank who had become wealthy during the Industrial Revolution.
He passed on to his followers not only his answers but also the process of thinking rationally, together with an idea of what kind of explanations could be considered satisfactory.
In the 19th century, this distinctive accent was standardized as Received Pronunciation and taught widely by pronunciation tutors to people who wanted to learn to speak fashionably.
She also became the first woman to receive the Copley Medal and was a winner of the Lenin Peace Prize.
Houston Airport executives faced plenty of complaints regarding baggage claim time, so they increased the number of baggage handlers.
In perceiving changes, we tend to regard the most recent ones as the most revolutionary.
Moreover, a complex hormonal regulation directs the growth of hair and nails, none of which is possible once a person dies.
From a correlational observation, we conclude that one variable is related to a second variable.
Obviously, a third variable is related to both—perhaps preference for risk.
That's because they are the people who know and understand the past and can explain its complex interrelationships with the present.
But neither behavior could be directly causing the other even though there is a relationship.
For early societies, the answers to the most basic questions were found in religion.
Some people, however, found the traditional religious explanations inadequate, and they began to search for answers based on reason.
Hodgkin showed great concern for social inequalities and resolving conflicts.
We hope you will devote resources to restoring the walking paths in Freer Park for all visitors.
We hope you will devote resources to restoring the walking paths in Freer Park for all visitors.
The accent that we identify as British today was developed around the time of the American Revolution by people of low birth rank who had become wealthy during the Industrial Revolution.
In perceiving changes, we tend to regard the most recent ones as the most revolutionary.
Recent progress in telecommunications technologies is not more revolutionary than what happened in the late nineteenth century in relative terms.
Moreover, in terms of the consequent economic and social changes, the Internet revolution has not been as important as the washing machine and other household appliances.
In perceiving changes, we tend to regard the most recent ones as the most revolutionary.
Recent progress in telecommunications technologies is not more revolutionary than what happened in the late nineteenth century in relative terms.
It would be a ridiculous error to conclude that tattoos cause motorcycle accidents or that motorcycle accidents cause tattoos.
Obviously, a third variable is related to both—perhaps preference for risk.
A person who is willing to take risks likes to be tattooed and also takes more chances on a motorcycle.
"When I told Kenge that the insects were buffalo, he roared with laughter and told me not to tell such stupid lies.
We get the same kind of satisfaction from making things that we do from buying things.
He passed on to his followers not only his answers but also the process of thinking rationally, together with an idea of what kind of explanations could be considered satisfactory.
Your words leave scars in their hearts like those holes in the fence."
Now we are seniors, and my wife must use a wheelchair for extended walks.
This shift marked the birth of philosophy, and the first of the great thinkers that we know of was Thales of Miletus.
This shrinking exposes the parts of the nails and hair that were once under the skin, causing them to appear longer than before.
Why doesn't the modern American accent sound similar to a British accent?
Buying a new gadget might give you a similar rush, but it's also probably more temporary.
Even if you end up spending money making things yourself, you're at least building a skill rather than a collection of stuff that's quickly decreasing in value.
He was smart, talented, and handsome.
Social psychologists at the University of Virginia asked college students to stand at the base of a hill while carrying a weighted backpack and estimate the steepness of the hill.
To distinguish themselves from other commoners, these people developed new ways of speaking to set themselves apart and demonstrate their new, elevated social status.
Moreover, in terms of the consequent economic and social changes, the Internet revolution has not been as important as the washing machine and other household appliances.
Hodgkin showed great concern for social inequalities and resolving conflicts.
For early societies, the answers to the most basic questions were found in religion.
The researchers at the U.S. Army conducted a study of motorcycle accidents, attempting to correlate the number of accidents with other variables such as socioeconomic level and age.
If you want to know why something is happening in the present, you might ask a sociologist or an economist.
Overprotective parents spare kids from all natural consequences.
The following example will illustrate why it is difficult to make causal statements on the basis of correlational observation.
What you have done there is to create a form of electricity called static electricity.
Static electricity is also found in the atmosphere.
To distinguish themselves from other commoners, these people developed new ways of speaking to set themselves apart and demonstrate their new, elevated social status.
Social psychologists at the University of Virginia asked college students to stand at the base of a hill while carrying a weighted backpack and estimate the steepness of the hill.
The participants who stood with close friends gave significantly lower estimates of the steepness of the hill than those who stood alone, next to strangers, or next to newly formed friends.
In 1949, she worked on the structure of penicillin with her colleagues.
Even if you end up spending money making things yourself, you're at least building a skill rather than a collection of stuff that's quickly decreasing in value.
We set resolutions based on what we're supposed to do, or what others think we're supposed to do, rather than what really matters to us.
For example, reading more is a good habit, but if you're only doing it because you feel like that's what you're supposed to do, not because you actually want to learn more, you're going to have a hard time reaching the goal.
A person who is willing to take risks likes to be tattooed and also takes more chances on a motorcycle.
So they are imagination engines," explains Jack Horner, a technical advisor for the Jurassic Park films.
Then one of the technicians turned to me with a big smile on his face and said, "You've got it!
Buying a new gadget might give you a similar rush, but it's also probably more temporary.
This shift marked the birth of philosophy, and the first of the great thinkers that we know of was Thales of Miletus.
It's hard enough to stick with goals you want to accomplish, but sometimes we make goals we're not even thrilled about in the first place.
During a thunderstorm, clouds may become charged as they rub against each other.
Use a plastic pen and rub it on your hair about ten times and then hold the pen close to small pieces of tissue paper or chalk dust.
Without a doubt, dinosaurs are a popular topic for kids across the planet.
Dinosaurs are studied in classrooms each year, not only for the science behind the topic, but also because of the creative thinking it seems to foster in students.
"I think it's the mystery of dinosaurs―the fact that there are still so many things we don't know―that inspires them to use that topic in their journals.
"The fence was very tough, and the hammer was heavy.
Some people, however, found the traditional religious explanations inadequate, and they began to search for answers based on reason.
Typically, fingernails grow about 0.1 millimeters a day, but in order to grow, they need glucose—a simple sugar that helps to power the body.
Research shows occupied time feels shorter than unoccupied time.
People usually exaggerate about the time they waited, and what they find most bothersome is time spent unoccupied.
Instead, make goals based on your own values.
Even if you end up spending money making things yourself, you're at least building a skill rather than a collection of stuff that's quickly decreasing in value.
We are often taught to put more value in actions than words, and for good reason.
From a correlational observation, we conclude that one variable is related to a second variable.
The researchers at the U.S. Army conducted a study of motorcycle accidents, attempting to correlate the number of accidents with other variables such as socioeconomic level and age.
Obviously, a third variable is related to both—perhaps preference for risk.
Having extremely vivid memories of past emotional experiences and only weak memories of past everyday events means we maintain a biased perception of the past.
The actions of others often speak volumes louder than their words.
When the vote was announced, my brain just would not work out the right percentages to discover whether we had the necessary two-thirds majority.
We hope you will devote resources to restoring the walking paths in Freer Park for all visitors.
The accent that we identify as British today was developed around the time of the American Revolution by people of low birth rank who had become wealthy during the Industrial Revolution.
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