으로 오세요. 수능/내신 변형, 퀴즈를 무료로 공개합니다.

블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)



*듣기파일은 알집으로 압축을 풀어야 합니다. ^^

- 초반부의 문제를 풀어본 느낌은, 까다로운 어휘가 약간 있긴 하지만, 선택지에서의 매력적인 오답이 없는 점으로 미루어보다(어법문제도..) 평균적인 등급컷이 예상되는 시험이었습니다. 수능의 느낌과는 약간 차이가 있는 듯.. 어쨌든, 공부삼아서 차근차근 정리하세요~ ^^


미인-미남일수록 머리도 좋다
[코메디닷컴 2009-04-01 08:50]
사람들은 보통 잘 생긴 사람에 대해 이중적인 기준을 갖고 있다. 미남, 미녀에 끌리면서도 한편으로는 ‘얼굴만 반반하고 머리는 비었다’는 둥으로 외모의 아름다움을 깎아 내리기 십상이다. 또한 인문사회 관련 학자들은 ‘외모의 아름다움은 피부의 문제일 뿐’이라는 식으로 낮게 평가하는 경우가 많았다.

그러나 이런 편견을 싹 씻어 내리는 연구 결과가 나왔다. 한마디로 ‘외모의 아름다움과 지능은 정비례 관계이며, 남자도 여자도 예외는 없다’는 연구 결과다.

이런 결론은 미국 노스캐롤라이나대학 채플힐 캠퍼스가 지난 2000~01년 실시한 ‘성인 건강에 대한 전국 장기간 조사’ 결과를 영국 정치경제과학대의 진화심리학자 가나자와 사토시 교수가 최근 분석함에 따라 드러났다.

노스캐롤라이나대학의 조사 자료는 평균 나이 22세의 젊은 미국인 1만5197명을 대상으로 외모의 매력과 지능을 측정했다. 외모의 매력은 ‘아주 매력있는’부터 ‘아주 매력없는’까지 다섯 단계로 평가됐으며, 이들의 지능은 ‘피바디 그림-어휘 테스트’라는 검사 방법으로 측정됐다. 가나자와 교수는 “1만5천 명 이상을 조사한 것이므로 통계적 의미성을 부정할 수 없다”고 말했다.

지능검사 결과, 외모가 매력적일수록 정확하게 지능 역시 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 남녀 평균 지능지수는 △아주 매력없는 사람 94.2점 △매력없는 사람 94.9점 △보통 97.1점 △매력있는 사람 100.3점 △아주 매력있는 사람 100.7점이었다.

남녀별로는 남자가 전체적으로 지능지수가 여자보다 더 높았으며, 여자는 매력도가 더 높았다는 차이는 있었지만 외모와 지능지수의 정비례 관계는 남녀 모두에서 동일하게 나타났다.

가나자와 교수는 이런 결과에 대해 “흔히 외모가 아름다운 이성을 선호하는 이유로 ‘외모가 건강해야 아기를 잘 낳을 수 있고(여자), 외모가 잘 생겨야 튼튼하기 때문(남자)’이라는 이유가 거론되지만, 심지어 5살짜리 어린이에게 물어보아도 ‘잘 생긴 사람이 더 똑똑하다’고 대답하기 때문에 단순히 좋은 자식을 낳기 위해 잘 생긴 상대를 고른다는 설명은 뭔가 부족하다”고 말했다.

그는 “잘생긴 남자나 여자는 통상 더 좋은 배우자를 얻기 때문에 잘생기고 잘난 부부가 만나 더 잘생기고 잘난 자식을 만들어 나가게 된다”는 말로 사람들이 잘 생긴 사람을 좋아하며, 잘 생긴 사람도 머리도 좋은 이유를 설명했다.

이 연구 결과에 대해서는 영국의 심리학 관련 온라인 매체 ‘사이콜로지 투데이’ 등이 3월29일 보도했다.


여자에 끌리면 남자 “못먹어도 고”

‘여자의 양다리’, 남자는 다 안다

남자는 낭랑18세, 여자는 부자에 끌리는 까닭?

살 빼려면 달리기, 튼튼몸매 원하면 수영

퍼줘야 남는 ‘기브 앤 테이크’의 진실

네이버에서 코메디닷컴 구독하기

이수진 기자 (


구문분석, 특수 구문해설, 어휘 영영사전식 정리.

1. El Sistema, (which is known as one of the most successful social inclusion projects), is a national network /of youth orchestras and music centers /in Venezuela.

-be known (as)
2. About three decades ago,/ José Antonio Abreu developed the idea of 
            ,/ in order to offer(4형식) children from poor neighborhoods(IO)/ an alternative to life on the streets(DO).

- alternatve
a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities

3. In the dangerous and poverty‐stricken slums of Caracas,/ Abreu lifted children /out of despair /through music, changing(분사구문, ~하며) both people and the system of the society.

n. the state of being poor
-stricken (strike)
a. seriously affected by an unpleasant feeling or disease or by a difficult situation
n. an area of a city that is very poor and where the houses are dirty and in bad condition
n. the feeling of having lost all hope

4. In 1975 /he established the first Venezuelan youth orchestra /with 12 children.

n. to start or create an organization, a system, etc. that is meant to last for a long time

5. Since then(그때부터) he has built up a network of orchestras and music centers /through the whole country.

6. Currently 250,000 children and young adults/ are playing a musical instrument, and by 2012/ these numbers will have doubled.

v. twice as much or as many as usual

① building libraries for the public

② combining social work with music

③ founding a food relief organization

④ developing vocational education policies

⑤ organizing an international movie festival



Why is reading challenging?


It is very challenging, sometimes painful, experience for EFL students to read English newspapers, magazines, or books. Various reasons lie behind this: the high level of vocabulary and structure, a lack of background knowledge on the topic, and reading skills.


Become an expert reader with Reading insight!

Reading Insight is a 2-level reading course that is intended to improve your reading abilities gradually. There are 4 areas of reading strategies you need to focus on to improve your reading abilities.


1. Vocabulary skill

When you run into an unfamiliar word, try to continue reading. A couple of unfamiliar words will not often prevent general understanding of a passage. If you think they are still a barrier to further reading, use context clues. If they also do not provide enough information, it will be necessary to use your Word Book or look up the "problem word" in the dictionary.


2. Paragraph approach

A passage is a collection of paragraphs: The main point of each paragraph is organized into the main idea of the passage. When you read a passage, try not to just focus on the meaning of each sentence: Keep asking yourself "What is the main point of this paragraph?" Questions on the main point of a paragraph and summary exercises will help you stay focused.


3. Understanding Longer Passages

Young EFL readers have often not been exposed to a long passage (more that 200 words), and they find such passages very challenging to understand. Reading skills will be needed to understand a passage: scanning, skimming, understanding the structure of the passage, etc. Reading comprehension questions and summary excises cover these reading skills.


4. Knowledge of the topic

Similar to reading in your native language, a lack of background knowledge prevents you from understanding the topic. The Reading insight course covers a variety of topics, including academic subjects, social issues, world culture, etc. If you are not familiar with the topic in question, try to search for relevant information in books or on the Internet.




A picture of grace by GVB

Picture A Man With No Reason For Living,

with No Hope Of Smiling Again.

imagine A World With No Golden Daybreak,

enclosed By The Blackness Of Sin.

and The Sea Is Bathed In Beauty And Glory, Transformed By Love's Sweet Embrace, The Hands Of The Savior, Erased All My Sorrow And Painted This Picture Of Grace.

how Skillful The Hands Of The Artist, Who Painted This Picture Of Me,

he Saw With The Eye's Of A Master, How Beautiful My Life Could Be, Where Once Was A Portrait Of Gloom And Despair, This Masterpiece Hangs In It's Place, It's Signed With His Blood And It's Framed With His Glory, This Beautiful Picture Of Grace, The Ashes And Ruin, That Once Filled The Picture, Had Vanished And Faded From View, And Beautiful Touches Of Mercy Adourned, This Picture He Painted Anew.

such Peace Filled The Eyes Of The Man He Created, A Smile Gently Rests On His Face, Since Jesus Erased All The Guilt Of My Past And Painted This Picture Of Grace,

how Skillful The Hands Of The Artist, Who Painted This Picture Of Me,

he Saw With The Eye's Of A Master, How Beautiful My Life Could Be, Where Once Was A Portrait Of Gloom And Despair, This Masterpiece Hangs In It's Place, It's Signed With His Blood And It's Framed With His Glory, This Beautiful Picture Of Grace. Where Once Was A Portrait Of Gloom And Despair, This Masterpiece Hangs In It's Place, It's Signed With His Blood And It's Framed In His Glory, This Beautiful Picture Of Grace.

this Beautiful Picture Of Grace.



'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글

Alzheimer's Disease  (0) 2009.07.05
Korean Park Ji-sung expected to start for United  (0) 2009.05.27
Let freedom ring  (0) 2009.02.20
Obama Takes Office As First African-American President  (0) 2009.02.08
TVXQ Captivates Japan  (0) 2009.02.08


1. A new study /suggests [that kids might be at increased risk of getting the disease of the lungs depending on                             

- increased

2. Looking at more than 95,000 infants born from 1995 to 2000, researchers /followed the children through 2005.


3. [What they found] was [those born in the autumn were nearly 30% more likely to get asthma.]


4. The researchers /say [it’s because babies born in the fall months are much more likely to get common wintertime infections.]


5. At birth, infants /have protection /against certain diseases //because antibodies have passed from the mother to her unborn baby.


6. But the protection is temporary.

7. So, as their immunities /fade,// babies /become more subject to infections, especially in the winter months (when all kinds of germs are swirling through the air.)                                        
*asthma 천식

- immunity
-become subject to N

<명사절, 형용사절, 부사절 구분이 독해의 핵심!>

① where they live

② when they were born

③ what sports they like

④ what they usually eat

⑤ how healthy their parents are



24번 구문 끊어읽기, 정리할 어휘!

1. One of the most important aspects of green products /should be
*green products

2. If something /is tough or can be readily repaired, this /lessens/ the chance (that it’ll end up in the landfill), and /could easily save/ you money in the long run, //even if it’s initially more expensive.

*end up ~

3. Even recyclable materials, if they /break and can’t be fixed/, /require/ energy and other resources to reprocess and then replace.

4. Long­lasting goods /can be passed on/ from person to person.

*pass on

5. Even if your style /changes/ and that kitchen table /isn’t/ your thing anymore, a good strong table /will almost always be appealing/ to someone else, while a broken and unfixable one probably /won’t.

① uniqueness
② cleanliness
③ mobility
④ durability
⑤ beauty



1. If there is one thing that wvwrybody wants to get, it is success. To be successful does not mean to get riches, honor and power. It is to achieve what one truly desires.

2. The end of study is not to possess knowledge as a man possesses the coins in his wallet, but to make knowledge a part of ourselves; that is, to turn knowledge into though, as te food we eat is turned into the life-giving and nerve-nourishing blood.

3. Spring is a delightful season. Everyone longs to get outside and enjoy the new season. Many people find it hard to concentrate on their work, and Americans jokingly refer to this condition as "spring fever".

4. If you really want to succeed in anything, you must make a good start. It is absolutely necessary to think  over what to do first and what to do later, for without planning nothing is likely to happen as one hopes.

5. Intelligence means a way of living in various situations, particularly a way of behaving in new, perplexing ones. The true test of intelligence is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we do not know what to do.

'W 영어생각 > 도전!! 1000문장!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글

[도전!! 1000문장!!!] 31-40  (0) 2009.02.24
[도전!! 1000문장!!!] 1 - 30  (3) 2009.02.13


18. 밑줄 친 This가 가리키는 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점]

1. You experience displeasure //while (you are) using various types of products or services. 

부사절축약에 의해 생략된 (you are) 

2. You
think [determining liability for your displeasure is difficult and the amount of monetary loss is small.]

be liable to (=be likely to)
be liable for (=be

3. You also don’t know [where to go to handle the displeasure and where to receive compensation.]
= where you should go to handle the displeasure
and where you should receive compensation.

4. However, you
are eager to deal with
these situations.

be eager to=~하기를 열망하다.

5. This
is [where you can get help].
6. It
provides you with counseling and handles your complaints (related to various fields) (such as automobiles, housing and facilities, publications, services, finance and insurance, law, and medicine.)

provide A with B - A에게 B를 제공하다

7. This
also demands payment for you from a corporation (based on the Compensation Criteria for Consumers’ Damages.)

*liability 책임이 있음

① 취업알선센터     ② 부정부패고발센터

③ 소비자보호센터  ④ 과소비추방운동본부

⑤ 자연재해대책본부

* 끊어읽기를 공부하지 않은 분들은, 반드시!!!
먼저 끊어읽기를 공부하신 후에 해설강의를 공부하세요.
[ 명사절, 명사구 ]  ( 형용사절,  형용사구 )    //부사절   밑줄=동사