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Cutting costs can improve profitability but only up to a point. If the manufacturer cuts costs so deeply that doing so harms the product's quality, then the increased profitability will be short-lived. A better approach is to improve productivity. If businesses can get more production from the same number of employees, they're basically tapping into free money. They get more product to sell, and the price of each product falls. As long as the machinery or employee training needed for productivity improvements costs less than the value of the productivity gains, it's an easy investment for any business to make. Productivity improvements are as important to the economy as they are to the individual business that's making them. Productivity improvements generally raise the standard of living for everyone and are a good indication of a healthy economy.

The overabundance of options in today's marketplace gives you more freedom of choice. However, there may be a price to pay in terms of happiness. According to research by psychologists David Myers and Robert Lane, all this choice often makes people depressed. Researchers gave some shoppers 24 choices of jams to taste and others only 6 choices. Those who had fewer choices were happier with the tasting. Even more surprisingly, the ones with a smaller selection purchased jam 31% of the time, while those with a wider range of choices only purchased jam 3% of the time. The ironic thing about this is that people nearly always say they want more choices. Yet, the more options they have, the more paralyzed they become. Savvy restaurant owners provide fewer choices. This allows customers to feel more relaxed, prompting them to choose easily and leave more satisfied with their choices.

There are countless examples of scientific inventions that have been generated by accident. However, often this accident has required a person with above-average knowledge in the field to interpret it. One of the better-known examples of the cooperation between chance and a researcher is the invention of penicillin. In 1928, Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming went on a vacation. As a slightly careless man, Fleming left some bacterial cultures on his desk. When he returned, he noticed mold in one of his cultures, with a bacteria-free zone around it. The mold was from the penicillium notatum species, which had killed the bacteria on the Petri dish. This was a lucky coincidence. For a person who does not have expert knowledge, the bacteria-free zone would not have had much significance, but Fleming understood the magical effect of the mold. The result was penicillin — a medication that has saved countless people on the planet.

Honeybees have evolved what we call "swarm intelligence," with up to 50,000 workers in a single colony coming together to make democratic decisions. When a hive gets too crowded in springtime, colonies send scouts to look for a new home. If any scouts disagree on where the colony should build its next hive, they argue their case the civilized way: through a dance-off. Each scout performs a "waggle dance" for other scouts in an attempt to convince them of their spot's merit. The more enthusiastic the dance is, the happier the scout is with his spot. The remainder of the colony votes with their bodies, flying to the spot they prefer and joining in the dance until one potential hive overcomes all other dances of the neighborhood. It would be great if Congress settled their disagreements the same way.

Confident leaders are not afraid to ask the basic questions: the questions to which you may feel embarrassed about not already knowing the answers. When you don't know something, admit it as quickly as possible and immediately take action ― ask a question. If you have forgotten who the governor is or how many hydrogen atoms are in a molecule of water, quietly ask a friend but one way or the other, quit hiding, and take action. Paradoxically, when you ask basic questions, you will more than likely be perceived by others to be smarter. And more importantly, you'll end up knowing far more over your lifetime. This approach will cause you to be more successful than you would have been had you employed the common practice of pretending to know more than you do. To make good leaders, effective teachers encourage, invite, and even force their students to ask those fundamental questions.


As with memorizing anything, the simple method of repetition will be of help when remembering names. A powerful application of this principle is to repeat it in conversation. In this case you could simply say, "Tom It's nice to meet you, Tom." Saying this short phrase repeats the word twice aloud. Saying something aloud creates a more powerful memory than only thinking it. The choice to say the word, mouthing it and hearing yourself say it, makes up a series of small events that increase memorization more than if you simply repeat the word in your mind. Continuing to repeat the name throughout conversation will further cement it in your memory. Say it whenever you have the opportunity to do so naturally.

When Lucas joined the Navy, his duty station was near Panama City Beach. One day, his friend, Julia, decided to swim out to a sand bar about 150 yards off the beach. As he watched Julia swim away, he had a sense that things might not go well for her so he decided to swim after her. The current was strong that day. She made it about seventy yards before there was trouble. Thankfully, he soon caught up with Julia who was struggling in the water. Every time he got close enough to help, she pulled him under. Lucas tried reasoning with her, but she couldn't hear him. Finally, he let her wear herself out to the point that she was so tired, she couldn't stay above water. Lucas had to let her drown to help her. When she was completely exhausted, he tried to grab her.

How can we access the nutrients we need with less impact on the environment? The most significant component of agriculture that contributes to climate change is livestock. Globally, beef cattle and milk cattle have the most significant impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions(GHGEs), and are responsible for 41% of the world's CO2 emissions and 20% of the total global GHGEs. The atmospheric increases in GHGEs caused by the transport, land clearance, methane emissions, and grain cultivation associated with the livestock industry are the main drivers behind increases in global temperatures. In contrast to conventional livestock, insects as "minilivestock" are low-GHGE emitters, use minimal land, can be fed on food waste rather than cultivated grain, and can be farmed anywhere thus potentially also avoiding GHGEs caused by long distance transportation. If we increased insect consumption and decreased meat consumption worldwide, the global warming potential of the food system would be significantly reduced.

Do you have trouble locating your computer screen amid the jungle of old coffee mugs and scattered papers? Or is your workspace a minimalist's dream? Whether you're neat or messy, your workspace may reveal a lot about your personality. Every office worker has a particular type of desk they keep. And a number of studies suggest that the state of your desk might affect how you work, from the idea that disorderly environments produce creativity — to the idea that too much mess can interfere with focus. Deliberately or not, we're constantly making statements about ourselves through our personal presentation of the desk. One of the reasons physical spaces, including our office desks, can be so revealing about us is that they're essentially the crystallization of a lot of behavior over time.

Numbers were invented to describe precise amounts: three teeth, seven days, twelve goats. When quantities are large, however, we do not use numbers in a precise way. We approximate using a 'round number' as a place mark. It is easier and more convenient. When we say, for example, that there were a hundred people at the market, we don't mean that there were exactly one hundred people there. And when we say that the universe is 13_7 billion years old, we don't mean exactly 13,700,000,000; we mean give or take a few hundred million years. Big numbers are understood approximately, small ones precisely, and these two systems interact uneasily. It is clear nonsense to say that next year the universe will be '13_7 billion and one' years old. It will remain 13_7 billion years old for the rest of our lives.


Many years ago I visited the chief investment officer of a large financial firm, who had just invested some tens of millions of dollars in the stock of the ABC Motor Company. When I asked how he had made that decision, he replied that he had recently attended an automobile show and had been impressed. He said, "Boy, they do know how to make a car!" His response made it very clear that he trusted his gut feeling and was satisfied with himself and with his decision. I found it remarkable that he had apparently not considered the one question that an economist would call relevant: Is the ABC stock currently underpriced? Instead, he had listened to his intuition; he liked the cars, he liked the company, and he liked the idea of owning its stock. From what we know about the accuracy of stock picking, it is reasonable to believe that he did not know what he was doing.

You may be wondering why people prefer to prioritize internal disposition over external situations when seeking causes to explain behaviour. One answer is simplicity. Thinking of an internal cause for a person's behaviour is easy — the strict teacher is a stubborn person, the devoted parents just love their kids. In contrast, situational explanations can be complex. Perhaps the teacher appears stubborn because she's seen the consequences of not trying hard in generations of students and wants to develop self-discipline in them. Perhaps the parents who're boasting of the achievements of their children are anxious about their failures, and conscious of the cost of their school fees. These situational factors require knowledge, insight, and time to think through. Whereas, jumping to a dispositional attribution is far easier.

A child bounces up to you holding her school work; perhaps she's your daughter, cousin, or neighbour. She proudly shows you a big red A at the bottom of her test paper. How do you praise her? For decades, people have been told that praise is vital for happy and healthy children and that the most important job in raising a child is nurturing her self-esteem. Recently, however, some researchers found that how people are praised is very important. They discovered that if you say "What a very clever girl you are" to the child showing you an A, you may cause her more harm than good. For your children to succeed and be happy, you need to convince them that success comes from effort, not from some talent that they're born with or without.

The body has an effective system of natural defence against parasites, called the immune system. The immune system is so complicated that it would take a whole book to explain it. Briefly, when it senses a dangerous parasite, the body is mobilized to produce special cells, which are carried by the blood into battle like a kind of army. Usually the immune system wins, and the person recovers. After that, the immune system remembers the molecular equipment that it developed for that particular battle, and any following infection by the same kind of parasite is beaten off so quickly that we don't notice it. That is why, once you have had a disease like the measles or chicken pox, you're unlikely to get it again.

The wife of American physiologist Hudson Hoagland became sick with a severe flu. Dr・ Hoagland was curious enough to notice that whenever he left his wife's room for a short while, she complained that he had been gone for a long time. In the interest of scientific investigation, he asked his wife to count to 60, with each count corresponding to what she felt was one second, while he kept a record of her temperature. His wife reluctantly accepted and he quickly noticed that the hotter she was, the faster she counted. When her temperature was 38 degrees Celsius, for instance, she counted to 60 in 45 seconds. He repeated the experiment a few more times, and found that when her temperature reached 39_5 degrees Celsius, she counted one minute in just 37 seconds. The doctor thought that his wife must have some kind of 'internal clock' inside her brain that ran faster as the fever went up.


Do you advise your kids to keep away from strangers? That's a tall order for adults. After all, you expand your network of friends and create potential business partners by meeting strangers. Throughout this process, however, analyzing people to understand their personalities is not all about potential economic or social benefit. There is your safety to think about, as well as the safety of your loved ones. For that reason, Mary Ellen O'Toole, who is a retired FBI profiler, emphasizes the need to go beyond a person's superficial qualities in order to understand them. It is not safe, for instance, to assume that a stranger is a good neighbor, just because they're polite. Seeing them follow a routine of going out every morning well-dressed doesn't mean that's the whole story. In fact, O'Toole says that when you are dealing with a criminal, even your feelings may fail you. That's because criminals have perfected the art of manipulation and deceit.

"Survivorship bias" is a common logical fallacy. We're prone to listen to the success stories from survivors because the others aren't around to tell the tale. A dramatic example from history is the case of statistician Abraham Wald who, during World War Ⅱ, was hired by the U.S・ Air Force to determine how to make their bomber planes safer. The planes that returned tended to have bullet holes along the wings, body, and tail, and commanders wanted to reinforce those areas because they seemed to get hit most often. Wald, however, saw that the important thing was that these bullet holes had not destroyed the planes, and what needed more protection were the areas that were not hit. Those were the parts where, if a plane was struck by a bullet, it would never be seen again. His calculations based on that logic are still in use today, and they have saved many pilots.

In the early 2000s, British psychologist Richard Wiseman performed a series of experiments with people who viewed themselves as either 'lucky'(they were successful and happy, and events in their lives seemed to favor them) or 'unlucky'(life just seemed to go wrong for them). What he found was that the 'lucky' people were good at spotting opportunities. In one experiment he told both groups to count the number of pictures in a newspaper. The 'unlucky' diligently ground their way through the task; the 'lucky' usually noticed that the second page contained an announcement that said: "Stop counting — there are 43 photographs in this newspaper." On a later page, the 'unlucky' were also too busy counting images to spot a note reading: "Stop counting, tell the experimenter you have seen this, and win $250." Wiseman's conclusion was that, when faced with a challenge, 'unlucky' people were less flexible. They focused on a specific goal, and failed to notice that other options were passing them by.

Appreciating the collective nature of knowledge can correct our false notions of how we see the world. People love heroes. Individuals are given credit for major breakthroughs. Marie Curie is treated as if she worked alone to discover radioactivity and Newton as if he discovered the laws of motion by himself. The truth is that in the real world, nobody operates alone. Scientists not only have labs with students who contribute critical ideas, but also have colleagues who are doing similar work, thinking similar thoughts, and without whom the scientist would get nowhere. And then there are other scientists who are working on different problems, sometimes in different fields, but nevertheless set the stage through their own findings and ideas. Once we start understanding that knowledge isn't all in the head, that it's shared within a community, our heroes change. Instead of focusing on the individual, we begin to focus on a larger group.

Your story is what makes you special. But the tricky part is showing how special you are without talking about yourself. Effective personal branding isn't about talking about yourself all the time. Although everyone would like to think that friends and family are eagerly waiting by their computers hoping to hear some news about what you're doing, they're not. Actually, they're hoping you're sitting by your computer, waiting for news about them. The best way to build your personal brand is to talk more about other people, events, and ideas than you talk about yourself. By doing so, you promote their victories and their ideas, and you become an influencer. You are seen as someone who is not only helpful, but is also a valuable resource. That helps your brand more than if you just talk about yourself over and over.


We create a picture of the world using the examples that most easily come to mind. This is foolish, of course, because in reality, things don't happen more frequently just because we can imagine them more easily. Thanks to this prejudice, we travel through life with an incorrect risk map in our heads. Thus, we overestimate the risk of being the victims of a plane crash, a car accident, or a murder. And we underestimate the risk of dying from less spectacular means, such as diabetes or stomach cancer. The chances of bomb attacks are much rarer than we think, and the chances of suffering depression are much higher. We attach too much likelihood to spectacular, flashy, or loud outcomes. Anything silent or invisible we downgrade in our minds. Our brains imagine impressive outcomes more readily than ordinary ones.

After earning her doctorate degree from the University of Istanbul in 1940, Halet Cambel fought tirelessly for the advancement of archaeology. She helped preserve some of Turkey's most important archaeological sites near the Ceyhan River and established an outdoor museum at Karatepe. There, she broke ground on one of humanity's oldest known civilizations by discovering a Phoenician alphabet tablet. Her work preserving Turkey's cultural heritage won her a Prince Claus Award. But as well as revealing the secrets of the past, she also firmly addressed the political atmosphere of her present. As just a 20yearold archaeology student, Cambel went to the 1936 Berlin Olympics, becoming the first Muslim woman to compete in the Games. She was later invited to meet Adolf Hitler but she rejected the offer on political grounds.

Getting in the habit of asking questions transforms you into an active listener. This practice forces you to have a different inner life experience, since you will, in fact, be listening more effectively. You know that sometimes when you are supposed to be listening to someone, your mind starts to wander. All teachers know that this happens frequently with students in classes. It's what goes on inside your head that makes all the difference in how well you will convert what you hear into something you learn. Listening is not enough. If you are constantly engaged in asking yourself questions about things you are hearing, you will find that even boring lecturers become a bit more interesting, because much of the interest will be coming from what you are generating rather than what the lecturer is offering. When someone else speaks, you need to be thought provoking!

Allowing people to influence each other reduces the precision of a group's estimate. To derive the most useful information from multiple sources of evidence, you should always try to make these sources independent of each other. This rule is part of good police procedure. When there are multiple witnesses to an event, they are not allowed to discuss it before giving their testimony. The goal is not only to prevent collusion by hostile witnesses, it is also to prevent witnesses from influencing each other. Witnesses who exchange their experiences will tend to make similar errors in their testimony, reducing the total value of the information they provide. The standard practice of open discussion gives too much weight to the opinions of those who speak early and confidently, causing others to line up behind them.

Loneliness can creep into your life as you get older, which is why it's nice to find some ways to not be lonely. Patrick Arbore knows this, and it's why he values meaningful conversation. Director and founder of Elderly Suicide Prevention, Arbore, founded the Friendship Line, a 24hour hotline whose volunteers reach out to potentially suicidal seniors. He says, "What brings me joy is when I can be the listener when someone is hungry for connection." Arbore remembers one man in particular who was feeling suicidal in his 70's after his wife's death. The man spoke with him on the Friendship Line at a stage when he wanted to end his life. After some time he said to him "I am no longer thinking about suicide because people care about me." Arbore found this exchange profound. "All we did was express caring," he says. "Our work is really quite simple. It's connection and care."


I understand that on May 3, 2018 when you were a guest at our restaurant in the Four Hills Plaza, you experienced an unfortunate incident that resulted in a beverage being spilled on your coat. Please accept my sincere apology. Unfortunately the staff on duty at the time did not reflect our customer service policy. I have investigated the situation and scheduled additional customer service training for them. We'd like to have you back as a customer so I'm sending you a coupon for two free entrees that can be used at any of our five locations in New Parkland. Again, my apologies for the incident. I hope you give us the opportunity to make this right.

Patricia is eager to be the best mom she can be, but she finds parenting a hard task. Here's how she put it: "Just when I think I have it down, then something changes, and I have to make major adjustments. Parenting well feels like a moving target." Patricia is correct. In fact, much research has been done on the developmental stages of childhood. Babies learn to sit up, then crawl, and finally walk. Kids have a greater ability to reason as they get older, and logic makes sense as they move further into preadolescence. A logical implication of these developmental changes is that parents will need to make parenting shifts along the way. In other words, the one strategy to keep in mind as your children grow and change is that you must also change to meet their new developmental needs and abilities.

While backpacking through Costa Rica, Masami found herself in a bad situation. She had lost all of her belongings, and had only $5 in cash. To make matters worse, because of a recent tropical storm, all telephone and Internet services were down. She had no way to get money, so decided to go knocking door to door, explaining that she needed a place to stay until she could contact her family back in Japan to send her some money. Everybody told her they had no space or extra food and pointed her in the direction of the next house. It was already dark when she arrived at a small roadside restaurant. The owner of the restaurant heard her story and really empathized. Much to her delight, Masami was invited in. The owner gave her some food, and allowed her to stay there until she could contact her parents.

The development of writing was pioneered not by gossips, storytellers, or poets, but by accountants. The earliest writing system has its roots in the Neolithic period, when humans first began to switch from hunting and gathering to a settled lifestyle based on agriculture. This shift began around 9500 BC in a region known as the Fertile Crescent, which stretches from modern-day Egypt, up to southeastern Turkey, and down again to the border between Iraq and Iran. Writing seems to have evolved in this region from the custom of using small clay pieces to account for transactions involving agricultural goods such as grain, sheep, and cattle. The first written documents, which come from the Mesopotamian city of Uruk and date back to around 3400 B.C., record amounts of bread, payment of taxes, and other transactions using simple symbols and marks on clay tablets.

Why do you go to the library? For books, yes — and you like books because they tell stories. You hope to get lost in a story or be transported into someone else's life. At one type of library, you can do just that — even though there's not a single book. At a Human Library, people with unique life stories volunteer to be the "books." For a certain amount of time, you can ask them questions and listen to their stories, which are as fascinating and inspiring as any you can find in a book. Many of the stories have to do with some kind of stereotype. You can speak with a refugee, a soldier suffering from PTSD, and a homeless person. The Human Library encourages people to challenge their own existing notions — to truly get to know, and learn from, someone they might otherwise make quick judgements about.


While being an introvert comes with its challenges, it definitely has its advantages as well. For example, an introvert is far less likely to make a mistake in a social situation, such as inadvertently insulting another person whose opinion is not agreeable. An introvert would enjoy reflecting on their thoughts, and thus would be far less likely to suffer from boredom without outside stimulation. The only risk that you will face as an introvert is that people who do not know you may think that you are aloof or that you think you are better than them. If you learn how to open up just a little bit with your opinions and thoughts, you will be able to thrive in both worlds. You can then stay true to your personality without appearing to be antisocial.

A carbon sink is a natural feature that absorbs or stores more carbon than it releases. The value of carbon sinks is that they can help create equilibrium in the atmosphere by removing excess CO2. One example of a carbon sink is a large forest. Its mass of plants and other organic material absorb and store tons of carbon. However, the planet's major carbon sink is its oceans. Since the Industrial Revolution began in the eighteenth century, CO2 released during industrial processes has greatly increased the proportion of carbon in the atmosphere. Carbon sinks have been able to absorb about half of this excess CO2, and the world's oceans have done the major part of that job. They absorb about one-fourth of humans' industrial carbon emissions, doing half the work of all Earth's carbon sinks combined.

Promoting attractive images of one's country is not new, but the conditions for trying to create soft power have changed dramatically in recent years. For one thing, nearly half the countries in the world are now democracies. In such circumstances, diplomacy aimed at public opinion can become as important to outcomes as traditional classified diplomatic communications among leaders. Information creates power, and today a much larger part of the world's population has access to that power. Technological advances have led to a dramatic reduction in the cost of processing and transmitting information. The result is an explosion of information, and that has produced a "paradox of plenty."Plentiful information leads to scarcity of attention. When people are overwhelmed with the volume of information confronting them, they have difficulty knowing what to focus on. Attention, rather than information, becomes the scarce resource, and those who can distinguish valuable information from background clutter gain power.

Tourism takes place simultaneously in the realm of the imagination and that of the physical world. In contrast to literature or film, it leads to 'real', tangible worlds, while nevertheless remaining tied to the sphere of fantasies, dreams, wishes ― and myth. It thereby allows the ritual enactment of mythological ideas. There is a considerable difference as to whether people watch a film about the Himalayas on television and become excited by the 'untouched nature' of the majestic mountain peaks, or whether they get up and go on a trek to Nepal. Even in the latter case, they remain, at least partly, in an imaginary world. They experience moments that they have already seen at home in books, brochures and films. Their notions of untouched nature and friendly, innocent indigenous people will probably be confirmed. But now this confirmation is anchored in a physical experience. The myth is thus transmitted in a much more powerful way than by television, movies or books.

Humans can tell lies with their faces. Although some are specifically trained to detect lies from facial expressions, the average person is often misled into believing false and manipulated facial emotions. One reason for this is that we are "two-faced."By this I mean that we have two different neural systems that manipulate our facial muscles. One neural system is under voluntary control and the other works under involuntary control. There are reported cases of individuals who have damaged the neural system that controls voluntary expressions. They still have facial expressions, but are incapable of producing deceitful ones. The emotion that you see is the emotion they are feeling, since they have lost the needed voluntary control to produce false facial expressions. There are also clinical cases that show the flip side of this coin. These people have injured the system that controls their involuntary expressions, so that the only changes in their demeanor you will see are actually willed expressions.


John was once in the office of a manager, Michael, when the phone rang. Immediately, Michael bellowed, "That disgusting phone never stops ringing."He then proceeded to pick it up and engage in a fifteen-minute conversation while John waited. When he finally hung up, he looked exhausted and frustrated. He apologized as the phone rang once again. He later confessed that he was having a great deal of trouble completing his tasks because of the volume of calls he was responding to. At some point John asked him, "Have you ever considered having a certain period of time when you simply don't answer the phone?"Michael said, "As a matter of fact, no," looking at him with a puzzled look. It turned out that this simple suggestion helped Michael not only to relax, but to get more work done as well. Like many people, he didn't need hours of uninterrupted time, but he did need some!

Although prices in most retail outlets are set by the retailer, this does not mean that these prices do not adjust to market forces over time. On any particular day we find that all products have a specific price ticket on them. However, this price may be different from day to day or week to week. The price that the farmer gets from the wholesaler is much more flexible from day to day than the price that the retailer charges consumers. If, for example, bad weather leads to a poor potato crop, then the price that supermarkets have to pay to their wholesalers for potatoes will go up and this will be reflected in the prices they mark on potatoes in their stores. Thus, these prices do reflect the interaction of demand and supply in the wider marketplace for potatoes. Although they do not change in the supermarket from hour to hour to reflect local variations in demand and supply, they do change over time to reflect the underlying conditions of the overall production of and demand for the goods in question.

An individual characteristic that moderates the relationship with behavior is self-efficacy, or a judgment of one's capability to accomplish a certain level of performance. People who have a high sense of self-efficacy tend to pursue challenging goals that may be outside the reach of the average person. People with a strong sense of self-efficacy, therefore, may be more willing to step outside the culturally prescribed behaviors to attempt tasks or goals for which success is viewed as improbable by the majority of social actors in a setting. For these individuals, culture will have little or no impact on behavior. For example, Australians tend to endorse the "Tall Poppy Syndrome."This saying suggests that any "poppy" that outgrows the others in a field will get "cut down;" in other words, any overachiever will eventually fail. Interviews and observations suggest that it is the high self-efficacy Australians who step outside this culturally prescribed behavior to actually achieve beyond average.

Theorists of the novel commonly define the genre as a biographical form that came to prominence in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to establish the individual character as a replacement for traditional sources of cultural authority. The novel, Georg Lukács argues, "seeks, by giving form, to uncover and construct the concealed totality of life" in the interiorized life story of its heroes. The typical plot of the novel is the protagonist's quest for authority within, therefore, when that authority can no longer be discovered outside. By this accounting, there are no objective goals in novels, only the subjective goal of seeking the law that is necessarily created by the individual. The distinctions between crime and heroism, therefore, or between madness and wisdom, become purely subjective ones in a novel, judged by the quality or complexity of the individual's consciousness.

Rules can be thought of as formal types of game cues. They tell us the structure of the test, that is, what should be accomplished and how we should accomplish it. In this sense, rules create a problem that is artificial yet intelligible. Only within the rules of the game of, say, basketball or baseball do the activities of jump shooting and fielding ground balls make sense and take on value. It is precisely the artificiality created by the rules, the distinctive problem to be solved, that gives sport its special meaning. That is why getting a basketball through a hoop while not using a ladder or pitching a baseball across home plate while standing a certain distance away becomes an important human project. It appears that respecting the rules not only preserves sport but also makes room for the creation of excellence and the emergence of meaning. Engaging in acts that would be considered inconsequential in ordinary life also liberates us a bit, making it possible to explore our capabilities in a protected environment.


According to the individualist form of rhetoric about science, still much used for certain purposes, discoveries are made in laboratories. They are the product of inspired patience, of skilled hands and an inquiring but unbiased mind. Moreover, they speak for themselves, or at least they speak too powerfully and too insistently for prejudiced humans to silence them. It would be wrong to suppose that such beliefs are not sincerely held, yet almost nobody thinks they can provide a basis for action in public contexts. Any scientist who announces a so-called discovery at a press conference without first permitting expert reviewers to examine his or her claims is automatically castigated as a publicity seeker. The norms of scientific communication presuppose that nature does not speak unambiguously, and that knowledge isn't knowledge unless it has been authorized by disciplinary specialists. A scientific truth has little standing until it becomes a collective product. What happens in somebody's laboratory is only one stage in its construction.

The table above displays the life expectancy at birth in 2030 for five selected countries. In each of the five selected countries, it is predicted that the life expectancy of women will be higher than that of men. In the case of women, life expectancy in the Republic of Korea is expected to be the highest among the five countries, followed by that in Austria. As for men, the Republic of Korea and Sweden will rank the first and the second highest, respectively, in life expectancy in the five countries. Both Slovakian women and men will have the lowest life expectancy by gender among the five countries, with 82.92 and 76.98 years, respectively. Among the five countries, the largest difference in life expectancy between women and men is 6.75 years, predicted to be found in the Republic of Korea, and the smallest difference is 3.46 years, in Sweden.

Richard Burton was a highly regarded Welsh actor of stage and screen. He was born in 1925 in South Wales, the twelfth child of a poor miner. Burton was the first member of his family to go to secondary school. Then, he attended Oxford University and later joined the British air force during wartime. After leaving the military in 1947, he made his film debut in 1949, in The Last Days of Dolwyn. Richard Burton went on to become a praised actor of stage and screen, who was nominated for an Academy Award seven times, but never won an Oscar. It is well-known that he had a powerful voice overwhelming the camera, the microphone, and all the intimacy of film acting. His final film was an adaptation of George Orwell's famous novel, 1984.

Humans are so averse to feeling that they're being cheated that they often respond in ways that seemingly make little sense. Behavioral economists ― the economists who actually study what people do as opposed to the kind who simply assume the human mind works like a calculator ― have shown again and again that people reject unfair offers even if it costs them money to do so. The typical experiment uses a task called the ultimatum game. It's pretty straightforward. One person in a pair is given some money ― say $10. She then has the opportunity to offer some amount of it to her partner. The partner only has two options. He can take what's offered or refuse to take anything. There's no room for negotiation; that's why it's called the ultimatum game. What typically happens? Many people offer an equal split to the partner, leaving both individuals happy and willing to trust each other in the future.

Here's an interesting thought. If glaciers started re-forming, they have a great deal more water now to draw on ― Hudson Bay, the Great Lakes, the hundreds of thousands of lakes of Canada, none of which existed to fuel the last ice sheet ― so they would grow very much quicker. And if they did start to advance again, what exactly would we do? Blast them with TNT or maybe nuclear missiles? Well, doubtless we would, but consider this. In 1964, the largest earthquake ever recorded in North America rocked Alaska with 200,000 megatons of concentrated might, the equivalent of 2,000 nuclear bombs. Almost 3,000 miles away in Texas, water sloshed out of swimming pools. A street in Anchorage fell twenty feet. The quake devastated 24,000 square miles of wilderness, much of it glaciated. And what effect did all this might have on Alaska's glaciers? None.


Next Monday, Nature's Beauty Gardens will have the pleasure of hosting very important guests for the annual "Toddler Trek" event. We hope that this will be fun, educational, and most importantly safe for the toddlers. Parents and children are going to spend time enjoying outdoor activities and having a picnic lunch. It is therefore very important to check the garden for potential dangers. Managers of each department must make sure that all dangerous equipment and machinery are safely stored. Also, for the safety of our guests at this event, garden chemicals will not be used anywhere in Nature's Beauty Gardens. Thank you for your cooperation in this safety check and for helping to make this year's "Toddler Trek" event the best one yet.

"Regularity is the key to mastery, Jean. Everything other than that is a waste of time," stressed Ms・ Baker, Jean's piano teacher, with a troubled look. However, Jean complained quite often about practicing and slipped out of her sessions occasionally. Concerned about Jean idling around, Ms・ Baker decided to change her teaching method. "You can make your own schedule, Jean. However, I want you to help me as an assistant," said Ms・ Baker. After that, Jean practiced hard to be a good example to the beginners and her skills improved incredibly day after day. The change in Jean was miraculous. A smile came over Ms・ Baker's face as she listened to Jean play. Ms・ Baker was convinced by Jean's improvement that her new teaching method was a success.

We say to ourselves: "There is plenty of time. I'll manage somehow or other when the time comes for action."We are rather proud of our ability to meet emergencies. So we do not plan and take precautions to prevent emergencies from arising. It is too easy to drift through school and college, taking the traditional, conventional studies that others take, following the lines of least resistance, electing "snap courses," and going with the crowd. It is too easy to take the attitude: "First I will get my education and develop myself, and then I will know better what I am fitted to do for a life work."And so we drift, driven by the winds of circumstance, tossed about by the waves of tradition and custom. Eventually, most men find they must be satisfied with "any port in a storm."Sailors who select a port because they are driven to it have scarcely one chance in a thousand of dropping anchor in the right one.

Internet entrepreneurs are creating job-search products and bringing them online regularly. Within the past few years, new Internet-based businesses have come online that help people find internships, complete online classes tailored to individual employer job applications, or find volunteer work that will lead to full-time employment. Job mastery will mean keeping up with the rapidly evolving tools available on the Internet. It should be noted, though, that no development in the Internet job age has reduced the importance of the most basic job search skill: self-knowledge. Even in the Internet age, the job search starts with identifying individual job skills, sector interests, and preferred workplace environment and interests. Richard Bolles' best selling job search book, first published in 1970, had as its central theme the self-inventory of skills and workplace preferences. This self-inventory continues to be the starting point for any job search today no matter what the Internet technology involved.

The term "biological control" has been used, at times, in a broad context to cover a full spectrum of biological organisms and biologically based products. This has been spectacularly successful in many instances, with a number of pest problems permanently resolved by importation and successful establishment of natural enemies. These importation successes have been limited largely to certain types of ecosystems and/or pest situations such as introduced pests in perennial ecosystems. On the other hand, this approach has met with limited success for major pests of row crops or other ephemeral systems. In these situations, the problem is often not the lack of effective natural enemies but management practices and a lack of concerted research on factors that determine the success or failure of importation attempts in the specific agro-ecosystem setting. Thus, importation programs, to date, are largely a matter of trial and error based on experience of the individual specialists involved.
