DOA - Chapter 1 "God With Us"
Chapter 1"God With Us""His name shall be called Immanuel, . . . God with us." "The light of the knowledge of the glory of God" is seen "in the face of Jesus Christ." From the days of eternity the Lord Jesus Christ was one with the Father; He was "the image of God," the image of His greatness and majesty, "the outshining of His glory." It was to manifest this glory that He came to our world. To this sin-darkened earth He came to reveal the light of God's love,--to be "God with us." Therefore it was prophesied of Him, "His name shall be called Immanuel." By coming to dwell with us, Jesus was to reveal God both to men and to angels. He was the Word of God,--God's thought made audible. In His prayer for His disciples He says, "I have declared unto them Thy name,"--"merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,"--"that the love wherewith Thou hast loved Me may be in them, and I in them." But not alone for His earthborn children was this revelation given. Our little world is the lesson book of the universe. God's wonderful purpose of grace, the mystery of redeeming love, is the theme into which "angels desire to look," and it will be their study throughout endless ages. Both the redeemed Page 20and the unfallen beings will find in the cross of Christ their science and their song. It will be seen that the glory shining in the face of Jesus is the glory of self-sacrificing love. In the light from Calvary it will be seen that the law of self-renouncing love is the law of life for earth and heaven; that the love which "seeketh not her own" has its source in the heart of God; and that in the meek and lowly One is manifested the character of Him who dwelleth in the light which no man can approach unto.In the beginning, God was revealed in all the works of creation. It was Christ that spread the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth. It was His hand that hung the worlds in space, and fashioned the flowers of the field. "His strength setteth fast the mountains." "The sea is His, and He made it." Ps. 65:6; 95:5. It was He that filled the earth with beauty, and the air with song. And upon all things in earth, and air, and sky, He wrote the message of the Father's love. Now sin has marred God's perfect work, yet that handwriting remains. Even now all created things declare the glory of His excellence. There is nothing, save the selfish heart of man, that lives unto itself. No bird that cleaves the air, no animal that moves upon the ground, but ministers to some other life. There is no leaf of the forest, or lowly blade of grass, but has its ministry. Every tree and shrub and leaf pours forth that element of life without which neither man nor animal could live; and man and animal, in turn, minister to the life of tree and shrub and leaf. The flowers breathe fragrance and unfold their beauty in blessing Page 21to the world. The sun sheds its light to gladden a thousand worlds. The ocean, itself the source of all our springs and fountains, receives the streams from every land, but takes to give. The mists ascending from its bosom fall in showers to water the earth, that it may bring forth and bud.The angels of glory find their joy in giving,--giving love and tireless watchcare to souls that are fallen and unholy. Heavenly beings woo the hearts of men; they bring to this dark world light from the courts above; by gentle and patient ministry they move upon the human spirit, to bring the lost into a fellowship with Christ which is even closer than they themselves can know. But turning from all lesser representations, we behold God in Jesus. Looking unto Jesus we see that it is the glory of our God to give. "I do nothing of Myself," said Christ; "the living Father hath sent Me, and I live by the Father." "I seek not Mine own glory," but the glory of Him that sent Me. John 8:28; 6:57; 8:50; 7:18. In these words is set forth the great principle which is the law of life for the universe. All things Christ received from God, but He took to give. So in the heavenly courts, in His ministry for all created beings: through the beloved Son, the Father's life flows out to all; through the Son it returns, in praise and joyous service, a tide of love, to the great Source of all. And thus through Christ the circuit of beneficence is complete, representing the character of the great Giver, the law of life. In heaven itself this law was broken. Sin originated in self-seeking. Lucifer, the covering cherub, desired to be first in heaven. He sought to gain control of heavenly beings, to draw them away from their Creator, and to win their homage to himself. Therefore he misrepresented God, Page 22attributing to Him the desire for self-exaltation. With his own evil characteristics he sought to invest the loving Creator. Thus he deceived angels. Thus he deceived men. He led them to doubt the word of God, and to distrust His goodness. Because God is a God of justice and terrible majesty, Satan caused them to look upon Him as severe and unforgiving. Thus he drew men to join him in rebellion against God, and the night of woe settled down upon the world.The earth was dark through misapprehension of God. That the gloomy shadows might be lightened, that the world might be brought back to God, Satan's deceptive power was to be broken. This could not be done by force. The exercise of force is contrary to the principles of God's government; He desires only the service of love; and love cannot be commanded; it cannot be won by force or authority. Only by love is love awakened. To know God is to love Him; His character must be manifested in contrast to the character of Satan. This work only one Being in all the universe could do. Only He who knew the height and depth of the love of God could make it known. Upon the world's dark night the Sun of Righteousness must rise, "with healing in His wings." Mal. 4:2. The plan for our redemption was not an afterthought, a plan formulated after the fall of Adam. It was a revelation of "the mystery which hath been kept in silence through times eternal." Rom. 16:25, R. V. It was an unfolding of the principles that from eternal ages have been the foundation of God's throne. From the beginning, God and Christ knew of the apostasy of Satan, and of the fall of man through the deceptive power of the apostate. God did not ordain that sin should exist, but He foresaw its existence, and made provision to meet the terrible emergency. So great was His love for the world, that He covenanted to give His only-begotten Son, "that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. Lucifer had said, "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; . . . I will be like the Most High." Isa. 14:13, 14. But Christ, "being in the form of God, counted it not a thing to be grasped to be on an equality with God, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men." Phil. 2:6, 7, R. V., margin. This was a voluntary sacrifice. Jesus might have remained at the Father's side. He might have retained the glory of heaven, and the homage of the angels. But He chose to give back the scepter into Page 23the Father's hands, and to step down from the throne of the universe, that He might bring light to the benighted, and life to the perishing.Nearly two thousand years ago, a voice of mysterious import was heard in heaven, from the throne of God, "Lo, I come." "Sacrifice and offering Thou wouldest not, but a body hast Thou prepared Me. . . . Lo, I come (in the volume of the Book it is written of Me,) to do Thy will, O God." Heb. 10:5-7. In these words is announced the fulfillment of the purpose that had been hidden from eternal ages. Christ was about to visit our world, and to become incarnate. He says, "A body hast Thou prepared Me." Had He appeared with the glory that was His with the Father before the world was, we could not have endured the light of His presence. That we might behold it and not be destroyed, the manifestation of His glory was shrouded. His divinity was veiled with humanity,--the invisible glory in the visible human form. This great purpose had been shadowed forth in types and symbols. The burning bush, in which Christ appeared to Moses, revealed God. The symbol chosen for the representation of the Deity was a lowly shrub, that seemingly had no attractions. This enshrined the Infinite. The all-merciful God shrouded His glory in a most humble type, that Moses could look upon it and live. So in the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night, God communicated with Israel, revealing to men His will, and imparting to them His grace. God's glory was subdued, and His majesty veiled, that the weak vision of finite men might behold it. So Christ was to come in "the body of our humiliation" (Phil. 3:21, R. V.), "in the likeness of men." In the eyes of the world He possessed no beauty that they should desire Him; yet He was the incarnate God, the light of heaven and earth. His glory was veiled, His greatness and majesty were hidden, that He might draw near to sorrowful, tempted men. God commanded Moses for Israel, "Let them make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them" (Ex. 25:8), and He abode in the sanctuary, in the midst of His people. Through all their weary wandering in the desert, the symbol of His presence was with them. So Christ set up His tabernacle in the midst of our human encampment. He pitched His tent by the side of the tents of men, that He might dwell among us, and make us familiar with His divine character and life. "The Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us (and we beheld His glory, glory as of Page 24the Only Begotten from the Father), full of grace and truth." John 1:14, R. V., margin.Since Jesus came to dwell with us, we know that God is acquainted with our trials, and sympathizes with our griefs. Every son and daughter of Adam may understand that our Creator is the friend of sinners. For in every doctrine of grace, every promise of joy, every deed of love, every divine attraction presented in the Saviour's life on earth, we see "God with us." Satan represents God's law of love as a law of selfishness. He declares that it is impossible for us to obey its precepts. The fall of our first parents, with all the woe that has resulted, he charges upon the Creator, leading men to look upon God as the author of sin, and suffering, and death. Jesus was to unveil this deception. As one of us He was to give an example of obedience. For this He took upon Himself our nature, and passed through our experiences. "In all things it behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren." Heb. 2:17. If we had to bear anything which Jesus did not endure, then upon this point Satan would represent the power of God as insufficient for us. Therefore Jesus was "in all points tempted like as we are." Heb. 4:15. He endured every trial to which we are subject. And He exercised in His own behalf no power that is not freely offered to us. As man, He met temptation, and overcame in the strength given Him from God. He says, "I delight to do Thy will, O My God: yea, Thy law is within My heart." Ps. 40:8. As He went about doing good, and healing all who were afflicted by Satan, He made plain to men the character of God's law and the nature of His service. His life testifies that it is possible for us also to obey the law of God. By His humanity, Christ touched humanity; by His divinity, He lays hold upon the throne of God. As the Son of man, He gave us an example of obedience; as the Son of God, He gives us power to obey. It was Christ who from the bush on Mount Horeb spoke to Moses saying, "I Am That I Am. . . . Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you." Ex. 3:14. This was the pledge of Israel's deliverance. So when He came "in the likeness of men," He declared Himself the I Am. The Child of Bethlehem, the meek and lowly Saviour, is God "manifest in the flesh." 1 Tim. 3:16. And to us He says: "I Am the Good Shepherd." "I Am the living Bread." "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." "All power is given Page 25unto Me in heaven and in earth." John 10:11; 6:51; 14:6; Matt. 28:18. I Am the assurance of every promise. I Am; be not afraid. "God with us" is the surety of our deliverance from sin, the assurance of our power to obey the law of heaven.In stooping to take upon Himself humanity, Christ revealed a character the opposite of the character of Satan. But He stepped still lower in the path of humiliation. "Being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Phil. 2:8. As the high priest laid aside his gorgeous pontifical robes, and officiated in the white linen dress of the common priest, so Christ took the form of a servant, and offered sacrifice, Himself the priest, Himself the victim. "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him." Isa. 53:5. Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His. "With His stripes we are healed." By His life and His death, Christ has achieved even more than recovery from the ruin wrought through sin. It was Satan's purpose to bring about an eternal separation between God and man; but in Christ we become more closely united to God than if we had never fallen. In taking our nature, the Saviour has bound Himself to humanity by a tie that is never to be broken. Through the eternal ages He is linked with us. "God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son." John 3:16. He gave Him not only to bear our sins, and to die as our sacrifice; He gave Him to the fallen race. To assure us of His immutable counsel of peace, God gave His only-begotten Son to become one of the human family, forever to retain His human nature. This is the pledge that God will fulfill His word. "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder." God has adopted human nature in the person of His Son, and has carried the same into the highest heaven. It is the "Son of man" who shares the throne of the universe. It is the "Son of man" whose name shall be called, "Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isa. 9:6. The I Am is the Daysman between God and humanity, laying His hand upon both. He who is "holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners," is not ashamed to call us brethren. Heb. 7:26; 2:11. In Christ the family of earth and the family of heaven are Page 26bound together. Christ glorified is our brother. Heaven is enshrined in humanity, and humanity is enfolded in the bosom of Infinite Love.Of His people God says, "They shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon His land. For how great is His goodness, and how great is His beauty!" Zech. 9:16, 17. The exaltation of the redeemed will be an eternal testimony to God's mercy. "In the ages to come," He will "show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." "To the intent that . . . unto the principalities and the powers in the heavenly places might be made known . . . the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Eph. 2:7; 3:10, 11, R. V. Through Christ's redeeming work the government of God stands justified. The Omnipotent One is made known as the God of love. Satan's charges are refuted, and his character unveiled. Rebellion can never again arise. Sin can never again enter the universe. Through eternal ages all are secure from apostasy. By love's self-sacrifice, the inhabitants of earth and heaven are bound to their Creator in bonds of indissoluble union. The work of redemption will be complete. In the place where sin abounded, God's grace much more abounds. The earth itself, the very field that Satan claims as his, is to be not only ransomed but exalted. Our little world, under the curse of sin the one dark blot in His glorious creation, will be honored above all other worlds in the universe of God. Here, where the Son of God tabernacled in humanity; where the King of glory lived and suffered and died,--here, when He shall make all things new, the tabernacle of God shall be with men, "and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God." And through endless ages as the redeemed walk in the light of the Lord, they will praise Him for His unspeakable Gift,-- Immanuel, "God with us." |
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Randy Pausch - The Last Lecture (Script)
Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
ⓒ Copyright Randy Pausch, 20071 Note that this transcript is provided as a public service but may contain transcription errors. Introduction by Indira Nair, Carnegie Mellon’s Vice Provost for Education: Hi. Welcome. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to the first of our new university’s lectures titled To introduce Professor Randy Pausch, our first Journeys speaker, I would like to introduce Randy’s So to introduce Randy, his friend Steve Seabolt. Steve? [applause] Steve Seabolt, Vice President of Worldwide Publishing and Marketing for Electonic Arts (EA): Thank you very much. I don’t mean to sound ungracious by correcting you, but given that our PR 1 This is temporary; we will be doing a creative commons license or some such; for now, please consider this
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It's Raining Cats & Dogs
It's Raining Cats & Dogs Photo: Courtesy of We have all heard the expression "it's raining cats and dogs." There are several theories about this rainfall saying. It is possible that the word cat is derived from the Greek word 'catadupe' meaning 'waterfall.' Or it could be raining 'cata doxas,' which is Latin for 'contrary to experience,' or an unusual fall of rain. In Northern mythology the cat is supposed to have great influence on the weather, and English sailors still say the cat has a gale of wind in her tail when she is unusually frisky. Witches that rode upon the storms were said to assume the form of cats; and the stormy northwest wind is called the cat's nose in the Harz mountains even at the present day. The dog is a signal of wind, like the wolf. Both animals were attendants of Odin, the storm-god. In old German pictures the wind is figured as the "head of a dog or wolf," from which blasts issue. The cat therefore symbolizes the down-pouring of rain, and the dog the strong gusts of wind that accompany a rainstorm; and a rain of "cats and dogs" is a heavy rain with wind. The Bible describes a rain of manna and quails more than 3,000 years ago. At the time this was looked upon as a supernatural event; it was actually not an uncommon thing. The rain of manna has happened frequently in modern times; the manna is really a lichen that grows in great numbers after rains. There are numerous accounts of rains of frogs, hay, fish, and grain. All of these accounts seem to be due to tornado-like "whirlwinds." A good whirlwind can lift thousands of pounds and carry objects for miles. There is one reliable account of a fishing boat that sailed into a large waterspout. Fish flew everywhere. There are about seventy recorded rains of fish, but nearly all of the rains of fish are small one s. There is, however, one account of a fish fall in India in which more than ten people picked up fish weighing up to eight pounds each. There are many accounts of rains of ice-coated ducks, grasshoppers, fish, and frogs, but there is no account of a raining of cats and dogs (Lockhart, 1988). |
'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
DOA - Chapter 1 "God With Us" (0) | 2008.12.06 |
Randy Pausch - The Last Lecture (Script) (0) | 2008.11.27 |
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It's raining cats and dogs.... ???
Raining animals Raining animals is a relatively rare meteorological phenomenon, although occurrences have been reported from many countries throughout history. One hypothesis that has been furthered to explain this phenomenon is that strong winds travelling over water sometimes pick up debris such as fish or frogs, and carry them for up to several miles.[1] However, this primary aspect of the phenomenon has never been witnessed or scientifically tested. The animals most likely to drop from the sky in a rainfall are fish and frogs, with birds coming third. Sometimes the animals survive the fall, especially fish, suggesting the animals are dropped shortly after extraction. Several witnesses of raining frogs describe the animals as startled, though healthy, and exhibiting relatively normal behavior shortly after the event. In some incidents, however, the animals are frozen to death or even completely encased in ice. There are examples where the product of the rain is not intact animals, but shredded body parts. Some cases occur just after storms having strong winds, especially during tornadoes. However, there have been many unconfirmed cases in which rainfalls of animals have occurred in fair weather and in the absence of strong winds or waterspouts. Rains of animals (as well as rains of blood or blood-like material, and similar anomalies) play a central role in the epistemological writing of Charles Fort, especially in his first book, The Book of the Damned. Fort collected stories of these events and used them both as evidence and as a metaphor in challenging the claims of scientific explanation. French physicist André-Marie Ampère was among the first scientists to take seriously accounts of raining animals. He tried to explain rains of frogs with a hypothesis that was eventually refined by other scientists. Speaking in front of the Society of Natural Sciences, Ampère suggested that at times frogs and toads roam the countryside in large numbers, and that the action of violent winds can pick them up and carry them great distances.[2] More recently, a scientific explanation for the phenomenon has been developed that involves waterspouts. In effect, waterspouts are capable of capturing objects and animals and lifting them into the air. Under this theory, waterspouts or tornados, transport animals to relatively high altitudes, carrying them over large distances. The winds are capable of carrying the animals over a relatively wide area and allow them to fall in a concentrated fashion in a localized area.[3] More specifically, some tornados can completely suck up a pond, letting the water and animals fall some distance away in the form of a rain of animals.[4] This hypothesis appears supported by the type of animals in these rains: small and light, usually aquatic.[5]. It is also supported by the fact that the rain of animals is often preceded by a storm.
In the case of birds, storms may overcome a flock in flight, especially in times of migration. The image to the right shows an example where a group of bats is overtaken by a thunderstorm.[6]. The image shows how the phenomenon could take place in some cases. In the image, the bats are in the red zone, which corresponds to winds moving away from the radar station, and enter into a mesocyclone associated with a tornado (in green). These events may occur easily with birds in flight. In contrast, it is harder to find a plausible explanation for rains of terrestrial animals; part of the enigma persists despite scientific studies. In some cases, scientific explanations deny the existence of rains of fishes. For example, in the case of a rain of fishes is Singapore in 1861, French naturalist Francis de Laporte de Castelnau explained that the supposed rain took place during a migration of walking catfish, which are capable of dragging themselves over the land from one puddle to another. [7] Thus, he argued that the appearance of fish on the ground immediately after a rain was easily explained, as these animals usually move over soft ground or after a rain. Raining cats and dogsThe phrase "raining cats and dogs" is of unknown etymology.[8] A number of improbable folk etymologies have been put forward to explain the phrase,[9] for example:
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Randy Pausch - The Last Lecture (Script) (0) | 2008.11.27 |
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being content amid poverty and taking pleasure in acting in an honest way
(安貧樂道) being content amid poverty and taking pleasure in acting in an honest way
'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
It's Raining Cats & Dogs (0) | 2008.11.21 |
It's raining cats and dogs.... ??? (0) | 2008.11.21 |
Barack Obama (0) | 2008.11.05 |
About Dessert wines (from wickpedia) (0) | 2008.11.05 |
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Barack Obama
Barack Obama (wikipedia) Obama is the first African-American to be president of the United States.[2] A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he became the first black person to serve as president of the Harvard Law Review, Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003. After a primary victory in March 2004, Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. He was elected to the Senate in November 2004 with 70 percent of the vote. As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel. Obama announced his presidential campaign in February 2007, and was formally nominated at the 2008 Democratic National Convention with Delaware senator Joe Biden as his running mate. |
'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
It's raining cats and dogs.... ??? (0) | 2008.11.21 |
being content amid poverty and taking pleasure in acting in an honest way (0) | 2008.11.10 |
About Dessert wines (from wickpedia) (0) | 2008.11.05 |
Video Game Violence (0) | 2008.10.13 |
When Training Backfires: Hard Work That’s Too Hard (0) | 2008.09.04 |
About Dessert wines (from wickpedia)
Dessert wines (or pudding wines BrE) are sweet wines typically served with dessert, such as Sauternes and Tokaji Aszú. Despite the name, they are often best appreciated alone, or with fruit or bakery sweets. There is no simple definition of a dessert wine. In the UK, a dessert wine is considered to be any sweet wine drunk with a meal, as opposed to the white fortified wines (fino and amontillado sherry) drunk before the meal, and the red fortified wines (port and madeira) drunk after it. Thus most fortified wines are regarded as distinct from dessert wines, but some of the less strong fortified white wines, such as Pedro Ximénez sherry and Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venise, are regarded as honorary dessert wines. In the United States, by contrast, a dessert wine is legally defined as any wine over 14% alcohol by volume, which includes all fortified wines - and is taxed more highly as a result. This dates back to a time when the US wine industry only made dessert wines by fortification, but such a classification is outdated now that modern yeast and viticulture can produce dry wines over 15% without fortification, yet German dessert wines can contain |
'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
being content amid poverty and taking pleasure in acting in an honest way (0) | 2008.11.10 |
Barack Obama (0) | 2008.11.05 |
Video Game Violence (0) | 2008.10.13 |
When Training Backfires: Hard Work That’s Too Hard (0) | 2008.09.04 |
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Video Game Violence
Video Game Violence PRE-READING QUESTIONS 1. Do you ever play video games? If so, how often do you play? 2. Do you have children? Do they play video games and if so, how often do they play? 3. What do you think is the average amount of time school age children in America play video games every day? 4. Do you think most popular video games contain violence? 5. Is there a law in your country (city, state, province, etc.) restricting the sale or rental of violent video games? 6. Who do you think might support this kind of law and who do you think might oppose it? Video Game Violence Many school-age children in the United States play video games for close to an hour a day. Almost 90% of the most popular video games contain violence, and much of it is extremely violent. The video game industry rates games that contain violence or sexual images as “"M”" for mature audiences. Researchers have discovered, though, that children as young as seven years old have played these games. In July 2005, the state of Illinois passed a law that makes it illegal to sell or rent a video game containing violence or sexual images to anyone under 18 years of age. Those who break the law face a year in prison or a $5,000 fine. The video game industry must label these games as “"violent”" or “"sexually explicit.”" Many parents and researchers support this law. They believe that children who play violent video games may act more violently in real life. They also believe that the industry is more interested in making money than protecting children from the harmful effects of seeing violent or adult sexual images. Those who sell or rent video games oppose the law. They think that parents, not video stores, should be responsible for what their children are doing or seeing. In the past, similar laws have been rejected by American courts, mainly on the basis of free speech. Illinois lawmakers think that their law will be more successful because they have dealt with many of the courts’' concerns. They also think that it is time for the courts to deal more seriously with the harmful impact of these games on children. In addition to the law, the state will set up a Web site where parents can learn how these games may affect their children. Parents can also report stores that continue to sell or rent these games to minors and companies that have not labeled their games properly. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 1. How can someone know if a video game contains violence or sexual images? 2. What kind of law did the state of Illinois pass in 2005 regarding video games? 3. Why do many parents support this law? 4. What do many people who rent or sell video games think about this law? 5. What will the punishment be for someone who breaks this new law in Illinois? VOCABULARY REVIEW A. Match the words on the left with the correct meaning on the right. _____ 1. rate a. be against; not support _____ 2. mature b. strong influence or effect _____ 3. illegal c. causing injury or hurt or damage _____ 4. researcher d. estimate the value; classify _____ 5. minor e. sum of money paid as a penalty or punishment _____ 6. image f. against the law _____ 7. fine g. refuse to accept _____ 8. label h. fully grown or developed; adult _____ 9. explicit i. clearly and fully shown or expressed _____ 10. harmful j. someone who studies and looks for answers _____ 11. oppose k. picture _____ 12. reject l. put a name or description on something _____ 13. impact m. young person (under the age of 18) B. Choose the correct word from the left column above to complete the following sentences. 1. Smoking is very _____________________ to your health. 2. When he drove through the red traffic light, the police gave him a $100 _________________. 3. If she doesn't love him anymore, she will _____________________ his marriage proposal. 4. His year of studying in a foreign country had a very positive _____________________ on his life. 5. His instructions were very _____________________. I understood them very well. DISCUSS IT Work with a partner or in small groups. Discuss the following questions. 1. Children's TV programs, comic books, and movies often contain violence. Do you think that violent video games have any different impact on children than these other forms of entertainment? 2. Do you think that a year in jail or a $5000 fine is a fair punishment for breaking the Illinois law? Explain your answer. 3. Do you think that the video game industry has any interest in protecting children from the harmful effects of watching violent or adult sexual images? 4. Do you think most parents carefully monitor the TV programs their children watch and video games they play? 5. Most countries have classifications for movies such as Family Entertainment, General Admission, Parental Guidance, Restricted Adult, etc. Do you think that video games should have a similar type of classification system? Why or why not? WRITE IT Choose one of the questions above and write a paragraph stating your own opinion. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ DEBATE IT Below are topics to debate in small groups or pairs. Your teacher will tell you if you will be debating for or against the idea. You will have ten minutes to prepare your arguments. (Your teacher will explain the rules of debate before you begin.) Topic #1: It is the responsibility of parents, not lawmakers, to decide which video games their children can play. Therefore, there should be no laws restricting the sale or rental of violent video games to minors. Topic #2: Violent video games have a very harmful effect on children and contribute to the increase in violence in our society. Notes: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ |
'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
Barack Obama (0) | 2008.11.05 |
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When Training Backfires: Hard Work That’s Too Hard (0) | 2008.09.04 |
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When Training Backfires: Hard Work That’s Too Hard
When Training Backfires: Hard Work That’s Too Hard
UNTIL last spring, running was going great for 15-year-old Erik Kraus. He had been training hard without a break for 18 months and was becoming faster and faster.
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Then, when spring track started, something went awry. Every time he raced 1,500 meters, his time was 15 seconds slower than in the previous race.
Erik’s father, Dr. William Kraus, a runner himself and a cardiologist at Duke University who studies exercise, was concerned. Erik was tired all the time; his legs felt heavy; he was frustrated, irritable. Could it be the condition that athletes dread: overtraining?
Overtraining is the downside of training, the trap that can derail an athlete’s success. It’s a real physical condition caused by pushing too hard for too long. It can happen with too much exercise, too much intense exercise, or both. Its hallmarks are poor performances, exhaustion and apathy.
“You just feel bad,” said Dr. William O. Roberts, an internist at the University of Minnesota who specializes in treating athletes and is a former president of the American College of Sports Medicine. “The spark is gone.”
It can come on so insidiously that before athletes know it, they find themselves trapped in a downward spiral. The harder they train, the worse they do.
But there’s another trap — the overdiagnoses of overtraining, said Dr. Steven Keteyian, the director of preventive cardiology at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.
Dr. Keteyian, who has written textbook chapters on the condition, cautions that it is quite rare. But many athletes worry about overtraining every time they fail to perform as well as they think they should.
“It doesn’t happen over a two-week period of time,” Dr. Keteyian said. And it is unlikely to strike someone running 20 miles or so a week or doing the equivalent amount of another endurance sport, he said.
“Twenty miles is nothing,” Dr. Keteyian said. “Talk to me when you are running 50 miles a week. If you are a runner and have a steady history of running 40 to 70 miles a week and now you are pushing it to 80, 90, 100 miles a week and your times are dropping and you are feeling sluggish, then I’ll start to listen.”
If overtraining has occurred, “it’s a long road back,” Dr. Keteyian said. The only cure is to take weeks or months off. No athlete wants that, Dr. Keteyian said, so it’s important not to jump to conclusions.
Dr. Kraus knew that overtraining was unlikely. But his son seemed to meet the criteria, such as they are. He began looking for credible data on overtraining but was soon disappointed to discover that overtraining remains poorly understood and understudied.
There is no definitive test for overtraining. Instead, the diagnosis is reached by exclusion. Besides slower times and fatigue, Dr. Keteyian and others say athletes may notice that their muscles are weaker and that their coordination is poorer. Their heart rates may be higher than they should be with moderate exercise. And their resting heart rates, taken first thing in the morning, can be higher, too.
Overtraining is an unintended consequence of the only known way for athletes to improve — by pushing their bodies and stressing themselves by deliberately going faster or longer than feels comfortable. “Training a little bit beyond your capabilities is the only way to get better,” Dr. Kraus said. “But you have to balance that with rest and recovery. It’s a fine line. Where is that edge and how do you get as close as possible without going over it?”
Elite athletes and their coaches are acutely aware of overtraining, said Frank Busch, the head coach for the University of Arizona’s swimming team and an assistant coach for the United States men’s Olympic swimming team. And they have become adept at heading it off.
Not too long ago, coaches thought that volume — hours upon hours of training — was the key to outstanding performances, Mr. Busch said. “The result was sort of an arms race among swimmers and other endurance athletes to see who could train the most,” he said. “Athletes began getting overtrained.”
Now coaches and swimmers know that there is a point of diminishing returns. Coaches look for signs that their athletes are doing too much. Performance is one indicator, of course, but so is something as simple as a swimmer who has stopped smiling, Mr. Busch said. “That’s usually a sign that they are dreading practice or there is something else going on. Maybe they are exhausted around the clock.”
Dr. Roberts said that among his recent overtrained patients was a young man who was a stellar Nordic skier. A year and a half later, in marched another: the man’s mother, a middle-aged woman, also a prize-winning Nordic skier.
“They both trained too hard,” Dr. Roberts said. Both, he added, “were more or less self-coached at the time.” No one was monitoring them.
“Athletes are obsessed and gullible,” Dr. Keteyian said. “They will do anything they can to improve their performance and they don’t know when to stop.”
Dr. Roberts suggested that athletes who feel tired all the time first take some time off from their sport, perhaps a few days to two weeks. If they still do not feel better, they should see their primary-care doctor and mention that they are concerned about overtraining. Or, he said, they might want to seek out a physician who specializes in sports medicine — a list is available on
“An athlete would want to look for a physician who practices the broader scope of sports medicine and has not limited his or her practice to musculoskeletal problems,” Dr. Roberts added.
As for Dr. Kraus, he told his son to take a two-week break. That did not help. He had the youth tested for ferritin, an iron storage protein. Overtrained athletes can have low iron levels and anemia, although overtraining is not the only cause.
But even though Erik’s ferritin levels were sub par, and even though they rose slightly when he took iron supplements, he felt as tired and sluggish as ever. In the end, Erik Kraus ended up taking two months off. It was not easy. Like other athletes, he wanted to train, wanted to race, and he worried that he would never be competitive again. Now, finally, he has returned to running.
“When he first started back, he said, ‘Oh, my gosh, this feels good,’ ” Dr. Kraus recalled. Then Erik went for an eight-mile run with the fastest runner on his team. He not only kept up with his teammate but pushed him at the end.
Erik returned home from that run all smiles. “He said, ‘Dad, I had a breakthrough today,’ ” Dr. Kraus said.
'W 영어생각 > IT's REAL!!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
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wayne's 영작-기초편 (49일) (0) | 2007.10.02 |
Higher taxes and more optional features, says Hyundai Motor.
September 02, 2008 | ||
It was an ambitious project for the company. Hyundai Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Chung Mong-koo said that Genesis was the company’s first entry into the luxury car market, which had previously been dominated by European companies. In the U.S., the Genesis V6 3.8L sells at a starting price of $33,000, while a basic V8 4.6L costs $38,000. But in Korea, it went on sale this January with the Genesis V6 3.8L selling for about 52.8 million won ($48,485). This is a difference of more than $15,000. According to Hyundai Motor, taxes and a different production system are to blame. A 24.3 percent tax is levied on domestic cars after they are made. Also, there are over 20 more optional features, including a sunroof and an electric power braking system, in the Korean Genesis 3.8L than the U.S. one. A Hyundai representative said, “In Korea a 3.8L model is considered relatively high-end whereas in the U.S., it is considered a basic model which is why we took out the extra options for the U.S. cars.” Even with all of this taken into consideration, the U.S. 4.6L Genesis has very similar optional features as the domestically sold 3.8L Genesis, and is 800 cubic centimeters bigger, but still costs less than the domestic 3.8L Genesis. Even if we exclude the extra tax on the domestic 3.8L Genesis, it still costs over 42.4 million won. In the face of customer dissatisfaction at these double standards, some Korean companies are moving quickly to “re-import” Genesis cars that were exported to the United States. This means that after a car that is made for the U.S. market is exported from Korea, it is brought back in by automobile import companies. So a customer who orders this re-import would be driving a U.S.-version Genesis on Korean roads. The automobile industry estimates that around 10 companies are preparing to re-import the Genesis. And customers are signing up to buy them. Kang Jin-seung, an executive at a Korean automobile import company, said that a significant number of customers have signed up to buy the re-imported Genesis. He added that the re-imports will arrive by October and be ready to run with Korean license plates. The 3.8L full-option Technology Pack Genesis in the U.S. has a starting price of $38,063 (excluding some options, such as seat warmers). With shipping and Korean tax fees, this comes to 60 million won. That’s around 5.8 million won less than the comparable Royal VIP Pack with full options sold in Korea. Automobile re-importing is mainly popular in Europe with expensive cars like Porsches. The re-import of regular passenger cars like the Genesis, however, is extremely rare. People who are skeptical of the Genesis re-import plans say that the savings are insignificant because the won has depreciated against the dollar recently. Others say that foreign imports have fewer optional features. Experts also argue that the difference in price is due to the cost of auto parts and raw materials as well as commodity prices in each country. Hyundai Motor also pointed out in its defense that in developing the Genesis, it carried out consumer surveys and studied the prices of similar cars in the U.S., including the Chrysler 300C and the Lexus GS. Hyundai Motor said that it had to lower the retail price of its cars in the U.S. market because fewer people have heard of the brand compared to other bigger automakers. The recent U.S. economic slowdown also contributed to the price being lower there. Representatives of Hyundai Motor added that Japanese and German cars are also much cheaper in the U.S. than in their home countries. These arguments, however, still do not sit well with many Koreans, who are furious that domestic-made cars and other products cost more here than overseas. Experts say that the domestic market for re-imported cars will grow if Korean companies keep their prices high. This means that more customers will choose to buy re-imports because they are cheaper. Many customers have complained following reports about the price differences in the Genesis. In July, Hyundai Motor advertised a new 3.8L Genesis in Korea with fewer optional features, for 47.5 million won. This gap in domestic and overseas prices can also be seen in foreign brands which have been imported to Korea. U.S.-based fashion brand Banana Republic first opened its doors in Korea last summer. But consumers were in for a nasty shock as the clothes were almost twice as expensive here than in the U.S. Some items cost up to 70 percent more here than their U.S. equivalents. Shinsegae International, which imports the brand to Korea, said the discrepancy was due to the high costs of leasing store space in Korea. Even so, Banana Republic in Korea received numerous complaints from local customers. As a result, the brand lowered its prices earlier this year. To achieve this, some clothing items are now delivered by ship, whereas they were all air freighted before. Banana Republic’s spring/summer collection in Korea was, therefore, considerably cheaper. A dress which would have cost 289,000 won last year was selling at 219,000 won this year. Men’s cotton T-shirts, selling last year for 179,000 won, now cost 139,000 won. By Cho Jae-eun Staff Reporter/ Han Ae-ran JoongAng Ilbo [] WHAT ARE PARALLEL IMPORTS? Regular importing of goods is when a company brings a product for sale in its own country from another country through an agreed, legitimate deal between the two companies. Parallel importing is the importing of a genuine product from another country without an official deal with the original company. This allows for more than one local import company to bring foreign brand items into Korea. So for example, if an American toothpaste brand, called A, does not have an official deal to export their products to Korea, many smaller Korean importers can bring A’s products into Korea and sell them. The re-importing of Genesis is possible because the Korean government permits companies to make parallel import transactions, with some exceptions. Sometimes parallel importing is done to sell items which consumers want but can’t be found in Korea. Other times, this is done to sell products at a lower price. In New Zealand for example, some car dealers buy Mercedes-Benz cars in Malaysia at a lower price than they are sold at in New Zealand. Then they import the cars into New Zealand at a lower price than Mercedes-Benz cars sold directly there without this deal. In Korea, a recent popular parallel import item is the Nissan Cube mini MPV. This Japanese car is not yet officially imported here but around 100 parallel imports are being driven on Korean roads. Korean singer Lee Hyo-ri drives the Cube and since her appearance with the car, its popularity has escalated here. Nissan said that the car will be exported to the United States, Europe and Korea by the first half of next year. |
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