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블루티쳐학원 | 등록번호: 762-94-00693 | 중고등 영어 | 수강료: 30(중등), 33(고등), 3+4(특강)


Max completes the tenth lap and now has five more laps to go. Max sees Simon's kart ahead, just out of Max's reach. Max's kart gets closer and closer to Simon's. It almost hits the back end of Simon's kart. They drive into the straightaway and Max presses harder on the gas pedal. "I can catch up," says Max. Max sees the official waving a white flag which means the last lap. Max is right behind Simon. The finish line is getting closer, and the cheering from the crowd is getting louder. "I can do it!" Max says loudly. He can feel his heart beating hard. The karts rush across the finish line. Who is the winner?

Max's eyes are filled with tears as he finds out that he came in second. "No need for tears, kid," says a man's voice. Max can't believe his eyes. The man who is standing in front of him is Richards! "Thank you, but I'm not the winner," says Max. "It was a real close race. Even though you didn't win the race, you did your best. That's the thing that counts" says Richards. 'Did I do my best?' thinks Max. After a moment, he smiles. "Yeah, I guess I did."

Wear your helmet in the right way, and check your bike before you ride it! According to a study, there is an 85% reduction in the risk of head injury if you wear a helmet properly. And checking your bike can prevent accidents from happening! CHECKLIST-Wearing a Helmet. The front edge should be two finger widths above the eyebrow. If it is too far forward, it can block your vision. If it is too far back, it does not give proper protection. The strap should be loose enough for you to comfortably breathe. But it should also be tight enough to keep your helmet on. Checking Your Bike. The tires should be firm. Make sure the brakes work properly.

Einstein, Dali, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Edison had one thing in common. They would take naps. However, they did so for different reasons. The former two believed micronaps gave them inspiration. A micronap puts you in the in-between stage where you are asleep but not sleeping deeply enough to dream. They would sit and sleep in their armchair holding a pencil or key. The aim was to wake up inspired just before falling into a deep sleep, to the sound of the dropped object. The latter two criticized people for wasting time sleeping. Leonardo thought sleep resembled death, and Edison believed sleeping for a long time was a sign of laziness. So instead of sleeping at night, Leonardo would take many short naps. And Edison napped during the day and only slept for a short period at night. *No matter what their method was, these men got energy from naps. Is taking a nap the key to success?

My family does spring cleaning annually. We decided to do it today because today's weather was warmer than yesterday. This year, our spring cleaning was very special. We used baking soda and vinegar instead of chemical cleanser. Amazingly, the effects were similar to those of chemical cleanser. We put some baking soda and vinegar on our dirty stove and bathtub. When we scrubbed them, the dirt came off easily without too much effort. After we finished, we felt good about using chemical-free cleaning products. We saved not only our planet but also our money!


In animation movies, amazing things are possible. But are they actually possible in real life? Let Down Your Hair, Rapunzel! In the animation, Rapunzel must lower her long hair to let people in her tower. But could human hair really hold up a person? Surprisingly, yes! A single hair can hold up 100g and an average head has about 120,000 hairs. All those hairs could hold up a couple of elephants! With her hair, Rapunzel has the ability to hold up a person. But she should wrap her hair around something strong and heavy. If she doesn't, she will get a very sore neck.

In the animation, monsters scare children to get energy from their screams. Amazingly, their city is powered by this sound! But could we actually produce electricity to light up a city from sound? Yes, sound can be changed into electricity. But it would not be helpful in our everyday activities because the amount is too small. For example, the sound from a car horn only produces 50 mv. That is only 1/4400 of the average 220v of electricity in our homes. So, we would need an unbelievable amount of screams to light up an entire city.

The house is lifted and flown by thousands of balloons in the animation. Could that actually work? Let's say that a house weighs about 50,000 kg. A normal balloon at an amusement park can lift about 14g. So we need about 3,570,000 balloons to lift up the house. We also have to think about the weight of the balloons themselves and the strings. Then, we need to add a few more thousand balloons. Now, the biggest challenge is pumping up all those balloons!

At the go-kart race track, there are many people who are cheering excitedly. The karts that are making loud engine noises are waiting. An official waves a green flag and the race starts!

Max pushes his foot down hard on the gas pedal as he completes his sixth lap on the track. On the straightaway, Max pulls right beside the race's leader, Simon. Last year, Simon won many races, but Max's best result in a race was coming in fifth place. This time, he has a chance to finish second. But he isn't going to be satisfied with second place today. The winner gets to meet the world famous racer Richards! He doesn't want to miss the chance to meet his role model.


The other day, I saw a TV program about eating raw fish. Seeing a live fish sliced and put on plate, I wondered if fish can feel pain. I did some research to find the answer. It turns out that experts do not agree on the matter. Researchers in Scotland did a study on Rainbow Trout. They looked at their behavior and concluded that fish do feel pain. On the other hand, researchers in the United States and Australia thought differently. Pointing out differences in brain structure, they said that fish don't experience pain like humans do. With studies reaching very different conclusions, we cannot be sure whether or not fish feel pain. But they can feel stress, so we should at least be careful when handling them.

Eugene Cernan was a respected American astronaut and the last man to walk on the moon. He traveled into space on three separate occasions. The first was as Pilot of the Gemini 9A mission in 1966. Then in 1969, he was Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 10. Finally, he was Commander of the Apollo 17 mission in 1972. It was on this last mission that Cernan walked on the moon. He and another astronaut completed three separate spacewalks on the moon's surface. The research performed on the mission provided valuable information to scientists. However, the mission is most famous for what Cernan did just before leaving the moon. Wanting to do something special for his daughter Tracy, Cernan traced her initials, TDC, into the soil. Considering the fact that nobody has walked on the moon since Cernan, Tracy's initials may still be there today!

I just watched a television program about interesting tourist spots around the world. My favorite was Angel Falls in Venezuela. Last year, I visited Niagara Falls, and I thought it was amazing. But Angel Falls looked much more impressive. And it is much taller than Niagara Falls. In fact, at nearly a full kilometer, it is taller than any other waterfall in the world. I want to visit Angel Falls some day. It is much more difficult to get there than it is to get to Niagara Falls. However, I think the difficult journey would be worth it!

For a long time, scientists studying human facial expressions limited their research to six basic emotions. These were happiness, surprise, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust. Recently, though, researchers have been studying and giving names to more and more emotions. These newly labeled emotions, such as "happily surprised" and "sadly fearful," are combinations of the original six. Interestingly, they involve facial muscle movements of both of the "parent" emotions. So, for example, when you feel happy, you smile. And when you feel disgusted, you might move your nose. But if you feel "happily disgusted," you will do both. These studies have proven that humans are becoming more and more expressive.

What is the scariest place you can think of? Maybe it is a dark building. A haunted house would be even scarier. The empty town of Pripyat and the nearby remains of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant are still more terrifying. In 1986, a reactor at the plant overheated and exploded. This released much more radiation than any other nuclear event had released before. Everyone in Pripyat had to leave right away. Today, only an empty city remains. There are hotels, apartment buildings, and even a Ferris wheel, but the only people there are a few brave tourists. Because of the radiation, they can only stay for a short amount of time. This strange silent environment makes Pripyat scarier than any other place you can visit!


While different colors are worn from time to time, it is normal for businessmen and politicians to wear either a red or a blue necktie. But does the color matter? Psychologists have suggested that it does. In one study, it was shown that the colors red and blue improve mental performance and make people more open to suggestions. Furthermore, red was found to be more effective when it comes to improving our attention to detail. Blue, on the other hand, was found to increase people's creativity. So it is important for businessmen and politicians to know the secret power of these colors. Indeed, they need to choose their necktie carefully.

Are you thinking about where to live? How about a truly unique place? If you love skateboarding but do not have time to go to a skatepark, then the Skateboard House in Malibu, California is just right for you. There is a skateboard practice area inside the house itself. But that is not all. The whole house—including the living room, the kitchen, and even the furniture and the walls—is designed to be skated on. If you consider natural light to be the most important thing in a house, you might like living in the Transparent House in Japan. Its glass walls make it almost completely visible to the outside world. Of course, the Transparent House would not be a good place to live if you value your privacy.

Recently, researchers at Princeton University started to wonder why monkeys don't speak to each other like humans do. It should be possible for monkeys to talk, because they have everything that is required physically. The researchers looked at how macaque monkeys' lips, larynxes, and tongues move when they produce sounds. They used the data they gathered, along with actual recordings of macaque's sounds, to create a computer simulation of a macaque voice. It wasn't difficult for the researchers to change these sounds into English words and sentences. This means that, at least physically, macaque monkeys are able to speak like humans. So why don't they? The answer to that can be found in the human brain. We can think about the physical parts like the tongue and lips as the "hardware" of speech. The circuits in the brain can be the "software" that makes vocal communication possible. Monkeys simply have not developed the right speech "software" in their brains. That's why they don't talk like we do.

Every morning Alex walks into a café and orders a cup of coffee. Can you imagine who serves him? A robot barista named Gordon! Thanks to rapidly robots like Gordon are appearing in our daily lives. Companies are excited about robot labor, because it is getting cheaper and more efficient. Some robots are used to do work in extreme environments like the deep sea. And drones delivering goods to our homes will be a common sight in the near future. Some people are worried about there being fewer jobs. But others think we will adapt to this brave new world with robots serving people everywhere.

Visitors love Alaska's vast, unique natural beauty. When you ask them if they would like to come back again, their answer is always yes! There are countless activities you can enjoy in Alaska. Day cruises at Glacier Bay National Park are especially popular. They allow you to view Alaska's fantastic coastal scenery and see abundant wildlife. As you look out onto the clean, blue water, you can see sea lions, seals, whales, and much more. Alaska also has more than 12,000 rivers and about 3 million lakes. Featuring more than 627 species of fish, it's a fisherman's paradise. So why not take your next vacation in Alaska?


Before the concert, I thought that the instruments might sound strange. After a few minutes, a group of young people began to walk on the stage. The first thing I noticed was their instruments: a cello made out of a shiny oil tank, a violin made with forks, and a flute made with a water pipe and buttons. The concert began with a girl playing Bach's Cello Suite No 1 on her shiny cello. I was shocked by the deep sound. I was so into the music that I forgot that they were playing with instruments made from recycled materials.

After the concert, I was eager to write a story about the orchestra. I met Favio Chávez, the conductor, and asked him about the orchestra. Lucy White: Why did you start The Junk Orchestra? Favio Chávez: When I went to a small town called Cateura in Paraguay to work on a recycling program in 2005, I saw children living in a town that was mostly filled with garbage. I wanted to add something positive to their lives, so I decided to share my love of music with them.

Lucy White: Why did you use garbage to make instruments? Favio Chávez: One person's garbage is another person's treasure. Nicolás Gómez, a local garbage picker, helped me a lot. He made it possible for children to play music by making instruments out of garbage. The wonderful thing about these instruments was that the children didn't have to worry about spending a lot of money on them. Lucy White: What do you want people to learn through your music? Favio Chávez: I want people to know that even something worthless can make inspiring music. After interviewing Chávez, I realized that it really doesn't matter what instrument you play with as long as you put your heart into playing it. The children of Cateura showed me that an orchestra is formed by people, not by instruments.

So moving to see how music can change lives. The power of music is endless -Annie. After the concert, I found it possible to inspire people by music played with recycled instruments -Thomas. Not only do these talented young people deliver great music, but they also bring serious environmental problems to our attention -Kate.

During the summer, my friend Amber, who lives in London, turns the clocks forward by one hour. I asked her why. She said this practice is called "daylight savings time" or "summer time." Daylight lasts longer in the summer months and is shorter in the winter months. So people turn their clocks ahead to take advantage of the longer days. This is especially helpful for farmers, because it allows them to work outdoors for an extra hour. But even those who work on a "nine-to-five" schedule enjoy an extra hour of natural sunlight once they finish their day's work. I think it is a good idea to turn the clocks forward.


In 1946, a strange man visited me and asked, "Are you Mr. Kim Yonghwan's daughter?" For me, this was an odd question because I was more used to being called the daughter of a parakho. "I'm your father's friend. You may wonder if it is true, but your father," the man said. At that moment, I was expecting disappointing news since I did not have good memories of my father.

Back in the 1920's, whenever people saw me in the village, they would say, "There goes the parakho's daughter." My father was a son from a very rich family. Instead of living the life of a seonbi, he was always at the gambling house. That is why he was called a parakho, which means someone who ruins his family's fortune. "Your father has gambled away all of the money, and now he's asking for more. Go and tell him that we have no more money left," my mother would tell me whenever she sent me to the gambling house. Then, my father would yell at me angrily, "Why did you come empty-handed? Bring me more money!"

When I was sixteen years old, my family had already made an arrangement for me to marry Mr. Seo. As part of the wedding tradition, Mr. Seo's family sent my family some money to buy a new chest for clothes. Right before the wedding day, my mother came into my room and said, "Your father has taken the money for the chest." I asked angrily, "How could he do such a horrible thing? What should we do now?" "We have no choice. You'll have to take your aunt's old chest," my mother said. "How embarrassing for the family," people would whisper behind my back. Since the first day of marriage, life at my husband's house had been difficult for me.

"Your father, my dear friend," my father's friend continued his story. "He was not a gambler. Your father sent the family money to the independence fighters in Manchuria. He made himself look like a gambler to keep this a secret from the Japanese officers." At first, I was not sure if he was telling the truth. But afterwards, I found out the truth about my father and I realized that I had been wrong about him. Ever since that moment, I have been proud to be the daughter of a parakho who had devoted his life to the independence movement.

The world sends us garbage, we send back music. "The world sends us garbage, we send back music." This was written on the back of a concert ticket I was given. The musical group was called "The Junk Orchestra." They played instruments made entirely out of garbage. I could not imagine what kind of sound these instruments would make, so I was eager to find out.


They go outside and walk around the garden. Peter: What is on that piece of paper? It looks scary. Grandfather: Do you mean this painting of a rooster? Peter: Oh, is it a rooster? Grandfather: Yes, it is. Roosters crow every morning. Their crowing means that a new day is beginning. For many years, Koreans have believed evil spirits go away when a rooster crows. Mina: Really? I've never heard that before. Peter: Actually, I'm afraid of the darkness and evil spirits. Could you draw a rooster for me, Mina? Mina: Sure. I'll draw a big rooster for you! Grandfather: Put the drawing above your door. Then it will protect you. Peter: Yes, I will. Peter's Diary May 28 I'm enjoying this trip so much that I want to stay longer. I love all the traditional Korean symbols in this house. Now I understand a lot of them. I want to visit Korea again with my family.

Jennifer: What are you reading? Eric: I'm reading an article about aquaponics. It's a way of growing plants without soil. We can also grow plants and raise fish in just one system. Jennifer: Is that possible? Eric: We'll see. I'm going to try it at home for my science project. Fish, bacteria, and plants are the main parts of aquaponics. After you feed the fish, they produce waste. The waste is turned into food for the plants by bacteria. The plants clean the water by consuming the food. This process is repeated again and again!

Home Aquaponics by Eric Jackson. Questions: How can I make an aquaponics system at home? Why is aquaponics good? Period: From May 15 to August 15 Materials: a pot

This is food reporter Minjun from Korea. For many students, lunch is the best part of the school day. In Korea, we often eat rice and soup for lunch. We also have side dishes, such as Bulgogi or Gimchi. Sometimes our school serves special dishes, such as pizza, Bibimbap, or pasta. What do students who live in other countries eat for lunch? Let's hear from our food reporters!

Our school serves healthy and balanced meals. We usually eat a salad as an appetizer. Main dishes often include meat or fish. We also eat fresh fruit at the end of the lunch. Oh, I can never forget about baguettes! They're great with cheese. Our school also has a special rule. We must stay at the lunch table for at least 30 minutes. Bruno, Brazil Usually, we have beans and rice for lunch. Meat and vegetables are common in our side dishes. My favorite lunch comes with plantains. A plantain is a fruit which looks like a banana. We usually fry plantains. Our school lunches are fresh because the vegetables and fruit come from local farms.

People who live in Singapore come from many different cultures, so we have both Eastern and Western dishes at lunch. Students can choose from many dishes, such as curry, noodle soup, or pasta, each day. My school won an award for healthy school food last year. Our lunches are always healthy, and they taste good, too! Which school lunch do you want to try? Does it have anything in common with your school lunch? Please leave your comments at

Peter is visiting Korea to meet a friend, Mina, from a sister school. Peter is going to stay at her grandfather's house for a week. When he arrives, Mina shows him the guest room. Mina: Peter, you will stay here. This guest room is full of traditional Korean things. Look at this pillow. Peter: What are these things? Mina: They're bats. Peter: Bats on my pillow? That's scary! Mina: Not really. In Korea, bats are symbols of luck and a long life. Peter: That's surprising. In many Western countries, bats remind people of darkness and scary things.

Mina shows Peter her grandfather's room. Peter and Mina's grandfather meet and greet each other. Grandfather: Hi, Peter! Have you ever seen this kind of lock before? Peter: No, I haven't. It's so old that I can't really tell, but is it a fish? Grandfather: Yes. For a long time, Koreans have thought that fish are good guards. Fish don't close their eyes, even when they sleep. Peter: That's interesting. Grandfather: We think fish can watch over valuable things. That's why this lock looks like a fish. Peter: Now I understand.


Brian told me this afternoon that I have good leadership qualities. No one has ever told me that before. Why does he think so? Maybe he was just trying to be nice. When he said that to me, however, I started to think. Can I really become a leader? I don't know. I think leaders should have a vision, clear goals, and the ability to motivate others. I don't have any of those things. Then I suddenly started to wonder if these are the only qualities that make a good leader. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there are other leadership qualities. So I decided to do some research online.

Here's what I found! GREEN LEADERS : "Team Builders". Ensure that the team feels valued. Create a positive environment. Are friendly and easy to talk to. RED LEADERS : "Logical Analysts". Have good reasoning skills. Analyze problems and situations. Think of the most effective ways to achieve the team's goals. PURPLE LEADERS : "Hands-Off Managers". Allow others to work on their own. Do not try to control people. Give advice only when it is needed. ORANGE LEADERS : "Strict Directors". Make everyone's role clear. Make sure everything is finished on time. Ensure each step is done properly. YELLOW LEADERS : "Quiet Supporters". Lead by example. Let the team members shine instead. Meet the team members' needs. BLUE LEADERS : "Creative Thinkers". Approach problems in new ways. Come up with fresh ideas. Deal with tasks differently from others

I was surprised that there are actually many different leadership styles, but soon I realized the reason. We belong to many different groups, and many different situations can come up in our lives. They all call for different leadership styles. Each group's unique situation determines the best leadership style. I am a part of many different groups, and I have different responsibilities in each group. After reading everything, I became more confident. I discovered that I have some of the qualities of a "green leader." If my classmates think a green leader would make our class better, they might pick me to be class representative! Okay, let's try it!

It is important for us to find ways to protect the environment. Some people have found creative ways to save the earth. One example is an underwater museum in Cancun, Mexico. Let's meet Dr. Rosa Allison, an art professor, and listen to her explanation about the special museum. Cancun is a city where 4.8 million tourists travel every year. One of the most popular activities to do there is looking at the area's beautiful sea life underwater. However, tourist activities are seriously damaging parts of the sea near Cancun.

To prevent this, artists did something interesting. They thought if they attracted tourists to a different part of the sea, the dying areas could have time to get better. They made an underwater museum away from the places where sea life was dying. It's about 14 meters below the surface and contains 500 statues. The statues are made from materials that support sea life. They provide additional places for plants and animals to live on. Over time, many types of sea life will grow on the statues, which will make the artwork unique. The artists want people to see a variety of sea life on the statues. If people realize how rich sea life is, they will understand how important it is to save the sea.


One night in February, after I had gone to bed, an earthquake hit. I woke up suddenly because my bed was shaking. I thought my brother was shaking my bed as a joke. But then I heard the mirror on my desk fall to the floor and break into pieces. I knew it wasn't my brother then, but I still didn't know what exactly was happening. Soon the whole room began to shake violently, and my confusion turned to panic. My mom shouted that it was an earthquake and ran into my room. Since it was my first time experiencing an earthquake, I didn't know how to react. I just kept saying, "What should I do?"

My mom pulled me and my brother out of bed. We ran to the kitchen and crawled under the table. I could see the light swinging violently and books falling to the floor. Our family picture dropped from the wall and the glass covering it broke. A cup tipped over and rolled off the kitchen table. Every second, I could hear something else in the apartment break. I started to worry that the building would collapse.

Then the shaking seemed to stop. We started crawling toward the door. At that moment, my mom's cell phone rang. It was my dad, who was coming home from work. He shouted, "It stopped! Get out of the building! Take the stairs! Don't take the elevator! Hurry," "Where are you? Are you okay?" my mom asked urgently. My dad answered, "Don't worry. I'm okay. I was driving home when the shaking started. But I pulled over immediately. I'm listening to the radio right now to find out what's going on."

We nervously made our way down the stairs and outside. I looked around. Parts of buildings had fallen and had smashed several cars. We went to an open space to avoid more falling pieces. How could all this have happened in a few minutes? Although I had done many earthquake drills in school, I had never thought I'd experience a real earthquake. I still get scared when I remember that night. I can't forget the panic I felt when the furniture was shaking and things were falling to the floor. After that night, I began to take earthquake drills seriously. I realized that I should be prepared for the next earthquake, which can occur at any time.

Brian: The election is coming up. Why don't you run for class representative, Yumi? Yumi: No way. I'm not the right person for that position. I've never thought about running. Brian: Why not? Yumi: Come on, Brian. Leaders have special qualities. I don't think a person like me can be called a leader. Brian: What do you mean? I think you have very good leadership qualities. You're really friendly and outgoing. You also help people get along. I have no doubt that you will be elected if you run.
