으로 오세요. 수능/내신 변형, 퀴즈를 무료로 공개합니다.

블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)



### 동사는 밑줄, 접속사절은 [ ], (  ),  //     (명,형,부사절) 표시!!
* (2008.3.44번) ★★☆

The city council recently passed a bill that bans charity groups from providing food to homeless people in downtown parks. On April 4, the police arrested Eric Montanez, a 22-year-old volunteer, for handing bread and soups to hungry people. They said that they enacted the law in response to complaints from residents and businesses. They argued the presence of readily available food will bring more homeless people into their community, and that they’ll have to raise taxes to provide affordable housing and public assistance and shelters. But volunteers are criticizing the law, calling the measure inhumane. They say, “Food is a human right, not a commodity. They’re not trying to find a solution to why these people are out there.”

*enact (법을) 제정하다

tip! 모르는 어휘는 따로 정리하면 효과 2배!
tip!! 중심주제를 글로 정리해 보면 효과 4배!
tip!!! they가 각각 무엇을 뜻하는지 확인하며 읽어보세요.

The city council recently passed a bill (that bans charity groups from providing food to homeless people in downtown parks.) On April 4, the police arrested Eric Montanez, a 22-year-old volunteer, for handing bread and soups to hungry people. They said [that they enacted the law in response to complaints from residents and businesses.] They argued [the presence of readily available food will bring more homeless people into their community], and [that they’ll have to raise taxes to provide affordable housing and public assistance and shelters.] But volunteers are criticizing the law, calling the measure inhumane.
빠른해석tip! 분사구문: 동사라고 생각하고 해석해보세요.
They say, [“Food is a human right, not a commodity. They’re not trying to find a solution to why these people are out there.”]

*enact (법을) 제정하다

명사절= ~하는 것, 형용사절=~하는, 부사절=접속사에 따라서...

질문이 있으신 분은 댓글로 남겨주세요~



엑스터디(XTUDY) 단과 강좌.
임희재(wayne) 선생님


### 동사는 밑줄, 접속사절은 [ ], (  ),  //     (명,형,부사절) 표시!!
* (2008.3.49번)
I’m a high school student. I love summer vacation. It’s fun and easygoing. But that’s the problem. Many students joke about ‘forgetting everything’ over the summer. Sadly, this is mostly true. We forget a lot of stuff we’re taught during the year. Moreover, students are overworked during the semester. My average work week is about thirty-four hours, and I spend at least fifteen hours for homework, studying, and major projects. Things would be easier if we studied during the summer. Students’ daily workload would be reduced if their normal work were spread over the full year.

tip! 모르는 어휘는 따로 정리하면 효과 2배!
tip!! 중심주제를 글로 정리해 보면 효과 4배!

I’m a high school student. I love summer vacation. It’s fun and easygoing. But that’s the problem. Many students joke about ‘forgetting everything’ over the summer. Sadly, this is mostly true. We forget a lot of stuff (we’re taught during the year). Moreover, students are overworked during the semester. My average work week is about thirty-four hours, and I spend at least fifteen hours for homework, studying, and major projects. Things would be easier //if we studied during the summer. Students’ daily workload would be reduced //if their normal work were spread over the full year.

명사절= ~하는 것, 형용사절=~하는, 부사절=접속사에 따라서...

질문이 있으신 분은 댓글로 남겨주세요~



### 동사는 밑줄, 접속사절은 [ ], (  ),  //     (명,형,부사절) 표시!!
*오늘부터는 고3 기출 지문으로 시작합니다! (2008.3.49번)

Why do people think children need to work the same way as adults do? The years between six and eighteen are the time when a child should be a child. Think about things like Little League baseball and family vacations. These are the things we grew up with. Imagine a full year of school without summer vacation. Children would be in the classroom nearly as many hours, as perhaps even more than, we are working. And then, they would be working an additional hour or so every night on homework. Without breaks, they would be stressed-out. I am worried about the consequences.

tip! 모르는 어휘는 따로 정리하면 효과 2배!
tip!! 중심주제를 글로 정리해 보면 효과 4배!

Why do people think [children need to work the same way as adults do]? The years between six and eighteen are the time (when a child should be a child). Think about things like Little League baseball and family vacations. These are the things (we grew up with). Imagine a full year of school without summer vacation. Children would be in the classroom nearly as many hours, as perhaps even more than, [we are working]. And then, they would be working an additional hour or so every night on homework. Without breaks, they would be stressed-out. I am worried about the consequences.

명사절= ~하는 것, 형용사절=~하는

질문이 있으신 분은 댓글로 남겨주세요~


On January 20, Barack Obama claimed his place in history as America’s first black president before a jubilant crowd of more than a million in Washington D.C. The presidency passed to Obama from George W. Bush at noon and Obama thanked Bush for his service as president. It was an extraordinary day in the life of America and a day of high spirits. People of all colors and ages welcomed the new president with new hopes and wishes. Change has finally come to America!

Wearing a navy suit and red tie, the 44th U.S. president repeated the oath of office, putting his hand on the same Bible used by President Abraham Lincoln. On the inaugural parade route, Obama and his wife Michelle walked a few blocks, waving to cheering crowds under the watchful eyes of security agents.

“Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin again the work of remaking America,” Obama said in his inaugural address. “We gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord. We will overcome our serious economic and international challenges. We are ready to lead once more.”

His inspirational inaugural address only briefly mentioned a series of pledges from his presidential campaign: to get the U.S. out of Iraq, stabilize Afghanistan, create jobs, boost the use of alternative energy, address climate change, transform schools, manage government spending wisely and oversee a more bipartisan, and less-divisive approach to policy-making.

As Obama took office in a time of economic crisis, with some 11 million people now out of work, he said he will focus his energy on reviving the economy. He placed blame for the recent economic collapse not just on greed and irresponsibility on the part of some but also on the inability or unwillingness of everyone to move the country beyond an industrial-based economy.

“What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility - a recognition, on the part of every American that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly,” Obama said.

His entrance to the White House was cheered all around the world as a sign that America will be more embracing and more open to change. “With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come,” Obama said.


'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글

A picture of grace by GVB (lyrics)  (0) 2009.03.19
Let freedom ring  (0) 2009.02.20
TVXQ Captivates Japan  (0) 2009.02.08
How does deflation harm the economy?  (0) 2009.02.03
Different Stages of Sleep  (0) 2009.02.03

What’s there to say about TVXQ? Not much. They don’t need any explanation. They are dominating the music scene in Korea, and there is no boy band that can compete. Well, this will most likely be the situation for them in Japan as well.
The K-pop group’s latest Japanese single Mirotic became the Gold seller of the year in 2008. The Recording Industry Association of Japan
analyzes annual album sales and certifies performers with different titles. Million goes to a record that sells over 1 million copies. Platinum goes to a record with 250,000 sales. And Gold is given for 100,000 sales.

Although TVXQ placed third on the
certificate, it is quite an achievement for a Korean group. Million sellers for 2008 went to seven albums by Japanese superstars such as Hikaru Utada and Anmie Amuro.
You can say that TVXQ is now
bumping shoulders with Japan’s top-notch. In September of 2008, Mirotic was released as TVXQ’s fourth album. In 103 days, the album sold over 500,000 copies. Let’s hope for TVXQ’s success in Japan. Good work guys!

### 동사는 밑줄, 접속사절은 [ ], (  ),  //     (명,형,부사절) 표시!!

Divorce rates have been rising in many countries around the world. According to recent research, divorce has different kinds of negative impact on our planet including a higher demand for resources and a lower rate of efficiency in the use of resources. Divorce leads to smaller average household sizes, which results in a larger number of total households and thus a greater demand for energy, water, and land. In addition, a divorced person uses more resources compared with a married person. A married household uses resources more efficiently.

tip! 모르는 어휘는 따로 정리하면 효과 2배!
tip!! 중심주제를 글로 정리해 보면 효과 4배!
Divorce rates have been rising in many countries around the world. According to recent research, divorce has different kinds of negative impact on our planet (including a higher demand for resources and a lower rate of efficiency in the use of resources.)
*분사구=형용사절처럼 해석 
Divorce leads to smaller average household sizes, (which results in a larger number of total households and thus a greater demand for energy, water, and land.)
*비록 형용사절이지만 관계사의 계속적 용법이므로, and it 이라고 해석하는 것이 옳다.
In addition, a divorced person uses more resources compared with a married person. A married household uses resources more efficiently.

*household 가족개개의 구성원이란 말이 아닌, 가정, 세대를 뜻함!


### 동사는 밑줄, 접속사절은 [ ], (  ),  //     (명,형,부사절) 표시!!

The fashion industry is not to blame for eating disorders. Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses and are not simply caused by models. And thin models are needed for a reason. They have the best figure to present a designer’s work and they are paid for that. Therefore, we should not pass rules and laws against thin models working. They are grown women who are capable of making their own decisions about their bodies and weight. Modeling has been a dream they have followed for years. Should we punish anyone who is single-minded in pursuing their ambitions?

 tip! 모르는 어휘는 따로 정리하면 효과 2배!

The fashion industry is not to blame for eating disorders. Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses and are not simply caused by models. And thin models are needed for a reason. They have the best figure to present a designer’s work and they are paid for that. Therefore, we should not pass rules and laws against thin models working. They are grown women (who are capable of making their own decisions about their bodies and weight.) Modeling has been a dream (they have followed for years.) Should we punish anyone (who is single-minded in pursuing their ambitions?)

**be to blame for - ~에 대하여 책임이 있다.



상금이 1억원인 UFC 격투대회에 당신이 참가하게 되었어요.
(당신은 현재 전적 10전 10승의 천하무적 파이터 입니다.)
그런데 이번 경기에서 당신에게 10대 1로 싸우면 10억 주겠다고
UFC에서 제안을 했어요. (가정해보자고요..ㅋㅋ)

당신이 10전 10승의 파이터라도 이 게임에서 승리할 수 있을까요? 
수능 영어의 문장은 마치 10명의 힘든 상대와도 같아요.
우리를 그냥 주저앉게 만들죠...
그렇다고 손 놓고 있을 수는 없잖아요. 우리의 미래가 달린 시험이니..
샘이 그동안 곰곰히 생각해서 얻은 결론!
10명과 한꺼번에 싸우기는 버거우니
1명씩 1명씩 차례로 싸우는 방법을 생각해 내게 되었어요.
여러분은 샘이 제시해주는 방법대로 그저 따라오시기만 해봐요.
엄청난 읽기의 변화를 경험할 수 있을거예요!

끊어 읽는 곳
1. 동사(v)
2. 접속사(절)
3. 분투접전(분사-ing,pp 투부정사-to RV 접속사절 전치사-전+명구)

1. 동사를 모두 찾아 밑줄 쳐 보세요.
Many models are under pressure from agents and designers to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs in order to fight their body’s natural desire for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders.
Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure that young girls would not adopt extreme diets.

2. 접속사절을 찾아서 명사절은 [     ]로, 형용사절은 (      )로,
부사절은 //로 표시해보세요. 
Many models are under pressure from agents and designers to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs in order to fight their body’s natural desire for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders.
Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure that young girls would not adopt extreme diets.


1. 동사를 모두 찾아 밑줄 쳐 보세요. (/는 분투접전 표시)
Many models are under pressure /from agents and designers /to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs /in order to fight their body’s natural desire /for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders.
Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit /for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure that young girls would not
adopt extreme diets.

2. 접속사절을 찾아서 명사절은 [     ]로, 형용사절은 (      )로,
부사절은 //로 표시해보세요. 
Many models are under pressure from agents and designers to be thin. So, many of them develop eating disorders. Recently, several models have died as a result of eating disorders. Others turn to drugs in order to fight their body’s natural desire for food. In addition, many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness. Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples for these girls and should be responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders.
Therefore, we should press fashion industry not to employ very skinny models. Setting a minimum weight limit for models would be a great way. It would protect models, and ensure [that young
girls would not adopt extreme diets.]

[ ] =명사절 = ~것
( ) =형용사절 = ~하는


1. 3월 11일 전국연합 학력평가를 대비하라!
 - 전년도 기출문제를 풀어보는 것보다 더 좋은 대비는 없다.
 - 중요문장 분석-해석-독해의 과정을 통해 내용을 잘 이해하라.
 - 모르는 어휘를 직접 정리해서 수시로 들여다보며 암기하라.
 - mp3 파일을 반복적으로 듣는 훈련을 하고, 가능하면 따라해보라. <고1 모의고사> <고2 모의고사> <고3 모의고사>

2. 영어의 실력은 평상시의 영어적 습관에 달려있다!
 - 샘이 선정해주는 좋은 지문들을 읽는 습관을 길러보라.
   그리하면 영어를 좋아하게 될 것이고, 그것이 당신의 영어실력을 향상시켜줄 것이다.

  >> 오른쪽의 실용영어 카테고리를 이용하도록! 

3. 온라인상 개인질문을 하시면 제가 직접 답변해 드립니다.
 - 제 오프라인 강좌를 듣지 않으신다해도, 질문을 친절히 답변해 드릴께요.
   뭐 특별히 착하게 사는 것도 없으니, 제가 할수 있는 것이라도 나눠드리죠.. ^^

>> 위쪽의 명록이를 이용하세요~


모의평가 안내 :

2009년도 연간출제범위


2009년 전국연합학력평가 일정

고등학교 1,2학년

고등학교 3학년

3. 11 (수)

3. 11 (수)


4. 14 (화)

6. 17 (수)

6. 4 (목) - 대수능 모의평가


7. 14 (화)

9. 17 (목)

9. 3 (목) - 대수능 모의평가


10. 15 (목)

11. 17 (화)

11. 12 (목) - 대학수학능력시험

* 위의 일정은 시행처 사정에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.
